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Lack of Staff Motivation in Hotels


Added on  2020/12/10

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This research project examines the issue of lack of staff motivation in hotels, focusing on Wembley International Hotel. It analyzes factors contributing to low motivation, its impact on employee performance and organizational outcomes, and proposes strategies to enhance employee motivation and engagement.

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(Lack of Staff Motivation in Hotels)

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Table of Contents
AIM AND OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................2
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................2
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................4
DATA ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................6
RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION.............................................................................14
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Employment is the boom of the country for future growth. So to motivate them on day to
day activities helps companies to gain more profits and increase reputation in the market and also
secured their future. As many issues are raising nowadays due to lack of employees motivation
in hotels. Hotel is the future of the country which provide economy and tourist to their county.
As many people are found of travelling and visiting to new placers which results in more
increase of country goodwill and their dignity and respect is also categorized by the tourists who
visited to the place. Present study is based on Wembley International Hotels which is located in
London with eye catching view for tourist. The speciality of these hotels is that they serve their
customers with warm welcoming and also provide free parking space to the tourist who stay in
these hotels. Wembley provide supreme facilities to their guest so that they can feel relaxed and
enjoy their holidays with their stay.
As Hotels run through Loyal and honest staff and this can be done by motivating and
providing proper training to them. As due to renowned hotels, there always arises such problems
that employees are lack motivated or their views are not appreciated in the decision making. This
type of issue arises which disinterest the employees interest towards the working and serve the
customers with good respect. As to maintain the name of the hotels in the emerging market,
employees had to provide proper training and also include training session which serves them the
overall knowledge of the staff workings and coordination with their seniors and with the
customers. Staff are lack motivated in case of overcrowded staff members and the senior's person
can't communicate with them personally. As staff always want attention of their seniors at the
time they are committing to work and if the case of hotels they need that proper training is given
to them do that they can personally deal with the customers and solve their problems.
As many time lack of motivation arises in case of differentiating the staff in case of sex,
region, colour. As this is the major issue which the staff is facing in the hotels. As they always
demand person who are attractive enough to handle the customer services problems and the
chances of appraisal result to them only who proved their work in the hotels. This results in lack
of motivation in hotels.
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AIM: To assess the impact of lack of motivation on employee performance – A study on
Wembley international Hotel.
To outline the factors that leads to lack of motivation among employees
To identify the impact of lack of motivation on employee performance.
To identify various strategies and techniques to motivate and secure employees interest.
To provide recommendation in order to motivate the employees in organization.
Researcher selects this topic as this topic is related to the hotels and the researcher had
interest on such topic. As the previous authors and many researchers had already researched on
such relevant topic which means that lot of data and information are collected which make it
easier to research on the available data. As to communicate with staff and their review are
recognised due to changes in time that's the reason that researcher select this topic, so that they
can improve the condition of the employee's in Hotel industry. Researcher selects this topic as
the condition of the employees and the staff are not examined minutely and their decision are
neglect, through this research it helps business to know the condition of their employees working
in the organisation.
Theme 1: Factors that leads to lack of motivation among employees
According to Wells and, (2015) stated that due to lack of motivation affect the
workplace and companies to achieve their targets. As employees provide productivity of goods
and services to the companies and companies in return sell the goods in the market through their
own brand name. In return is the duty of the senior mangers of the company to analyse the
factors which increase the issue relating to lack of employees motivation at the workplace. The
major factors which results in lack of motivation is resulting to job insecurity among the
employees. As every employees at the time of joining the companies is in a fear that they are not
permanently appointed and their job and life is at risk at every time.

