
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Teaching and Training


Added on  2023-06-03

13 Pages5563 Words396 Views
Soni Singh
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Teaching and Training_1

Task A
The roles and responsibilities of teachers are varied and, therefore, one is expected to wear
many hats on to be a teacher. For instance, a teacher must be a counsellor, judge on their
own, mentor as well as friends to various students in an institution and most importantly to
his or her class (Ann, 2008). Ideally, a teacher is expected to create a somewhat safe
learning environment while facilitating an open communication platform as well as
encouraging a set of students in discussing studying materials (Appleyard, K. and Appleyard,
N., 2010). Moreover, a teacher is required to assess the available learning styles to make
sure that they utilize the most appropriate teaching method. Notably, this is because it is
equally vital for all students to have access to learning in society.
Primarily, the overall roles, as well as the responsibility of a teacher, are mostly well understood
through the teaching cycle. Notably, this is often based on the aspect of identifying a person’s needs
and planning. Planning comes a long way by assessing a student to make sure that they establish a
common or instead a working learning style. One apparent learning style that most teachers use
globally is the VARK learning style. In this light, it is always important to take note of the previous
learning style that a student might have gone through (Aubrey and Riley, 2015). Additionally,
understanding factors such as special education needs is an added advantage to a teacher when
handling his or her learners. When a teacher completes the assessment process, it is always
important to start identifying a relevant lesson plan, reaching all the students is likely to deliver a
successful learning outcome.
Furthermore, a teacher is tasked at designing the learning of a set of students. The overall role of a
teacher is developing a workable lesson plan to make sure that the syllabus or rather the course
materials are well completed on the set framework, considering the sessions that are available as
well as the length or a course. In this way, a teacher is expected to design the meeting using various
teaching methods that highly consider the learning style that suites the targeted students. A teacher
is also required to implement the set or designed plan or facilitate it (Avis, Fisher, and Thompson,
2014). Moreover, a teacher is often regarded as a facilitator; therefore, he or she is expected to
deliver the set method of learning in a specific way to make sure that all students are engaged as
well as focused in all the available sessions. Notably, this is achieved by students understanding the
aims as well as the expected outcome of the learning session. A teacher is thus required to deliver
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Teaching and Training_2

this plan by using planned session materials as well as a variety of sources. A teacher is expected to
adapt well to the session planned in case the overall experience of a student become difficult.
Ideally, a teacher is expected to be an assessor to his or her student in the cause of a learning period.
In this light, a teacher is taken to be responsible for the student’s continuous assessment of his or
her students to make sure that all the learners are engaged in understanding the entire education
session. There are two most recognized methods which include the formative assessment method
responsible for contributing to the learning by making positive feedbacks are provided; and the
summative method that is responsible for demonstrating the extent of a learner’s success in meeting
specific session criteria. These assessment techniques must offer both the teachers as well as the
student the overall progress that has been made in a period (Bates, 2015). After this, a teacher is
expected to make a precise evaluation of the students using the results obtained in a specific test of
assessment. This reflection technique often makes sure that any future of the next learning session
is prosperous.
It is no doubt that a teacher in his or her life-long learning field is required to interact with other
professionals based on the situation at hand. This can include administrators, managers, governors,
as well as employers. Such conflicting demand tends to cause strain to a teacher in society. However,
a teacher may sometimes be required to contact other experts to seek advice with the aim of
resolving a student’s issues such as abuse, illness, or even financial difficulties (Bell, 2014). In this
light, it is often essential if a teacher understands when the specific problem lies in their line of
duties and when it lies on other professionals.
Nonetheless, a teacher is called to realize his or her professional boundaries through behaving
professionally as well as handling themselves appropriately towards their students and managing
various inappropriate behaviours as showcased by their students. Limits are mostly taken to be the
overall need of recognizing the limitation of a role as well as understanding whether assistance is
required (Bennett, 2006). In this light, a teacher may find out behavioural issue regarding a student
and decide to refer it early to the tutor to make sure that this issue is resolved.
The aspect of initial assessment as well as diagnostic is an essential element in the learning process.
The role of initial evaluation is often to clarify in case all the groups of students are at a similar level.
Assessment may be as simple as asking formal questions with the aim of confirming the overall
knowledge as well as the observing practice to confirm sets of skills. On the other hand, informal
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Teaching and Training_3

assessment can be done through discussions, tasks, or even quizzes. Moreover, it is essential to
make sure that a diagnostic evaluation takes place before any beginning of any new class (Day,
2002). Notably, this practice gives a direction on where an individual is at about previous learning
session. Additionally, this is considered an essential tool in highlighting an area where students may
need extra guidance. Consequently, delivering one-to-one tutoring to the student may come a long
way in settling the identified issues. Initial diagnostics can as well provide teachers with a clear
direction on the extra sections that are required to be included at the time of preparing lesson plans
to avoid singling out students in specific areas well as in class.
Some of the necessary legislation that is related to the laws that were passed by the parliament is:
Equity Act of 2010: where all workers are required to be equal by gender, age, religion, maternity,
belief as well as race (Francis, 2012).
Summarise in more detail, what does this act do? and what are your responsibilities in relation to
it when teaching? 100 words max excluding quotes.
Write your response here...
Primarily, this act advocates for equality for all individual despite their gender age or even religion.
Consequently, an individual is expected not to discriminate others. While most teachers dedicate
most of their time on classroom management, creating an effective and efficient learning
environment through promoting equality is just as important. As a teacher, understanding all the
students’ individual is critical towards the provision of an all-inclusive learning environment. As a
teacher I promote the aspect of equality by making sure that I vary active learning strategies. In this
light, I often incorporate active learning strategies that always reach all the learners.
Data Protection Act of 1998: were there set regulation to control and protect the personal
information of people.
Summarise in more detail-Note that this act has been updated, what does this act do? and what
are your responsibilities in relation to it when teaching? 100 words max excluding quotes.
Write your response here...
This act ensures that an individual protect personal data and not disclosing it to the third party.
Keeping the date students privately is important especially when teaching. In essence, student data
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Teaching and Training_4

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