
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment


Added on  2020-06-05

22 Pages7502 Words62 Views
Leadership ManagementDesign and Creativity
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1 ..................................................................................................................................1
a). Differentiate between leaders and managers........................................................................1
b). Explain how leaders can develop themselves through experience and education.................2
c). Evaluate the methods and techniques used to measure the success of leaders......................2
d). Explain the different types of followership and the role of followers ..................................2
e). The relationship between leaders, followers and the environment in which they work........3
f). Analyse the contribution of leaders as individuals................................................................3
TASK 2 ......................................................................................................................................4
a). Evaluate the concept of values...............................................................................................4
b). Analyse the impact of values on leadership ..........................................................................4
c). Explore the implications of cultural difference on leadership...............................................5
d). Analyse the relationship between personality and leadership...............................................5
e). Analyse how different forms of intelligence influence the behaviour of leaders..................6
f). Distinguish between power and influence..............................................................................6
g). Examine different sources of power .....................................................................................6
h). Critically assess leaders’ motivation to influence and lead others........................................7
TASK 3 ........................................................................................................................................7
A). Differentiate between groups and teams and identify stages of building highly successful
groups and teams.........................................................................................................................7
b). Evaluate leadership as a group and team function.................................................................8
c). Explain how to lead virtual teams .........................................................................................8
d). Assess how leaders influence follower motivation ...............................................................8
e). Assess how leaders influence follower satisfaction ..............................................................9
f). Evaluate the dynamic relationship between motivation, satisfaction and performance.........9
TASK 4 ..........................................................................................................................................9
a).How task interdependence, task structure, job characteristics and changes to these influence
on leaders and followers .............................................................................................................9
b). How organisational factors such as structure, design and culture influence leadership........9
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment_2

c). The influence of legal, political and economic environment on leadership ......................10
TASK 5 .........................................................................................................................................10
a). Critically analysing the rational approach to organisational change...................................10
b). Critically analysing and evaluating the emotional approach to organisational change.......10
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................10
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................12
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment_3

Leadership is very important concept in every organisation. Leadership is having
different meaning for different person. Leadership refers to handling the groups of people in an
organisation (Van Wart, 2014). There are certain qualities which leaders are having. The role of
leaders are very dynamic as they face different kind situation in their life time. Leadership create
innovative ideas by which problems can be solved in more easy manner. Leaders motivate other
workers and followers to work in dedication manner so that target can be achieved in effective
The company which is taken for this particular project is Tesco. It is one of the biggest
grocery retailer in UK. The company is having large market share. The main motive of firm is to
provide quality of products in reasonable prices. Tesco is having their business in world wide.
In this report the concept of leadership as been given. Various power which leadership is
having are also describe in this project. The difference between mangers and leaders are discuss
in this assignment (Nohria and Khurana, 2010). Leadership develop themselves by their
education, experiences and other opportunities which they get through out their life. Methods
and tools to measure the leader success has been given.
a). Differentiate between leaders and managers
Leaders and mangers are used interchangeable. But these both are very much different
from each other. Mangers order employees what they need to do. Whether leader encourage
followers to do work in effective manner. The main responsibility of manger is to mange the
task. But leaders see how the task should lead to future success.
Mangers monitor the performance of employees. While leader encourage the team work
and contribute their skills and knowledge to complete work. Leader monitor that person is ready
for new roles and responsibility so they promote them. Manger give the right direction to
employees so that desire goals can be achieved. Manger is bothered about numbers. They ensure
that number of task to be completed in one day. While leader over look whether workers have
nay problem. If they have leader try to solve so that issues do not become big.
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment_4

For example, when any task is given to employees the leader try that the task should be
completed in effective manner. But on the other hand manager wants to complete task on time
without considering the quality.
Difference between leaders and managers:
Basis Managers Leaders
Manager do not take risk and
carry out their work by
following the daily routine.
They forcefully get the work
done by their subordinates.
Managers have subordinates.
They are the one who take the
risk with a view of reaching at
next level. Leaders influence
the work force to perform well.
They have followers.
To manage the entire
workplace and overall
functions of business,
managers are required to
should possess effective
managerial and leadership
Leaders require to possess
good leadership qualities in
order to influence people
towards goals of business.
They formulate policies and
strategies in order to increase
performance of business
Leaders implement policies by
convincing workforce to work
Role They are reactive in nature They are proactive in nature.
b). Explain how leaders can develop themselves through experience and education
Leaders have certain skills and qualities which make them different from other people.
This qualities and traits can be developing throughout their life experience. Leaders need to
develop themselves which the time. Development refers to terms of change and without that
leader cannot solve any problems. Has leader get previous experiences from their job and other
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment_5

initiates activities which he/she took. This gives them lot of exposure of how situations can be
Leader is also having qualification which gives them concept knowledge which they can
apply on particular problem to get solution. As they are having good knowledge it help them to
attract more followers (Beck and Cowan, 2014). When leader is applying their experiences and
education knowledge it generates confident in their team members by which work can be
completed in effective manner. For example, leader need to make certain plan and policies for
their team in this their experiences and education can be used to form that strategies and
implement them in adequate manner.
Manger need to get some leadership training so that they can understand the emotions of
their employees. Leader also take their whole team with him and complete work by supporting
them. So manager should also have this quality instead of handling workers by order he should
give support to them. There are some of course which are design for leaders such as working in
pairs, using mini leadership projects of less than five minutes, linking leadership with transfer of
learning. These are some of the opportunities which leader can explore. In order to referred as an
effective leader, it is important that same has the required level of skills. The most important
among which is the power of motivating the work force. To get the work done in the most
appropriate manner it is crucial that the leader has the capacity to create a common vision in
enterprise so that everyone work accordingly and does full capacity utilisation of the resources
provided. By working with diverse culture of people, leaders can learn how to bring
collaboration among them. When employees of a company have different background then it
creates difficulties in front of managers and leaders to develop relationship among them. Under
this condition, they adopt different kind of leadership styles and managerial skills to reduce skill
gap and reduce conflicts among them. Thus, it shows the way managers or leaders learn
leadership qualities by own experience.
c). Evaluate the methods and techniques used to measure the success of leaders
Every enterprise wants to motivate their employees in a manner so that their productivity
can be increased. It is very difficult to measure effectiveness of leaders directly. So there are
some of the formal process by which effectiveness can be be measure. Some are the following by
which leader’s efficiency can be measures.
The Dynamics Of Leadership Assignment_6

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