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Alberti, (2016) argued that job insecurity is not the issue regarding the lack of motivation
at the time of work commitment. As the security of the job depends upon the employee's loyalty
and hard work. The more targets they achieve, the more their jobs are secured in the business. As
the companies only see the rise in their sales, they are the least interest about the employees
personal life and their working style.
Theme 2 : Impact of lack of motivation on employee performance
As per Font, Garay and Jones, (2016) suggested that the impact on lack of motivation of
employees on their performance is that their careerer opportunities get less due to negative
feedback received from the seniors at the time of work. As due to lack of motivation they cannot
discuss the issue raised during the work with their senior mangers. This results in lack of
communication between the senior person and their employees working under them. As the
increment and appraisal is decided as per their performance in the company and their targets they
achieved similarly if there is lack of motivation they cannot reach to that level which had a big
impact on their performance level.
Prud’homme and Raymond, (2016) reviewed that employees also had to prove their
stability in the company by promoting the work which they have assigned to do it within
stipulated times. As companies provide so many facilities for the employee's satisfaction towards
the work whether the facilities related to providing free meal, medical facilities, transportation
cost which motivated them to work harder. As employees usually take this advantage and
exempt from the work which are assigned to them. This results in causing impact on their
performance levels as during the time of learning they are not present at that place.
Theme 3 : Various strategies and techniques to motivate and secure employees interest
Yao, Qiu and Wei, (2019) examined that to motivate employees and secure their interests
in the company, it is the duty of the management team to make some efforts and use some
techniques to enhance their capability and skills in their work. Companies provide various rights
to them to give their reviews in business important matters. With this strategy they can gain their
interest and confidence in the business and also employees feel that their decisions are respected
and implemented in companies progress. Companies set smaller goal so that employees can
easily achieve them and also they can communicate personally with every employees regarding
their flow with the work, this helps them to know more about their lacking in achieving goals.
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Robin, Pedroche and Astorga, (2017) criticised that if employees personally decided that
they didn't have to work or provide no profits to the company than such strategies and
motivational techniques are useless. As its depends upon the employees as how they want to
grow in the emerging market. As their work judged their stability in the business and accordingly
their salary decide their increment. If the employees are not liable to handle the work or
completed within the allotted time due to not interacting with the seniors regarding the work.
This results in lack of employees interest towards the work commitment. As employees itself had
to come up with the issue and any ideas which changes the business or turn the business into new
According to Chen and Wu, (2017) stated that to motivate the employees they have to
provide stress free work premises which they can bring innovative ideas to decorate it or use it so
that they feel more dedicated towards the work. They should be motivate through the rewards
and their rewards are to be based on the feedback reviews which is given by seniors and their
reviews are not relating to work complete but the behaviours which they maintained in the
premises and their more communication with their other team members and also the work
initiated by them. This helps employees to realise work earning through this process and their
commitment towards work increased.
Research Philosophy: It includes the ideas, thoughts and views of the researcher about
the topics which the researcher selected. As topic itself connected with vast theory and to
gather so many ideas and thoughts require analysing the proper research. It includes two
types of research theory positivism and interpretivism (Gallagher and, 2016).
Researcher will apply Interpretivism at the time of conducting research. In this
philosophy, it involves investigation which is based on Qualitative data as through this,
they can collect much information and also the data are analysed deeply (Research
Methodology, 2019).
Research Approach: It involves the plan and procedure which is used to conclude
appropriate research. As to conduct the research, proper planning is requires regarding
selecting topic and analysing the matter and then conducting the research. There are two
types of research approach (Quinlan and, 2019). Inductive and deductive approach.
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Researcher will apply inductive type of research approach so that he can identify or
analyse the data and collect the matters and then create a pattern to analyse the research
in a proper format. As it is easy for the researcher, so that they can use the proper way to
research on the selected topic and collect other relevant information.
Research Design: It indicates the overall framework which is used to design the
appropriate research. There are more chances on these research to get the accurate results.
It includes two types of research design – quantitative and qualitative research design.
Researcher will use qualitative method to conduct the research (Walliman, 2017). As to
get the appropriate results this method is helpful and more chances to get the accurate
results. Also, the researcher gets the accurate and more data through this method. The
issue which is raised at the time of research can also be identified easily through this
Data Collection: Researcher gather the information and collect the data from various
places and then assemble the proper information to make appropriate research. It can be
collecting of data through science field or any business activity or reviews from people
regarding the topic which is selected (Ahiaga-Dagbui and, 2017). All the relevant
information is collected which helps researcher to be analyse it an executed way. It
includes two types of data collection – Primary and secondary data. Primary data are
related to original data which is collected and implemented from the researcher for the
first time while the secondary data is related to secondary sources which is collected and
reviewed from other authors. Researcher will apply both the method to conclude the
research. As both these methods helps the researcher to collect as many data which
proves to be the effective research.
Data Analysis: After the results of collecting the data, its information from the collected
data are analysed in systematic manner to execute a proper reports. Data analysis should
be based on thematic method. Researcher will use this method as it includes the method
relating to interview or preparing questionnaires so that they can analyse the method
easily (Dale and, 2018). The reason to choose behind this method is that they can
inspect, clear the data which is not in use or transform the data from the changes in
environment. The goal to make the research successful is achieved on the bases of proper

