
The Impact of Change on Organisational Behaviour and Strategy


Added on  2020-06-04

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
The Impact of Change on Organisational Behaviour and Strategy_1

INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change onan organisation’s strategy and operations...................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P2 Evaluate the ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, teamand individual behaviours within an organisation......................................................................6P3 Evaluate measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change onorganisational behaviour.............................................................................................................9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11P4 Explain different barriers for change and determine how they influence leadershipdecision-making in a given organisational context...................................................................11TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12P5 Apply different leadership approaches to dealing with change in a range of organisationalcontexts.....................................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
The Impact of Change on Organisational Behaviour and Strategy_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganizational change is all about redesigning various factors of an association such as;culture, existing strategy, procedures, technologies and so on in order to cope up with currentfluctuating market. However, reformation is indispensable for company success because it helpsin gaining maximum benefits by satisfying the needs or demands of domestic as well as foreignclients (Fullan,2014). In fact, it has been observed that internal and external elements arefluctuating due to changes in various other components that are interlinked with it. Marriott hotelis one of the successful hospitality company whose main motive is to serve millions of clients byoffering qualitative services. Therefore, assignment is going to highlight the impact of changes atworkplace and strategy of an association. Along with this, it may also affect the leadershipdecision in various extent as well as behaviour of entire staff members. Barriers of implementingchange at workplace is also outlining in this project for making corrective actions as per situationin order to minimize it for attaining set objectives in a defined time frame. TASK 1P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on anorganisation’s strategy and operationsMarriott hotel is one of the most leading company across the hospitality industry due totheir qualitative products as well as outstanding interior or exterior which may attracts the mindsof millions of clients in a minimum time period. Thus, in order to generate maximum benefitcompany needs to focus on change process because there is a fluctuation in various other internaland external factors. However, selected firm is having numerous of branches in distinct regionsfor making positive relations with domestic as well as foreign users. As a result, it aids inenhancing the sales performance of company (Kezar, 2011). Beside this, it has been analysedthat number of competitors are emerging at global marketplace due to booming in this industryas it helps in acquiring maximum advantageous. For example; Hilton hotel is one of the majorcompetitor of Marriott and trying to bring more innovative ideas by implementing changes intheir current marketing strategy. Hence, an appropriate comparison between both the associationare describing as follows:- 3
The Impact of Change on Organisational Behaviour and Strategy_3

BasisMarriott hotel Hilton hotel ModerntechnologyChanges in necessary part for everyorganization because it helps in overcomingcurrent problems with the use of advancedtechnologies. In fact, company is usingvarious types of modern equipments topromote their products across various newmarketplaces. However, entire company isbelieving in using standardized equipmentsfor operating their organization in propermanner because it helps in every complicatedsituation which is occurring at workplace. On contrary to this, Hilton hotel isalso using modern tools but notmore than Marriott because theybelieve mostly in traditionalapproaches as compared withcompetitors. In fact, not able toadopt easily due to improperfunctioning as well as unusual wayof implementing. In fact, advancedtechnology is not affectingoperational strategy at high leveldue to high level of complexity( Thomas and et. al., 2013) .EmployeesSkilled and talented employees areindispensable for Marriott hotel because theycan easily handle complicated features ofadvanced technology. In fact, it helpsbusiness entity while making strategy byexpressing their views or opinions duringrunning an business entity. However, thisfirm is investing fund in changing theiremployees from less skilled to more skilledstaff members in order to accomplishbusiness operations in more suitable manner.On other hand, this firm is notspending high amount inappointing employees in order tosafeguard their money as well astrying to control wastage.Moreover, they are just trying totrain their staff members by takinglittle bit initiatives for dealing withchange. It means , they are notbelieve in reformation process dueto high level of complication andissues raised while strategydesigning. Throughout the comparison it has been identified that in hospitality industry high level ofchanges are occurring in order to design goods or services as per consumer choice orpreferences. At the same time, few companies are redesigning their operational strategy just likeMarriott but some are not implementing because this process is consuming maximum range ofincome (Carrington, Deppelerand Moss, 2010). Therefore, successful enterprises are adopting4
The Impact of Change on Organisational Behaviour and Strategy_4

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