
Marriott Hotel Strategic Analysis


Added on  2020-01-15

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Marriott Hotel Strategic Analysis_1

Table of ContentsBusiness issue in the context of human resource.............................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................31. Description of the organisation and the management functions within it...............................32. Business performance addresses key contemporary business issue.......................................43. Identification and evaluation of the major external contexts affecting the organisation,including international factors.....................................................................................................54. Role of HR in business planning and the resources used by Marriot Hotel ..........................85. Recommendation for Marriott and communication plan to forward it.................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12Books and journals....................................................................................................................12Alexander, K., 2013. Facilities management: theory and practice. Routledge.........................12
Marriott Hotel Strategic Analysis_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is the management of the organization design whichmaximize the employee performance to achieve the strategic objectives and goals of theorganization. HRM is an essential part of an organization which helps in managing the humanresources in the organization. The main function of HRM is to make better utilization of humanresources to the organization. Marriott International company is that which deals in hotel andlodging facilities. The main aim of the company is to provide best hospitality to their customers.For achieving this aim or goal, company should have better human resource management.1. Description of the organisation and the management functions within itMarriott international is an American multinational company. It deals in hotels andresorts services. It is mainly related to the hotels and lodging facilities (Boxall and Purcell 2011).Its headquarter is in Bethesda Maryland in Washington. It is the industry of hospitality andtourism. In every organization management plays an essential role. It is the work of themanagement to control all over the work of the company. Each company has different levels ofmanagement working under it. There are generally three types of management levels such as toplevel, middle level and lower level management. How a company operates is lays down underthe organizational structure which is design by the management of the company. It is thestructure in which policies, rules and regulations, norms are set by the management. Thisstructure will determine that how an organization will work, what will be the different channelsof communication, to whom the work and responsibilities will be delegated, which techniqueswill be used in decision-making process, etc. There are several organization structures which areused by an organization on depending on the company's needs. Some of the organizationalstructure are functional structure, divisional structure, matrix, etc.As Marriott International is a hotel management company, generally, used the functionalorganizational structure (Cook, Gildner and Gildner, 2006). This functional organizationalstructure avails a hierarchy of one or more executives visualising the entire operations of thecompany. In this structure the organization will be divided into the functional groups such ashousekeeping, food and beverage services, front desk service, administrative service, accountingand human resources. The functional structure in this hotel is beneficial for it as it focus on thespecific tasks, which helps the employees in higher productivity.
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Illustration 1: Functional Structure of Marriott Hotel(Source:Alexander, 2013)Marriott hotel follows functional organisational structure which defines roles andresponsibilities of each individual effectively. The above mentioned structure possess threelevels here at the top level all the strategic function is carried out by the Board of Director ofhotel. In addition to this, it is the board of director only which sets the direction of otheremployees who are working within firm. However, under board of director number of managersoperates their functions who carries out varied type of operation. For example, marketingmanager handles all the marketing related work and make all the decision which are associatedwith the given department. In the similar way, HR department meet the skill employee relatedneed and demand of buyers. In addition to this, there are number of employees works under eachdepartment. For example, the staff who are working under marketing department will tend tofollow all the instructions which is formulated by marketing manager of firm. The role of the management in an organization is very essential. It is the duty orresponsibility of the management to design the organizational structure. The basic functions ofthe management are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. As per theinformation given by the Ulrich Model HR managers tends to fit in four categories such as HRspecialist, corporate HR, embedded HR and service centres. Different levels of management willpractice different level of functions provided or delegated to them by the superiors or the highermanagement. The managerial functions of HR managers are:
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Planning: in HR planning function the number and the type of employees are determinedto achieve the organizational goals (Kim and Sung-Choon, 2013). Here, the management makeplan that from where they get the human resources and what will be the process for theirrecruitment. The plans are made by management to achieve the goals and objectives of thecompany.Organizing: under organizing the HR managers implement the plan made by them. It isthe process of the structuring, integrating, co-ordinating the goals and and the managerialactivities to accomplish the set objectives of the organization.Staffing: staffing is the process of recruitment and selection. Staffing is an essentialelement for Marriot Hotel. Through staffing the management recruit and select the humanresources which will help in achieving the organizational gaols. It helps the management infinding the best and suitable employees for the organization ( Taticchi, Tonelli and Cagnazzo,2010).Employee development: it is the main function of the HR managers after selectionprocess to provide training to the newly appointed employees in the organization. Throughtraining the employees are guided and explained that what is the mission and vision of theorganization. This hotel's management will help the new comers in understanding their work.Thus, it is an essential function of the management.Employee maintenance: it is the responsibility of the HRM to look over the work of theemployees and provide a good maintenance facilities in the form of performance appraisal,career planning, compensation and other benefits.Handy's Model of Organization CultureAn organization is consist of set of individuals who work together to achieve commongoals and objectives. In Marriott hotel, the employees has to work with co-ordination andperform their functions to achieve the targets for smooth functionaing of the organization. Everyorganization has its own policies, values and culture which differentiate it from the others. Theinteraction of the employees amongst themselves as-well-as outsiders shows or describe theculture of the organization. Here, as per Handys the organisational culture is of four types suchas role, person, task and power culture. Among these culture, it is examined that manager ofMariott hotel follows person type of culture. In this context, it gives importance to the needs anddemands of employees. Furthermore, in this culture manager of firm make sure that it will
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enhance satisfaction level of its workers. Thus, with an aim to do the same manager of firminvolves its workers in the decision making process. However, the main limitation of givenculture is that it is proved as ineffective when manager of firm will have to make quick decision.This is because, in case of emergency it becomes very difficult for enterprise with regard toinvolve its employees in the decision making process. 2. Business performance addresses key contemporary business issueEvery organization has some internal key issues as-well-as external issues. The internalfactors which influence the organizational functioning are management changes, employeesmorale, cultural and financial changes (Alexander, 2013). These factors generally, have bothnegative and positive impact on the Marriott Hotel. These are discussed as below:Management Changes: the flexibility in management of the organization impact directlyon the development of the organization. It affects the whole organization, which will have animpact on the working environment. Through the changes in the management, the functions of itwill also changes and will effect the functioning of the other employees also.Employee Morale: generally, increase in employee morale will help the organization inbetter productivity and good functioning. As Marriott is an hotel management company, the highmorale should be available in the employees working there. Morale may be increase through themotivation, performance appraisal and rewards (Paul, Yeates and Cadle, 2006.).Cultural Changes:Marriott Hotel is an American multinational company which has adifferent culture. A company generally, adopt such culture where it is situated and themanagement and the other staff also belongs to that culture only. But sometimes the people fromother culture also work there. The cultural changes or flexibility among the people working overthere also affect the organizational working. Under PEST analysis of Marriott Hotel followingare the factors that impact the business are:Political factor shows environmental issue, current and future legislation, etc. In additionto this, it also involves factors such as change in the rate of interest and governmentpolicy regarding taxation. For example, manager of Marriott hotel have taken decision toreduce prices of services which is being given by it. The given decision of firm isaffected when government of nation enhances the rate of taxation on hospitality services.Hence, in the given circumstance it will become very difficult for enterprise with respectto deliver its services at low prices.
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