
Influence of Organizational Components on Individual and Team Behavior


Added on  2023-01-17

16 Pages5218 Words71 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Influence of Organizational Components on Individual and Team Behavior_1

Table of Contents
P1 Influence on individual and team behaviour and performance from organization
culture, power and politics.........................................................................................1
M1 Critique of influence of organisational components on individual and team
LO 2...................................................................................................................................6
P2 Content and process theories of motivation........................................................6
M2 Critique on the manner in which behaviour is affected by motivational theories 7
D1 Critique of relation between culture, politics, power and motivation which enable
team and organisational success providing justified recommendations...................8
LO 3...................................................................................................................................8
P3 Effective v/s Ineffective team...............................................................................8
M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories to aid development of
dynamic cooperation.................................................................................................9
LO 4.................................................................................................................................10
P4 Application of concepts related to OB...............................................................10
M4. Concepts of OB influence behaviour in affirmative and contrary way.............11
D2 Critique of relevancy of team development theories in relation to OB concepts
which impact on workplace behaviour....................................................................11
Influence of Organizational Components on Individual and Team Behavior_2

Organisational behaviour refers to the field where study is conducted over
individuals performance while working within the company. Management team of every
organisation focuses on developing positive environment for employees where they can
easily execute their job responsibilities and attain targeted goal and objective in quicker
manner (Reynolds Kueny, Jundt and Shoss, 2019). The current report is based on
Marks and Spencer, a United Kingdom based large scale retail company. The
respective company was founded by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer and was
incorporated in the year 1884. Marks and Spencer mainly deals in high quality clothing
but also offers products in home and food segment. The present report provides
description on the impact of organisational culture, power and politics on individuals and
teams performance. It will also explain about different theories and concept through
which businesses can easily motivate employees in order to improve their performance.
Moreover, it also provide effective understanding of how team can effectively cooperate
with one another for attaining higher success. At last, application of concepts and
philosophies of Organisational Behaviour to deal with complex corporate situations are
P1 Influence on individual and team behaviour and performance from organization
culture, power and politics
Organisational behaviour is termed as the study which emphasises on providing
understanding on how individuals behave within the company at the time of performing
their job responsibility in rightful manner. By having effective knowledge on this concept
business manager of the company can easily motivate employee and enhance their
performance in effective manner (Tiwari, 2019). Power, politics and culture are three of
the core elements of company which directly places influence over organisational as
well as individuals performance in effective manner. With reference to Marks and
Spencer all of these three elements are described below along with their influence on
individuals performance.
Influence of Organizational Components on Individual and Team Behavior_3

Culture is termed as the values and ideology hold by business organisation. It is
important for Human resource manager of every company to create effective working
environment and culture for the employees so that they can effectively work without
facing any sort of issue in the near future. In context of Marks and Spencer, manager of
this company effectively make use of Handy's Typology in order to develop their
understanding over various kind of organisational cultures so that they can effectively
choose one among all for developing better culture at workplace. All of them are
explained below:
Role culture: This culture simply states that manager holds main power at
workplace. In this, they assigns work to existing workforce according to their skill,
knowledge and capability. Acquiring of role culture within Marks and Spencer will help
out its manager in develop positive environment at workplace because all employees
are getting working according to their interest (Nwanzu and Babalola, 2019). This will
directly help them out in improving employees performance at individuals as well as
team level.
Task culture: It simply means that various are developed within the company for
the main purpose of resolving specific problems at workplace. This kind of culture is
also helpful for the company in developing positive environment for employees where
there are less number of conflicts. With reference to Marks and Spencer, it can be said
that this culture is adopted by business manager then it simply provides higher level of
opportunities to employees according to which they can easily resolve conflicts as well
as interpersonal issues in company. It also provides them opportunity to develop
stronger and healthier relationship with one another. This ultimately results in the
creation of collaborative feeling among employees which directly contributes in attaining
long term goals in quicker manner.
Person culture: The main focus of this type of culture is to boost up individuals
performance by providing them work or task according to particular persons capability
(Ahmadi and et. al., 2019). It is mainly considered as the negative kind of culture
because main focus is only provided to individual not whole team. It can be said that if
manager of Marks and Spencer acquires this type of culture then they directly provides
Influence of Organizational Components on Individual and Team Behavior_4

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