
Total Quality Management (TQM) for Improving Organizational Effectiveness


Added on  2023-04-10

11 Pages3043 Words456 Views
Effective Organization
Total Quality Management (TQM) for Improving Organizational Effectiveness_1

In the present context to accomplish the mission and goals of the organization there are
various factors that need to be considered that is structure, culture as well as processes that
require to be align to achieve success (Oakland, 2014). The different characteristics of effective
organization include open communication, clear direction, effective quality as well as engaging
in teamwork. For the present essay the selected organisation is Jaguar leading company in the
automotive industry that deals in manufacturing the luxurious vehicles for the premium segment
customers. Along with this, the essay focuses on the critically evaluating the Total Quality
Management (TQM) approach within the cited organisation that can be used in improving the
effectiveness of the organisation.
Concept of Total Quality Management (TQM)
Total quality management: The basic principle of managing all business operations in
such a manner that they help in improving quality of the product simultaneously is total quality
management technique. Specific to production line industries, Jaguar also adopts this technique
for meeting its customer demands and expectations. No special evaluation and monitoring is
needed in this management principle (Ho, 2006). The product is continuously improved and
executed in markets. It is solely based on customer requirements. This helps Jaguar to attain
better market share and greater customer retention. Moreover, assurance of great quality is
guaranteed by the company to its clients. It also endeavour the commitment level among the staff
so that they may perform the activities in the proper manner that accomplishes the mutual goal
that is improving the quality of their services that rendered with the constant improvement in
their production systems.
Quality being an important parameter in eyes of purchasers; has to be improved and
managed effectively by manufacturers. With increasing competition, threats of substitution are
increasing rapidly (Mitra, 2016). This means that clients want full satisfaction for the amount
they are paying regarding a product. Jaguar has been concentrating on giving high end classy
cars which are available to high income groups. Hence, value for money expectations are more
with the company. Employees working for the organisation are encouraged and motivated to
Total Quality Management (TQM) for Improving Organizational Effectiveness_2

work effortlessly in the direction of achieving smooth production. This in turn produces best
quality product and services through total quality management technique.
Different principles of TQM
In order to accomplish the expectation and requirement of customers TQM plays
significant role as it focuses on the core value of improving the quality of their auto parts that
they are manufacturing so that they may easily meet the requirement of customers. As per the
view of Davenport (2013) there are different principles of TQM that would be focused by the
management of Jaguar that is producing quality auto-parts for their luxurious car. The key aim of
principles is to focus on the practices that ensure change in the long term goals so that they may
provide cohesive sight for resisting and managing the change. Another principle of approach
include that company key focus is on the requirement of their customers. Along with this it may
also include encouraging or promoting the mutual respect as well as teamwork among the staff
manufacturing unit so that they may engage in the quality activities.
Customer focused organization
Every company is depended on their customers. Jaguar also focuses on providing
different products to meet their customers need. To fulfilling their customers they produced
different type of auto parts in their luxurious car. In order to gain their customers satisfaction
they offer quality in their products. Organization focused on quality that exceeds customers
exceptions. They gather information consistently by research group, market studies and meetings
with in order to remain close to customers taste.
Continuous improvement
Customers exception are never constant. Continuous improvement is permanent
objectives of Jaguar. Company always focus on that to give better quality of products by
applying high level strategy and decisions making process to perform continuous improvements
they apply lean method on their productions so establishment can eliminate defects products
from their production.
Employees empowerment
People at every level of company need to be satisfied so they give better work to
organization. By using TQM the company increasing its employees involvements in the
production process. Workers are empowered to make decisions regarding related to quality of
Total Quality Management (TQM) for Improving Organizational Effectiveness_3

products. By using this method company can achieve its high quality in their products. It is
logical process which aid effective decisions on company's production departments.
Measuring performance:
Measuring performance help company is identify those factors which leads to increasing
performance of company. Bu measuring performance of company employees they increasing
performance and productivity of organization. It also includes compare standards performance
to actual performance of company's products. By setting benchmark of their and comparing their
previous performances with their products they measure performances of their products. By
using this technique company remove defects from their work and increasing productivity.
Suppliers relationship:
An organization and its suppliers should mutually benefit from a business. TQM helps to
company to manage its suppliers relations by ensuring suppliers contribution in quality practices.
Jaugar build strong suppliers relationships by creating a list of potential partners which help to
company to provide the best material to institution. They also build a team to work fot the
development of new relations with their suppliers. The benefits of these techniques is created
value for both parties and meet customers exceptions.
The concept of continuous improvement by TQM
It has been assessed that the concept of TQM is mainly concerned with continuous
improvement in the activities and work within the organisation from the strategic planning to
their implementation. From the approach of TQM Hajmohammad and et.al (2013) has belief that
errors would be avoided as well as it may also prevent the Jaguar company from the defect.
Along with this the concept of quality management would also lead to continuous amendment in
the activities of automobile company that directly outcome in amending their capabilities,
processes, technology etc. so that they may easily manufacture the quality automobile parts for
their luxurious products.
From the view point of Duggan (2005) the concept of continuous improvement not only
concentrate on improving the process or results but it may also amend the capabilities of Jaguar
staff in producing or manufacturing the optimum and quality products and parts in the future.
Ultimately the continuous improvement by TQM approach within the Jaguar company mainly
concentrate on engaging in generation of demand, supply, up gradation of technology so that
Total Quality Management (TQM) for Improving Organizational Effectiveness_4

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