Pakistani Labor Laws: Compliance and Challenges
Added on 2019-09-16
13 Pages3495 Words357 Views
Introduction: The Human Resource theories and practices were mostly started off in thewestern nations. The concept of Human Resource management and Employee Relations is aconcept still alien to many developing countries. Cross cultural interaction and globalization hasalthough brought the world closer and bridged the gap between the nations, there is still a vastdifference between their Human Resource Practices and Employee Relation management. In thisessay we have taken France, which is a developed nation with a well equipped Human ResourceManagement System and Employee Relation Management Practices and compare it the same ofPakistan as a less developed country as per the definition provided by the United Nations[ CITATION Tea171 \l 1033 ]. We have taken France as a developed nation, which is world’s sixthlargest economy by the gross domestic product (GDP) and to contrast the HR and ER policieswith Pakistan chosen as a least developed nation as per the definition provided by the UnitedNations. A least developed nation is the is the country that shows low socioeconomicdevelopment and Human Development Index among all the countries of the world [ CITATIONLEG12 \l 1033 ]. Currently there are 48 countries worldwide who fall under the category of leastdeveloped nations. This classification is done on the basis of three conditions that are thepoverty, human resource weakness and the economic vulnerability of the country. We havecompared the employee relations systems and the consequences of its application in theemployee management system. We have also studied the extent and rules involved in the controland regulation of the two nations and reviewed their similarities and differences and we havegained knowledge about the labor law of France and Pakistan and the differences in theapplication of the same in the two countries [ CITATION AMa171 \l 1033 ]. We have compared andcontrasted the Employee Relations practices, Human resource management policies and the laborlaws of the two nations. France as a nation is developed and has most of the laws and the2
regulations in order while Pakistan that falls in the list of least developed nations has the laborlaws that are confusing, multi layered and disoriented. The two nations have huge differences intheir economic and social composition and the same can be said for their labor laws and HumanResource practices [ CITATION MLe111 \l 1033 ]. Evaluation and comparison of employee relations: While the French have a well planned andapplied Human Resource system in place Pakistan lacks even a designated department for theHuman Resource Management for carrying out day to day activities and taking the decisionsrelated to the Human Resource activities. To contrast the Employee Relations among the nations,we need to first understand the practices in both the countries.The French Employee Relations System is well defined and covers all the employees working invarious sectors. The Ministry of Labor takes care of the collective bargaining and employeeagreements. The sectoral bargaining has been decentralized and more than 90% of the employeesare covered under the collective bargaining process by the Ministry of Labor in France. TheWage bargaining is also very high in France and about 98% of the employees working in theprivate sector are covered by the national wage agreements [ CITATION Par17 \l 1033 ]. TheMinistry of Labor also sets the permissible time duration of work, however, it can be negotiatedat the organizational and sectoral level. The wages are set by the law, but are very rarelynegotiated at the organizational level. However the organizations have to ensure that theminimum wage criteria is met by the organizations at the time of negotiation in all theorganizational and sectoral wage agreements done. The wage bargaining is carried out mostly atthe sectoral level, but in the year 2013, a regulation of the French law gave the organizations the3
privilege to negotiate and provide the employees with a lower pay rate for temporary agreementsonly [ CITATION PLo08 \l 1033 ]. The decentralization of collective bargaining is disadvantageousto the employees as the collective bargaining gives better results as compared to theorganizational bargaining. All employees irrespective of the fact that they are a part of the tradeunions or not, can conduct a strike or peaceful protest. However, it must be ensured that all theemployees must not become a part of it. Not even a majority of the workforce is allowed to go ona strike. The reason for going on a strike must be in alignment with the national strike action.There are certain conditions that need to be satisfied for the employees in France to go for astrike, the first condition is that the strike must cause complete stoppage of work. Secondcondition lists that the entire organizational workforce must be consulted before taking any suchaction. And the last condition states that the demands and conditions must be clearly stated bythe employees going on a strike. The labor disputes in France are addressed and resolved by theRegional Conciliation Commission on the regional level and the National ConciliationCommission on the national level. The probability of an individual dispute happening in Franceis extremely low in France, but if it does happen, it is addressed by the employment tribunalsystem [ CITATION MLa11 \l 1033 ]. Pakistan has a huge unorganized labor market. The Human Resource Management system inPakistan is weak and almost nonexistent. The organizations rarely pay attention to the HumanResource department and its related activities. The only major role of the department is hiring theemployees for the organization. The labor market thrives on the employee and employerrelations that can be better represented in the form of a master servant relationship. The relationis governed by the terms of the contract signed by both at the time of employment. There are twolegislating bodies of the Pakistani government, namely The Industrial and Commercial4
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