
Importance of Managerial Functions in Business Operations


Added on  2020-10-05

18 Pages5756 Words410 Views
Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2TASK 1............................................................................................................................................2Differences and similarities between roles and characteristics of leader and manager...................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7Different approaches to operations management and identifying what is used in the store. 7Role as a store manager a classic example of an operations' manager. .................................8Importance of operational Management & its Impact upon decision making as a storemanager..................................................................................................................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9Approaches of leadership.......................................................................................................9Jobs and duties in Management of operations. ....................................................................11Adequacy of Managers and Leaders in increasing operational competency ......................12CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTIONOperation management plays a very essential role in the business and its activities.Operation management focuses on producing goods and services in effective way that leads toachievement of targeted goals and objectives. It also influence and affects various otherfunctional departments of organization. This report is in context to Tesco, a leading supermarketchain in UK. In this study report, roles and characteristics of leader and manager are explained.Functions of manager using fayol’s model are discussed and also various leadership theories areexplained. Importance of operations management and factors affecting operation managementare discussed further.TASK 1Differences and similarities between roles and characteristics of leader andmanagerLeaders and managers are very important for business organizations to operate its businessactivities by applying various theories and models. Both leader and manager aims at utilizing thebest use of available resources and achieve business objectives.Manager aims at managing and directing business activities of organization in thedirection of pre-determined goals of company. They aims at making effective plans andstrategies that result in accomplishment of goals. Managers also focus on managing and guidingthe human resources of company in right direction so that they perform their duties accurately.Tesco distribute roles and responsibilities to managers at different levels so that every task ismanaged properly which result in positive outcomes for company(Mahadevan, 2015). Leaders play vital role in motivating employees by using various leadership styles.Leaders get the work done from employees and encourage them towards achievement oforganizational goals and objectives. Tesco leader aims at influencing and inspiring its employeesso that they bring innovation and creation in business operation. This will result in effectivenessin operations and it will also increase productivity and profits of Tesco. Difference between roles and characteristics of manager and leader are explained as below:LeaderManagerLeader motivates and encouragesemployees to achieve targetedManager aims at managing the businessactivities and human resources of organization.
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goals(Ghasabeh, Soosay and Reaiche,2015).Leader guides and motivates employeesso that it leads to achievement of targets.Manager focuses on process and proceduresthat needs to be followed in order to bringeffectiveness in business operations(Reina andet.al., 2018).Leader creates vision for employees.Manager creates goals for employees to follow.Leader aims or strives for bringingeffectiveness in business operations.Manager strive for bring efficiency inemployees.Leader promotes changes in business andits operations.Manager reacts to change happening inorganization.Leaders facilitate decision making ofbusiness activities.Manager makes decision relating to businessactivities.Leader focuses on people(Mahadevan,2015).Manager focuses on process and procedure.Leaders guides and directs employees tobring effective outcomes.Manager has the ability to navigate socialresponsibilities and relationships.Leader and manager plays important role in business activities of Tesco. The roles andresponsibilities of manager and leader connects with each other. Leader aims at creating mission,vision and goals for Tesco. Then guide and directs its employees towards achieving innovationand bring effectiveness in business process. Manager focuses on bringing innovation by properlyallocating duties to employees and acquiesces and allocate the available resources through whichemployees can accomplish business objectives. Manager needs to have effective leadershipquality which can results in motivating employees to get the highest rate of efficiency andachieve overall goals. Both leader and manager applies various techniques and tools to guide and motivateemployees.Aims towards bringing innovation and efficiency in business activities and operations.Both manager and leader strive for development and growth of company.Motivates and encourages employees to drive innovation and also provide satisfaction tothem so that they retain in organization.
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Leader's and manager's qualities incorporate in same direction of achievingorganizational goals.Both leader and manager bring influences in business activities and operations.Leader and manager both take effective part in strategic decision making of company. Manager and leader guides and motivates its employees towards effectively achievingorganizational goals. Controlling and monitoring of human resources is the role played by both leader andmanager.Functions of manager according to Fayol’s theoryManagers are present at every level of organization and have various roles and functionsto perform. Manager should have certain skills and abilities that result in accurately guiding thesubordinates. Manager performs five basic functions according to Henry Fayol which areexplained as follows:Planning: It is the most important function of business operations. It is an intellectualapproach and it guides various other functions. Manager aims at making the plans and policiesfor Tesco that leads to achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Planning involvessetting up of mission and vision of Tesco, various tactics and strategies to be used and it alsoincludes goals and objectives which need to be achieved(Gou and et.al., 2013). Manager makeplans and policies which helps Tesco's retail business to achieve objectives. Planning includesbudgeting of expenses related to production, sales, raw material, etc.Organizing: Organizing function of business aims at maintaining the organizationalstructure of business. Manager of Tesco focuses on managing the day-to-day activities oforganization and it also focuses on controlling organizational structure. Manager aims atmanaging and utilizing available resources in a way that leads to accomplishment of targetedgoals. Tesco is multinational retail business, which requires manager to accurately manage itswide range of business activities. Commanding: Managers give commands and direction to employees in order to guidethem towards right direction which results in the best use of available resources and it alsofacilitates smooth functioning of business activities(Shabanpour-Haghighi and Seifi, 2015).Tesco manager aims at dealing smartly with its subordinate employees with incompetency.Manager also focuses on motivating employees by giving proper commands and directions. This
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