
Business Communications Study Material


Added on  2023-03-20

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Business Communications Study Material_1

Table of Contents
Verbal Communication................................................................................................................................2
Non-Verbal Communication........................................................................................................................2
Listening Effectively.....................................................................................................................................3
Managing Business Relationships................................................................................................................4
Resolving Conflict........................................................................................................................................4
Negotiating Successfully..............................................................................................................................5
Personal Interactions...................................................................................................................................6
Written Communication for Business..........................................................................................................6
Intercultural Communication......................................................................................................................7
Social Media................................................................................................................................................7
Business Communications Study Material_2

Verbal Communication
The method of communication where one individual exchanges information to another
individual in businesses orally is known as verbal communication. To run a business
successfully, the management needs to communicate effectively with their employees, and the
employees also need to interact effectively with the management (Nickerson, 2015). It helps to
ignore the misunderstandings and create a productive workplace. Verbal business
communications consist of discussion in meetings, telephone conversations, face to face
conversations, video conferencing, announcements, and voice mails (Ortiz, Region-Sebest &
MacDermott, 2016).
It is mostly used communication mode utilized for business communication. It gives
opportunities to the employees and the management to communicate directly. This type of
interaction could enhance the operations if successfully carried out but might be harmful if it is
not executed correctly. Positive verbal business communications are motivating and helpful and
can bring positive outcomes to the businesses. Examples of verbal communication are given
One example is about an employee who arrived late at his workplace, and so he calls his boss to
make him know about his late arrival. In this case, the verbal communication will be polite and
formal and might also be apologetic (Palmer-Silveira, 2015). Another example is that a team of
employees is meeting in the board room to discuss about the financial performance of their firm.
In this case, also, the verbal communication will be polite and formal (Passera, Kankaanranta &
Louhiala-Salminen, 2017).
Non-Verbal Communication
The method of communication where one individual exchanges information to another
individual in businesses other than the oral techniques is known as non-verbal communication.
This type of communication has a vital role in the business, specifically while dealing with the
clients. Non-verbal communication includes eye contact, facial expressions, body language,
gestures, voice tone, movement, appearance touch, and nodding (Rubtsova, Kapustkina,
Karapetyan, Kovalev & Rasskazov, 2015). Email is also a powerful non-verbal business
communication tool.
Business Communications Study Material_3

Most of the interactions in businesses are though non-verbal hints in conversations. It might
consist of facial expressions, body languages, and eye contact with other employees at the time
of discussions. Handshakes can be considered as signs of confidence but other type of touches
like touch on the shoulders can be perceived as accessing the personal spaces. Positive non-
verbal communication can build a positive impression, and negative non-verbal communication
can form a negative impact. The managers utilize these communication modes to efficiently lead
the members of the team and other staffs. The staffs, on the other hand, even though they realize
them not utilizes non-verbal communications to interact with people outside the organizations.
Examples of non-verbal communication are as follows:
An employee utilizes his hand to wave to another employee instead of saying hello. This gesture
might be useful in business, and it is a quick method to convey his feelings without speaking or
writing (Braun, Hernandez Bark, Kirchner, Stegmann & Van Dick, 2019). Another example is an
example of facial expression where the staff is enthusiastic and express it to his manager for
showing his favor for the manager.
Listening Effectively
The listening skills is one of the vital factors of communications in businesses. It helps in
understanding and reading the messages of other individual in business. Effective listening helps
to build positive business relations that impact the responsiveness and views of each other.
Listening in business is the method by which an individual can gain knowledge about the needs,
preferences, and demands of the stakeholders by communicating directly. The stakeholders can
be the boss of the company, customers, colleagues, board member, interviewer, job candidates,
and top management. The effective listener always tries to thoroughly understand the interaction
of other people. They also show their curiousness and ask several questions.
Effective listeners in business through their body language and other means of communications,
subtly interact with the individuals they are listening. They also motivate and welcome the
views, emotions, and thoughts of the other people in the organizations. One of the skills of
effective listening is allowing the speaker to finish his statements before giving a response to
him. This gesture will show that the listener is fully engrossed in the interaction of the speaker.
Examples of effective listening are as follows:
Business Communications Study Material_4

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