
Understanding and Leading Change


Added on  2023-01-13

21 Pages5349 Words80 Views
Leading Change
Understanding and Leading Change_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................5
P1 : Organisational examples of impact of change on organisations strategy and operations....5
M1 : Drivers for change & type of organisational change that has impact on business ............7
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
P2 : Affect of internal and external drivers on leadership, team and individual behaviour........7
P3 : Measures to minimisation of negative impact of change on organisational behaviour.......8
M2 : Organisational response to change through theories and models.......................................9
D1 : Conclusions and recommendations for effective planning and applying change.............11
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11
P4 : Different barriers for change & their influence on decision making by leaders................11
M3 Force Field analysis and impact on process of decision making........................................12
D2 : Evaluation of force field analysis .....................................................................................13
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14
P5 : Leadership approaches to deal with change in organisational context..............................14
M4 : Extend to which leadership approaches can deliver change.............................................15
D3 : Effectiveness of leadership approaches and models of change.........................................17
Understanding and Leading Change_2

Organisational change is related to bringing change in the organisation's structure, their
strategies etc. such change can be as a result of various internal or external factors. It is essential
for a organisation that they are able to adapt to change so that they are able to ensure their
survival. Change can be a result if various drivers present in macro environment which includes
political, legal, technological, social or environmental factors. These are various external forces
apart from this change can be a result of some internal factors also such as authority,
responsibility or managerial position (Arifin, , 2020). Organisation considered in this report is
Marks and Spencer, Which is UK based retail brand. This Report is based on how change has a
influence on individual behaviour and overall contribution towards organisation. There are
different models & leadership approaches which have been developed to study how effectively
change can be implemented in a organisation. There are various barriers which can occur while a
change is being introduced in a organisation. Such approaches and models are discussed on the
present report.
P1 : Organisational examples of impact of change on organisations strategy and operations
Change posses impact on employees, strategies, structure, policies in a organisation. It is
continuous process in which different approaches are used for adapting to changes which vary
from every organisation. It becomes very important to adapt to such changes that help a
organisation to attain a competitive advantage ( Cameron,. and Green, 2019). If employee is
motivated by making them aware about advantages of change and how can their efficiency will
be improved because of such changes, there are examples discussed below in two organisation
belonging to same industry Marks and Spencer and Waitrose:
Change in Marks and Spencer and its impact
Change Due to increasing issue of unemployment there is decrease in demand for
products of Marks and Spencer and there has been increase in competition
that has impacted this brand in form of reduced sales. So, management of
company has decided to open more retail stores as this will lead to
creation of more employment opportunities and at same time will also
Understanding and Leading Change_3

lead to increase in customer reach.
Impact on
Strategies of this company includes increase in focus by increasing the
variety of goods which they are offering presently and make new launches
at comparatively lower prices than their present stores.
Impact on
This change will have a effect on leadership behaviour they have to make
their subordinates and employees reduce the overall resistance to change.
Drivers of change Change in Marks and Spencer is because of factors of macro environment
and also because of various factors of unemployment, high competition,
reduction in sales are some of the factors which are acting as drivers of
change for this company ( Carnall, 2018).
Change in Waitsrose and their impact
Change Due to various technological advancements and increased use of
technology by the consumers, Waitrose is willing to shift towards their
online operations. With increase in dietary habits many people in UK
have shifted their preference towards trying different products which can
help them in coping with their regular diet plans. So, there are various
changes which have to be done by Waitrose.
Impact on
For implementation of such changes there are many plans that have to be
made by organisation. Waitrose has to adopt various strategies which is
related to product development and market penetration which will help
them in introduction of new product and making new innovations in their
exiting products ( Choi, , Pos and Magnusson, 2016).
Impact on
Leaders in the organisation will be willing to adapt changes and make
their subordinates understand the reasons for change. Leadership plays a
very essential part in implementation of change and making employees
realise the need for change and its positive impact on the organisation.
Drivers of change This change being introduces in Waitrose is as a result of technological
Understanding and Leading Change_4

up-gradations and sociocultural factors present in the macro environment.
PESTLE analysis of Marks and Spencer
Political Various political factors have a impact on
Marks and Spencer such as Brexit has created
very high production cost for this company and
has affected their overall profit percentage.
economical There is a present market trend in UK shift
toward small retail stores. This change in
preference has allowed M & S to access their
target market.
Socio cultural Many factors such as change in preference for
ready meals leads to creation of a new
opportunity for Marks and Spencer as they can
now attract customer from different segment of
Technological Marks and Spencer has to adopt latest
technology as preference of present
generations is for online shopping which can
be done from anywhere and anytime. This
might result in disadvantage for Marks &
Spencer and posses a negative impact on their
present sales.
Legal There are many changes in present laws of
Britain after event of BREXIT. Such changes
lead to change taking place in company's
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Environmental Marks and Spencer has promoted themselves
that they are doing a sustainable development
of their products. This concept is creating a
strong goodwill in the Market and at same time
helping them in contributing towards
environment. .
Understanding and Leading Change_6

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