
HR Challenges at UPS


Added on  2020-06-03

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HR Challenges at UPS_1

INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................4TASK 1..........................................................................................................................................................41.1 Documentation for selection of staff and recruitment of new staff ..................................................41.2 Impact of factors like legal, regulatory and ethics in recruitment and selection process. ................51.3 taking part and contributing in recruitment process ........................................................................51.4 own contribution in the process of recruitment ...............................................................................6TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................................72.1 skills and attributes needed for leading ............................................................................................72.2 difference between role of leader and manager ..............................................................................72.3 comparisons of different leadership styles followed in different circumstances ..............................82.4 comparisons of different leadership styles followed in different circumstances...............................8TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................................93.1 Benefit of team work ion an organization .........................................................................................93.2 working as a team leader and make they employees goal oriented ...............................................103.3 Efficiency of a team in achieving goals.............................................................................................11TASK 4........................................................................................................................................................114.1 Planning and delivering of assessment ...........................................................................................114.2 methods for evaluating success.......................................................................................................124.3 successes of assessment processes ................................................................................................12CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................................13REFRENCES ................................................................................................................................................14
HR Challenges at UPS_2

INTRODUCTIONRecruitment and selection plays a very important and eventful role in determiningsuccess of an organization as it depends upon the performances of employee as well as effectiveof recruitment process. Recruitment and selection process plays a vital role in recruitment ofeffective and skillful staffs. Any successful organization will believes in team working forgetting better advantage in business environment for doing so Human Resource manager mustfocus on making some motivational strategy which will enhance thinking and capability for longterm profitability of the organization(Mayfield, 2012 ). United Parcel Services is facing an uphilltask in current scenario as CEO of the organization has been sacked which result in resignationof some more employee from the organization. For generating core competence in competitiveenvironment a manager must take corrective measure in recruitment and management prospects.As a newly appointed Human Recruitment Manager he must observe different factors likeregulatory, legal and ethical value and consider them in recruitment process. TASK 11.1 Documentation for selection of staff and recruitment of new staff Operation in any organization depends upon working with leaders in selectionprogrammers. The human resource management should form different plantings and examinedifferent areas of management which they can consider in their recruitment strategies in theUnited Parcel Services Company. It has been observed that there is a quick requirement of toplevel management in their business as most of the seats are vacant. By learning about this issuemanager must analyses different prospects and factors like jib design, job description, jobspecification and jib analysis. Manager must ensure that he include people from differentcountries as they have their business in several countries which will give them some moreopportunities in competitive business market. Job analysis – for analysis of a jib a manager must ensure that he has adequate past data,allocated funds and expenses for recruitment process.Job description – A manager must ensure that they have all the inventories required forfast parcel delivery. They must make sure that there is particular space for training and
HR Challenges at UPS_3

development so that trainee can learn from it. This must also define salary structure as well asworking hours for employees(Bauer, 2014 ).. Job design – A manager must be design the job profile and designation which will forma basic structure, hence will allow a manager to run the organization in effectual way.1.2 Impact of factors like legal, regulatory and ethics in recruitment and selection process. Business in any parcel company is influences by ability and skills of their employees.Effectual employee will manage their prescribed work in their own ways. Hence securingemployees interest, attitude, and behavior towards the work is the most important componentwhich must be taken as a responsibility of an organization. The attitude and behavior of theemployee entire based on recruitment process and working culture of the organization. Legal – while recruiting new employee for the organization they must make sure theyrecruit certain candidates by following certain guidelines which was formed to protect rights ofpeople in business environment some of the rights are Medical leave act, Employee right act ,Aged discrimination in their act, Sex discrimination act, Race relation act 1976, Fair CreditReporting Act(Winn, 2013).Regulatory – they are the guidelines provided by government to the organization so thatno one in business organization cannot be exploited. There are certain regulatory bodies ofgovernment as well as some authorized NGO in all over UK who work in hand to hand tosupport the employment through labor laws, discrimination laws as well as health and safetyEthical- These are the values which are provided in business environment which must befollowed by senior managers while recruiting employees (Manheim J B, 2012. 1.3 taking part and contributing in recruitment process As a HR manager one must make sure that they adopt a suitable process for recruiting newemployee. As a manager it must make sure that right candidate id recruit for right job There are certain factors which must be kept in mind while recruiting a new employee. Some ofthem are mentioned below
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