
Assessment BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Answering short questions about personal work priorities and professional development

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Added on  2022-08-16

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The work ethic of individuals in this role has a significant impact on the work culture and patterns of behaviour of others as managers at this level are role models in their work environment. Q1: Describe the attributes, you possess and behaviours you demonstrate which make you a positive role model in the workplace. Goal orientation and time management: A good employee must be able to achieve his goals in the allocated time.

Assessment BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Answering short questions about personal work priorities and professional development

   Added on 2022-08-16

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BSBWOR501 Manage personal work
priorities and professional development
Assessment BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development_1
BSBWOR501 – Assessment
Name: BSBWOR501
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BSBWOR501 – Assessment
Instructions to Students:
t name:
Complete the cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date the student
declaration on the Student Learning Management System (LMS).
Read through and follow all instructions provided.
Complete each assessment task/activity.
Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management System (LMS) by
the due date.
Ensure your submission identifies your name, unit code and title.
You are required to:
Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s intellectual
output and presenting it as one’s own’. This includes the presentation of work that
has been copied, in whole or part, from other sources (including other students’
work, published books or periodicals, the Internet, unpublished works or
unauthorised collaboration with other persons), without due acknowledgement.
A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly graded Not Yet
Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or all of the following:
Referral of the matter to the Academic Coordinator for: an intervention
meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification regarding assessment re-
submission requirements and allocation of additional assessment tasks.
Referral of the matter to the Director for: official disciplinary action by
Frontier Education and/or suspension from the course.
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BSBWOR501 – Assessment
Name: BSBWOR501
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BSBWOR501 – Assessment
Unit description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create systems and
process to organise information and prioritise tasks.
It applies to individuals working in managerial positions who have excellent
organisational skills. The work ethic of individuals in this role has a significant impact
on the work culture and patterns of behaviour of others as managers at this level are
role models in their work environment.