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analysis the data and this can be done by providing proper conclusion and decision
making so that it also helps companies to make the changes as per the data analyses.
Sampling: Sampling method is usually used by the researcher so that they can analyse
the data from the large number of population and can analyse the facts from such data.
The chances to get the results are more accurate through sampling method. There are two
types of sampling method as Probabilist and Non probabilistic method. In this researcher
will apply probabilist method which is covered under the random sampling method. As to
collect data from random method helps the researcher to get to results and also analyse
the facts from such research (Clarkson and Coleman, 2015). As in this topic, the random
sample information is collected from the 20 managers which are working in Wembley
International Hotel. As this method is helpful when there are large number of population
and the researcher can't collect the data from the large number in this case this method is
Ethical consideration: Ethics are the set of Norms and standard which the researcher
had to follow at the time of research. In the present report, researcher had to conduct the
various ethical consideration at the tine of conducting research. The major issue arises
when they researcher had not taken the informed consent from the person for which the
researcher is taken place (Sentance and, 2016). Thus, they have to take the proper
consent from that person and also respect their decision before publishing or disclosing
their reviews in the research. Researcher also analyse that while at the time of conducting
research they didn't harm any person or they property to make successful research.
Researcher also taken care of the confidentiality of the information of the organisation if
they any used it to complete the researcher so that there data are not leaked or their
information are not shared with any person.
Theme 1 : Motivation helps in retaining employees in organisation
Strongly agree 12 60%
Agree 4 20%
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Strongly disagree 3 15%
Disagree 1 5%
Interpretation : As from the above study, out of 20 respondent 12 strongly agree that
motivation helps in retaining employees in the organisation. As motivation is the only techniques
which the management of the company can curve it or apply it in any manner for the useful for
employee and company productivity. It is the duty of the management team to motivate the
employees so that they can achieve their targets within the stipulated time. As motivation
eventually motivates the internal matters of the company and also helps employees to work as
team (Bennett and, 2018). As every targets are achieved with team efforts and its in the
hands of leaders that they provide proper training and communication facility which helps
employees to discuss any issue arises in the working premises. As motivation not only means to
guide them or trained them but also to solve the problems and helps them so that their retaining
stability in the organisation increases. Employees didn't retain if there is lack of interaction and
motivation to commit work arises so company make different strategy to attract the employees
towards their work by providing more friendly environment to assist work.
Theme 2: Factors which lead to lack of motivation in committing work
Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree
Column B
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Job insecurity 3 15%
Sex Discrimination 1 5%
Rewards and appraisal 4 20%
Leadership style 12 60%
Interpretation: From the above study it is interpreted that out of 20 respondents 12 feels that
there is lack of motivation through leadership style. As 4 agree that lack of motivation arises due
to not providing proper rewards and appraisal for hard work. Leadership style is the major
criteria to motivate employees and increases the productivity in the company. As leaders are
appointed to guide employees and also trained their staff so that they can treat well with the other
team members and also if they are linked up with customers they can communicate with them
properly (Lam and, 2018). As leaders follow various style to interact with their employees
but mainly they use participative style to help the employees to take effective decision. Through
this style they can interact with employees personally but it depends upon the leaders that what
way they prefer to interact with them. As if leaders not guide the employees well it affects the
employees interest towards the activities in the company.
Theme 3: Impact of lack of motivation on organisation
Job insecurity
Sex Discrimination
Rewards and appraisal
Leadership style
Column B

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Lack of communication 15 75%
Employee engagement 2 10%
Less productivity 2 10%
Financial stability 1 5%
Interpretation: According to above study, out of 20 respondent 15 agree that the impact of lack
of motivation arises due to lack of communication of employees with their team mates and
senior managers who assigned work to them. The impact of lack of motivation arises in the
organisation which results in increase the communication gap and for that each employees not
discuss the issues arises at the time of working (Thatcher and, 2016). They commit the
work accordingly and didn't discuss the factors which they have to products relating to their
work schedule. Organisation runs through employee's interaction and discuss the weekly task
assigned to them. If the motivation is not given by the senior mangers to employees they are not
properly interacted which affects the working of the organisation.
Theme 4 : Factors that motivate the employees in premises
Lack of communication
Employee engagement
Less productivity
Financial stability
16 15
2 2
Column B
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Enhance Decision making 14 70%
Flexible working hours 2 10%
Training Sessions 3 15%
Easy Interaction 1 5%
Interpretation: From the above graph it is easily interpreted that 14 out of 20 respondent agree
that to motivate employees in the organisation they have to enhance the employees decision in
the business so that they feel more secured and positive regarding their job. Companies are
mostly distinguished through their senior and junior employees so there is lack of giving
opportunities in decision making. This affects the interests of the employees in the working so to
enhance the employees their decision are appreciated and also implemented for better use (vom
Brocke and Lippe, 2015). As 3 out of 20 respondents feel that due to providing proper training
session, employees are more motivated towards the work. As training helps the employees to
know their skills and capabilities to handle the task. But until the seniors not provide powers to
take decision for the benefits of the company they cannot utilized their creativity in the work
Enhance Decision making
Flexible working hours
Training Sessions
Easy Interaction
Column B
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Theme 5 : Strategies that hotels needs to adapt to enhance the staff interaction with customers
Enhance communication
4 20%
Free handling customers 2 10%
Appreciate their work 11 55%
Give Appraisal 3 15%
Interpretation: From the above study, 11 out of 20 respondents agree that to appreciate the
employees for their work and provide good feedback from customers should be appreciated. By
this away they can enhance the customers towards their work commitment and can easily retain
their interest in the company. As only 2 respondent agree that by handing freely the customers in
the hotels can enhance their stability and also motivate them to handle personally their work as
an individual (Thomas, 2018). As appreciation always motivate the employees to work harder
and achieve more targets. This provides chances to them to grow more and attain the post of
seniors through their hard work and success. As hard work gave more profit to the organisation
which results in raise in their salary as well.
Enhance communication training
Free handling customers
Appreciate their work
Give Appraisal
Column B

