
Understanding and Leading Change


Added on  2021-02-21

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Understanding andLeading Change
Understanding and Leading Change_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on an organisation’sstrategy and operations................................................................................................................1M1. Different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the types of organisationalchange they have affected............................................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P2. Internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviourswithin an organisation..................................................................................................................4P3. Measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change on organisationalbehaviour......................................................................................................................................6M2. Theories and models to critically evaluate organisational response to change....................8D1. Conclusions and recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively forchange and applying change impact analysis..............................................................................9TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P4. Different barriers for change and determine how they influence leadership decisionmaking..........................................................................................................................................9M3. Use of force field analysis to analyse the driving and resisting forces and show how theyinfluence decision-making.........................................................................................................11D2. Evaluation of the use of force field analysis in meeting organisational objectives............12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12P5. Different leadership approaches to dealing with change.....................................................12M4. The extent to which leadership approaches can deliver organisational change effectivelyapplying appropriate models and frameworks...........................................................................14D3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of leadership approaches and models of changemanagement...............................................................................................................................14CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
Understanding and Leading Change_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the highly competitive environment, change has become an inevitable aspect. It is anongoing procedure as well as not restricted to particular business or nation (Arensberg, 2017).Organisational change is concerned with changing organisational processes, culture, workstructure, hierarchy structure, technologies, strategies and so on. It is very essential for themanagers of any firm to carefully understand the reasons of change and lead the changeaccordingly as to achieve organisational objectives. The report is prepared in order to understandand leading change which is based on Waitrose & Partners. The chosen organisation is a chain ofretail supermarkets and has attained the position of sixth largest retailer in United Kingdom. Thecompany has opened 353 shops including 65 little convenience shops along with 5.1% marketshare in its home country. The report involves impact of change in different ways on anorganisational operations as well as strategy. If further discusses about influences that drivers ofchange have on organisational behaviour, the manner in which barriers to change influenceleadership decision-making and application of various leadership approaches towards initiatingchange.TASK 1P1. Organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on an organisation’sstrategy and operationsOrganisational change: It refers to a change in which an organisation modifies ortransforms its techniques, operations, structure etc. to cope up with the dynamic businessenvironment. This can be a switching in processes, working hour practice, workforce etc. It canbe either planned which means change in deliberate decision making or unplanned that isimposed on the organisation as an unforeseen modification (Baier, 2016). For example, if there is a frequent change in the structure or strategy implemented by afirm then in that case it will directly impact the organisational objectives. The employeesworking at Waitrose & Partners will be demotivated and won't be able to address the changewhich will result in loss of staff for the company. This can lead in modification of rules &regulations, policies, processes that determine future growth prospectives of an enterprise.However, if there is an increase in salary offered to the staff of Waitrose & Partners then this willboost up their confidence and motivate them to work more efficiently and effectively. 1
Understanding and Leading Change_3

Comparison between change on organisation's strategy & operations:Basis of changeWaitrose & PartnersPoundlandStructuralThe management of Waitrose &Partners used to follow functionalstructure in which the reportingrelationships of an organisation wereallocated as per their specialisation aswell as functional area. It came as adifficulty for the company to assigntasks to a particular department. So inorder to resolve this issue, the firmchanged its organisational structure.The company then opted divisionalstructure in which organisationalfunctions were divided into differentdivisions as per product or servicelines. It proved to be a huge successfor Waitrose & Partners as themanagers were able to easily allocatework to each department. Earlier, the company opted lineorganisational structure which follows topto bottom levels of management and asupervisor is allotted to each department.The managers are required to report thetop level authority after assigning tasks tothe employees. But soon, Poundlandunderstood that it was having difficulty inperforming operations so chose to changethe structure (Benn, Edwards andWilliams, 2014). The company then started using team-based structure in which teams wereassigned by management that worktowards a common goal or objective. Itbenefited Poundland as the employeesflexible, showed team efforts and wereable to take decisions on their own. StrategicalEarlier, Waitrose & Partners optedmarket penetration pricing strategywhich involved charging low cost fora product when it is first launched inthe market. It benefited the companyby attracting consumers in largegroups but soon the company realisedthat this was not generating any profitmargin so chose to change thestrategy. The management team of Poundland usedto follow marginal cost-plus pricingtechnique which involved adding a profitmargin to the original value of theproduct. But, the employees were not ableto determine the actual price of the goods.So, the higher authorities decided to optfor a different strategy.2
Understanding and Leading Change_4

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