
Leadership and Team Performance Analysis


Added on  2020-10-22

18 Pages6345 Words214 Views
Team Dynamics
Leadership and Team Performance Analysis_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 3
Description of your roles and work environment situation........................................................3
Short description of the team members and the project purpose.................................................5
Project team structure.................................................................................................... 6
Project team motivation.................................................................................................. 7
Project team composition................................................................................................ 9
Project team culture..................................................................................................... 10
Project team leadership................................................................................................ 11
Project team communication.......................................................................................... 12
Project team conflict.................................................................................................... 13
Project negotiation...................................................................................................... 15
Project team learning................................................................................................... 15
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................. 16
REFRENCES............................................................................................................... 18
Leadership and Team Performance Analysis_2

Team is a group of two or more than individuals working together towards a common
objective and specified purpose it can be made for a long-term or for few hours. In relation to
this team dynamics can be effectively understood as a manner in which team member’s roles and
behaviour in a distinctive manner impacts on other team members group as a whole (Barnett and
Weidenfeller, 2016). Team dynamics can be defined as a psychological and unconscious factor
that influences the direction of team performance and behaviour. A Team should be lead towards
in a positive manner by a team leader as this will help towards building trust on each other and
influence collective working and accomplishment of predetermined outcomes. It is necessary to
guide and encourage team in a positive manner as good team dynamics are more constructive
and productive. Also by working in a mutual understanding and collective manner
accomplishment of team goals can be effectively done. It is essential for a leader to guide team
members in an effective manner as team dynamics directly and indirectly impact upon
effectiveness creativity and productivity of a team as a whole. With the help of great team
dynamics an organisation can able to extract better work outcomes, improve bottom line and
consumer satisfaction. In this present report, constructive work team effectiveness is discussed
along with roles and responsibilities of team members. In addition with this, the report covers
various factors of project team such as team motivation, project team Culture, communication,
conflicts, structure and learning of a project team.
Description of your roles and work environment situation
As working in construction team requires participation of a number of members as they
are responsible to carry certain different role in the entire process of construction. As the team
members handle certain jobs that needs to taken care with full responsibility and care (Boies,
Fiset and Gill, 2015). Different members of the teams are construction client, special consultant,
engineer and contractor etc. As an team leader my role in the entire process was one of the
important as it comprises of certain roles and responsibilities such as coordinating the processes
and people that were involved in designing, managing and overseeing the project at different
stages so that the project can be directed towards right direction. Along with it a team leader is
suppose to wear many hats in entire process of directing and assessing a group such as
motivating and inspiring the different members of the tem to give their full potential in the
project. The project involved surveying the area where the construction needs to done Along
Leadership and Team Performance Analysis_3

with it also involved paying special attention to the environment so that the project is done in
such a way that minimum damages can be done to the natural environment (Cooke and Hilton,
2015). It also comprises of studying the government codes so that the construction can be done
in a way that the team does not face any legal complications after assessment of all these factor
then involving all other members to facilitates a situation where the advice of other team
members involved in the process can be taken and valued so that their valuable insight can be
used in the process. As a team leader I worked on different angles that can make the work
interesting and engaging for team members by motivating and inspiring team member regular
As a team leader the job involves connecting the personal goals with the business goals
so that persons involved in the process can work more efficiently. It also involve involving
everyone I the process as the construction process is a group process and various efforts of
different individuals are involved in the entire process thus, it requires everyone involvement and
by trusting and empowering employees which resulted in creative ideas in the project and also it
result in encouraging employees to work with more zeal and excitement in the entire process. As
by consulting with other team member such as architect and contractor that project idea can be
converted into an actual plan and all the team members can be engaged on a higher level
(D’Innocenzo, Mathieu and Kukenberger, 2016). In the entire process regular communication is
being done with all the member so that the plan can go as per the planning and also it helps in
taking regular feedback o that the project can be completed in the assigned the period.
The working environment situation comprised of an environment where continuous
motivation is being provided to the entire team member so that they can give their highest
potential in the entire construction process. Under which different task were being monitored on
a regular basis and their information being communicated across all the departments. Team
members were allowed o present their opinion in an open environment which further motivate
the team members to work with full zeal towards accomplishment of the set goals. The
environment facilitated combination of business insight along with entrepreneurial savvy that
helped all the team members in a positive manner (De Hoogh and et. al., 2015). Along with
monitoring the different processes and activities of individuals it helps in keeping the project in
time and also in checking on if the project is going in the right direction or not. As the team
Leadership and Team Performance Analysis_4

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