The report analyzes complaints recorded by the customers of an electronic company. The company has a 20000 square meter extended distribution center. The company has a client base consisting both global and local customers. The analysis of data on recorded complaints reveals that the three primary problems that should in top priority are Lost in transit, Delivery and Wrong quantity. Among these top three problem, the higher number of complaints have been recorded for Delivery. There are 233 complaints related to delivery of the products. The priority to problem related to delivery is followed by Wrong Quantity and Lost in Transit with number of complaints being 136 and 127 respectively. The next attribute for analyzing complaints is Product Family. In this category most of the times complaints are received from PF54, PF12 and PF10. Number of complaints is highest for PF12 with number of complaints being 60. In this regard, the second and third place is hold by PF10 and PF54 with respective number of complaints being 55 and 54 respectively. So far as type of customers is concerned, C4, C3 and C31 are the top three categories of buyers lodging maximum number of complaints. The number of registered problem is highest for C4. This customer is found to register complaint in 19 times regarding various aspects. The respective number of complaints for C3 and C31 are 8 and 7. Another important aspect to be considered is related to Customer Service Representative. This is assessed in terms of number of angry phone calls received by the responding agents. The number of angry calls received by the agent P4 is 96, which is highest in this category. The second highest number of angry phone calls is 8 received by P2. The third highest number of angry phone calls is 78 and is received by P6. P4, P2 and P6 are thus the top three most irritated CSR receiving maximum number of angry calls.