F o r a s t u d e n t ’ s
p e r f o r m a n c e t o b e
d e e m e d s a t i s f a c t o r y
f o r t h e w h o l e u n i t o f
c o m p e t e n c e , t h e y
m u s t d e m o n s t r a t e
s a t i s f a c t o r y
p e r f o r m a n c e i n a l l
t a s k s w i t h i n t h i s
a s s e s s m e n t .
I f p a r t o f a t a s k i s n o t
s a t i s f a c t o r i l y
c o m p l e t e d t h e
a s s e s s o r w i l l a r r a n g e
f o r t h e s t u d e n t t o
c o m p l e t e f u r t h e r
a s s e s s m e n t t o
d e m o n s t r a t e
c o m p e t e n c e .
S t u d e n t s a r e
p e r m i t t e d t h r e e ( 3 )
a t t e m p t s t o
d e m o n s t r a t e
c o m p e t e n c y .
O v e r a l l s t u d e n t
p e r f o r m a n c e i n t h e
u n i t i s t o b e r e c o r d e d
a s e i t h e r C o m p e t e n t
o r N o t Y e t
C o m p e t e n t .
A s s e s s m e n t t a s k s
I n t h i s a s s e s s m e n t
t a s k s t u d e n t s a r e
r e q u i r e d t o r e a d t h e
q u e s t i o n s a n d e i t h e r
s e l e c t t h e o n e c o r r e c t
a n s w e r f r o m a n u m b e r
o f a l t e r n a t i v e s o r w r i t e
a r e s p o n s e i n t h e
s p a c e p r o v i d e d .
T h e o v e r a l l r e s u l t
a n d f e e d b a c k f o r
t h i s t a s k w i l l b e
p r o v i d e d o n t h e
a s s e s s m e n t r e s u l t
p a g e a t t h e e n d o f t h i s
d o c u m e n t .
A s s e s s m e n t
- F i r s t h a l f
T h i s a s s e s s m e n t t a s k
c o n t a i n s a s e r i e s o f
p r o b l e m s o l v i n g t a s k s
d e s i g n e d t o a l l o w
s t u d e n t s t o
d e m o n s t r a t e
c o m p e t e n c e i n t h e
u n i t .
S t u d e n t s w i l l b e
a s k e d t o c o m p l e t e
r e l e v a n t t a s k s t h a t
r e q u i r e t h e m t o
c o n s i d e r r e a l i s t i c
f a c t o r s a n d d e v e l o p
p r o d u c t s t h a t w o u l d
b e a s k e d t o c o m p l e t e
i n a r e a l w o r k p l a c e .
P e r f o r m a n c e o u t c o m e
w i l l b e i n d i c a t e d a s
S a t i s f a c t o r y o r
U n s a t i s f a c t o r y .
A s s e s s m e n t
- S e c o n d h a l f
A t t h e s u c c e s s f u l
c o m p l e t i o n o f t h i s
a s s e s s m e n t , a
C o m p e t e n t r e s u l t
w i l l b e a w a r d e d .
T h e o v e r a l l u n i t
r e s u l t a n d f e e d b a c k
a r e r e c o r d e d a t t h e
e n d o f t h i s
a s s e s s m e n t
d o c u m e n t a t i o n .
U n i t o u t c o m e
Name: BSBWOR501
Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January
2019 Page|5
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BSBWOR501 – Assessment
You are to answer all questions.
Read each question carefully.
Ensure you have provided all required information.
Q1: Describe the attributes you possess and behaviours you demonstrate which
make you a positive role model in the workplace.
These are the traits an individual must possess and demonstrate, which makes them an optimistic
role model in their place of work.
Uncompromising integrity: An individual must be committed to the
benefits of the organization. Employees must be patient in any
Staying level head: Chaotic situations must not affect the performance
of employees.
Goal orientation and time management: A good employee must be able
to achieve his goals in the allocated time.
Enthusiastic and inspiring: Good employee possesses positive energy
which makes people loyal to them.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Q2: List your five (5) core values.
1. Committed and dedicated hard worker
2. Helping others grow
3. Manage time effectively
4. Give constructive feedback
5. Staying composed under extreme work pressure
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2019 Page|6
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BSBWOR501 – Assessment
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Q3: Write a one-sentence mission statement for yourself.
My main motive is to be in a position whether I am self- employed or working for someone else,
where I can earn huge amount of money with working for less hours. My mission is to afford a life where
I have a wonderful home, a beautiful environment, and a bright future for my family. Thus we can enjoy
our life and live peacefully.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Q4: Reflect on your vision for the future. Ideally, where do you see yourself in five or
ten years’ time personally and professionally? Briefly describe your future vision
which aligns with your core values and mission.
In five years, I am planning to stay in Tasmania and probably find some friends who would like to
start a small business with my family and me. But the details still need to have further discussed. I have
worked as a bank manager for seven years. I can use my financial experience to help to establish a small
business. And I want to have my family come to Tasmania and live together and then to teach my parents
English to make them get along with local people in a foreign country which is entirely different from
their past.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Q5: List three (3) personal or professional SMARTT goals you’re currently working
towards. Ensure at least one of these goals fits within an organisational structure (even if it’s a club,
team, community group, etc., rather than a workplace).
Name: BSBWOR501
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BSBWOR501 – Assessment
1. Reducing the number of customer complaint by 2% in the food department
2. Increase in revenue by 10% by the end of June
3. We are meeting more people by participating in a local community group.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Q6: State how you’re measuring progress towards the goals in Q5 to ensure you’re
maintaining personal performance.
Explain how you’re tracking each goal in a visible, tangible way. Make sure your
response shows that you understand Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and
Measurement of Success (MOS) and how you can monitor them.
There are four ways to make sure each goal is traceable, 1) set performance expectations,
2) assess performance and behaviors
3) Compare actual performance against standards
4) Correct performance.
1. Measuring the customer complaints, we could get the feedback form from customers. So we
can know the satisfaction of customers.
2. The company could enhance the service level to gain a reputation as well as offer some special
promotions to gain more attractions from customers. Thus bringing more people to the organization could
help to gain more revenues.
3. Local Community Group engagement can effectively be managing risk, testing assumptions,
knowing more people and being good neighbors
Name: BSBWOR501
Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January
2019 Page|8
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