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Theme 6: Motivational strategies are important for improving the performance of employees.
Yes 15 75%
No 5 25%
Interpretation: From the above study, it can be interpreted that 15 out of 20 respondents agree
that motivational strategies are important for improving the performance of the individual which
reflect the success rate of the company. Without motivation or proper training company can win
the employees trust and their loyalty can't be judge through their activities. As the activities
which they are performed in the organisation depends upon the motivation which are provides by
the management team or leader so the company (Gallagher and, 2016). So to integrate the
whole working structure of the company can only be judged by the leader and to fit employees
working can be done by motivate them to achieve their work. Motivation always have the
positive impact on employees if they are guided on the right way.
From the above research project, I have analysed that to use the questionnaire method
gets the appropriate judgement from the people. As if they are large number of population, then
consulting the appropriate research and getting the reviews from everyone is tough and also the
time consuming method that the reason to select the questionnaire method. As this topic is
Yes No
16 15
Column B
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interesting and recently changes with the time. The condition of the staff is lower due to lack of
not getting proper motivation and training which result in less of retention power in the
organisation. I have also analysed that the mind of the people are changes due to changes in time.
As there mood fluctuation always affect the working of business and also affects as other team
members and their work commitment.
With these changes the reviews also changes which creates problems at the time of
analysing the reports and reviews of various customers. As many authors had already researched
on this selected topic so it is quite interesting to know more about the condition of the staff in the
hotels. Customers are the boom for the country and the hotels usually get business through
customers. So if the employee are lack motivated they cannot give the warm welcome to the
customers which affect the reputation of the hotels. So various factors are also examined
regarding their techniques which they used to motivate the staff members to achieve targets. I
have also examined that leadership plays an important role in the organisation and also the future
growth and employees interest to be retained are in the hands of the leaders. It is the duty of the
companies to appoint a trust worthy leaders so that they can motivate the employees in right way
and tell the important to work as team to achieve goals.
From the above study it can be recommanded that to motivate employee or staff in the
hotels the best the way the hotels it's to be used in relating to providing rewards and appraisal
which helps the employees to work hard and achieve more success in the company. This helps
senior manger to minutely examine the work of the juniors and also can inspect the team leaders
to see their training session. As through their training and support it motivated employees to
examines the right path and their motivation leads to success in the company.
It is also recommanded that to motivate employees, management team open their doors
regarding the decision-making. They provide chances to the employees to take decision in the
organisation internal matters and also responsible for the effective decision. This motivate them
to work harder than their decision are appreciated and implemented for the welfare of the
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From the above study it can be concluded that Motivation is the powerful tool which
decides the organisation integrity and goodwill in the emerging market. As the retention of
employees and their reviews in the market decide the management of the company. As lack of
motivation of staff in Wembley hotels results in facing lot of issue regarding their reputation.
Lack of motivation arises in various circumstance but to overcome from such challenges are the
biggest criteria which they have to achieve to retain their reputation in the market. Motivation
can be done in any aspect but to increase the productivity in the company employees are highly
motivated and their interests are retained in the organisation for the longer terms.

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1) Do you agree motivation helps in retaining employees in organisation
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
2)From the following, what are the factors which lead to lack of motivation in committing work
Job insecurity
Sex Discrimination
Rewards and appraisal
Leadership style
3) From the following, what is the impact of lack of motivation on organisation
Lack of communication
Employee engagement
Less productivity
Financial stability
4) From the below options, which are the factors that motivate the employees in premises
Enhance Decision making
Flexible working hours
Training Sessions
Easy Interaction
5) From the below, what strategies hotels needs to adapt to enhance the staff interaction with
Enhance communication training
Free handling customers
Appreciate their work
Give Appraisal
6) Do you think motivational strategies are important for improving the performance of

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7) Provide recommendation in the strategies which can be adopted by organisation to motivate
the employees
1 out of 20
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