
Public Health in Health and Social Care


Added on  2020-12-30

11 Pages3834 Words33 Views
The role of public health inhealth and social care
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Various agencies in identifying level of health and disease in communities........................11.2 Epidemiology of one infectious and one non-infectious disease...........................................21.3 Effectiveness of different approaches and strategies to control the incidence of disease.....3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Current Priorities and approaches to provision of services to ill people...............................42.2 Explanation of relationship between prevalence of disease and service requirements.........52.3 Effect of present choices of lifestyle on future needs for health and social care services.....5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................63.1 Health and well-being priorities for individuals....................................................................63.2 Effectiveness of strategies, systems and policies in a health or social care setting...............73.3 Changes that could be made to improve the health and well-being of individuals...............73.4 Implemented activity to encourage behaviour change for maximizing health for individuals.....................................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONSociety need to create and maintain specific situation and condition under the communitymember that can remain healthier. Along with this, public health practices has been enhancing inLondon so people of nation are facing main health issues and problems such as HIV, STI etc.With the assistance of achieving the desired outcome and results, there are various importantplaces where authorities required making development and improvement in reducing differentdiseased people and along with this building high level of awareness regarding health (Twiss andet. al., 2011). In this report this will be described that there are different strategies andapproaches for controlling, measuring and evaluating the diseases incidence in the societieswhich directly impact on major diseases which occurs within the community for health andsocial services of care provisions. Also this can be evaluated that person priorities of well beingand health in various social and health care setting. TASK 11.1 Various agencies in identifying level of health and disease in communitiesThere is various numbers of enterprises which has been doing effective working in thehealth and services issues in the different countries in all over the globe. In this, there are certainpoints regarding largest organisation and their major roles in the public health and social carethat are described as follows:WHO define that the world health organisation which is situated in United States and it isspecialised agency that are mainly determined within the international health issues andproblems. As per to them, public health can be referred as that coordinating evaluation should beconducted whether it is private or public in health problems, continuous life and also promotinghealth among all the entire population in the large market place. They are mainly concentratingon effective condition and situation where whole people should be healthier in better manner.Along with this, it is mainly consist with assessment and monitoring communities and populationat major risk factor (Ross and et. al., 2011). It can help in capable for designing and developingterm for identifying the national and local issues that are associated with London health. NHS is another non divisional public structure that is mainly concerned with effective healthissues and problems of specific nation. This will also play an essential role in maintaining andcontrolling all work and also assist in achieving standard level of health properly. In addition to1
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this, this will help in services and facilities of NHS in national level which make sure that moneycan be spend and services are providing more accurate services to the patients in effectivemanner. With the help of this, they are required to setting and organising standard doctors so thatthis will assist their patients and also keep their maintaining level of diseases and health care inthe country. The local state help in improving and developing their public services and localpopulation that involves the sexual health service which mainly concentrates over the alcoholmisuse and eliminating drugs substance (Rosen, 2015). For this services or facilities, they canprovides welfare services such as accommodation housing for their patients who required propercare of disability, sickness and drugs. 1.2 Epidemiology of one infectious and one non-infectious diseaseEpidemiology can be refer as that study for determining and distributing the health whichare associated with events and states and various impacts which are described specific reports forcontrol disease and there are various other issues and problems that are linked with health. Alongwith this, it will help in collecting and gathering information, analysing leading outbreak forepidemics to protect, manage diseases and different issues related to society or community. Thisis also identifying various issues and barriers which are associated with health evaluation andunderstanding different programs in better manner. On the other hand, there are various numberswhich can epidemiology that should be conveyed or transferred such as communication andobservation of evaluation. This will also incur that there are different incidences that includesdisruptions, defenceless community or society, iconological system disruption and variouscurrent trends, etc. Along with this, diseases spread are totally based on two different components where theyare reducing into two forms such as infectious: based on fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc. and anotheris non infectious disease which can cause of environmental toxins, etc. there are certainmentioned tow major infectious and non infectious diseases of London that are described asfollows:Infectious diseases: HIVHIV is one of the main infectious diseases which are associated with London that has beensuffering from various persons. In the country, there are around half of the population who aresuffering from this specific HIV positive. An individual out of 8 MSM is diagnosed with 20%2
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