
Cadbury Marketing Essentials - PDF


Added on  2020-11-12

16 Pages4515 Words429 Views
Marketing Essentials
Cadbury Marketing Essentials - PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P.1 Key roles and responsibilities of marketing function ..........................................................1P.2Interrelation of marketing roles and responsibilities to wider organisational context...........3M2 Importance of interrelationship between marketing and other functions.............................5D1 Critical analysis of key elements of marketing function & their interlink with other units..5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P.3 Application of marketing mix in marketing planning process to accomplish businessobjectives ....................................................................................................................................5M.3 Evaluate various tactics applied by firm to achieve business objectives.............................8D.2 Strategic marketing plan that uses 7 P'S to achieve objectives............................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8P.4 & M4 Develop and evaluate basic marketing plan..............................................................8CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Cadbury Marketing Essentials - PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing is process and methods in which a persons sells goods to another person. Thusas a result it can create various goods and services according to needs and wants of various users(Babin and Zikmund, 2015). Hence as a result it can satisfy all needs of people. Through thisthey can generate more revenues and can enhance the market share. It helps the company tomaintain good reputation in industry. Project describes about Cadbury which is confectioneryfirm. It was found in U.K.. It delivers very tasty chocolates to all people. Assignment describesabout key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function. It further explains theinterrelationship between various factors. It further explains about the ways through which firmcan compare elements of marketing mix of two organizations. It also uses different examples toshow the positive and negative impact the macro environment on the operations of the business. TASK 1P.1 Key roles and responsibilities of marketing function Marketing department helps the company so that they can sell different goods tocompany. Through this firm can earn more revenues and hence as a result they can maintaingood image in the market (Babiuk, Braun, and Campbell, 2015). Different functions areperformed by marketing department so that they can help firm to sell different goods (7Functions of Marketing, 2017). Hence role and responsibilities of marketing function in Cadburyare-Product: There are different goods which are to be distributed by the company to various othercustomers. Firm create different products according to choice and preferences of all consumersand then it sell goods to various users. Thus as a result marketing evaluates the behaviour ofvarious customers and then creates unique and distinct products. Through this they can easily sellgoods to various users. It helps in increasing the profits of company and thus they can maintainunique position in the market. Hence through this it can easily expand activities in differentcountries.
Cadbury Marketing Essentials - PDF_3

Selling: Marketing helps the selling function. Marketing helps in selling products throughcreation of effective and efficient strategies and plans. Thus marketing helps in sellingappropriate products goods to various users. Hence as a result they can easily sell goods.Manager can create different plans and strategies to sell products. Through their unique anddistinct strategies they can easily sell products and items to various users (Baker and Magnini,2016). Hence they can easily increase their sales. This also helps the company to maintainstrong position in market. Pricing: Marketing sets appropriate prices for all their products. Through this they can easily sellchocolates to various users. They create unique and different pricing strategies for all the users sothat they can easily sell various products. In some products they charge higher price and in someitems they charges low prices for all the products. Through this they can easily attract manyusers. Hence as a result they can gain attention of different users and thus they can increase theirearnings. Hence they can easily increase their market share. Promotion: They use different promotional strategies to promote different products. They usedifferent promotional medium such as advertising, sales promotion, publicity, direct marketing etc. to promote various products. Hence it use medium which helps in gaining attention of morebuyers and thus they can generate more revenues. These promotional tools are used so that firmcan clearly communicate the message to various users. Through this all users can easily purchasethe products. Hence it can increase the motivation and enthusiasm level of all customers and thusthey can easily purchase the products. Financing: It is most important element of the firm. Marketing manager evaluate the market andthen determines the different sources through which different funds can be taken. Through thisthey can easily determine the various sources of funds such as banks or any other sources. Thusmarketing manager can invest this amount on profitable activities and profitable products. Thusthey can earn more revenues and they can also enhance their earnings. They can also reduceexpenses in various tasks and activities. It also helps the manager to create the marketing plansof the company. Thus they can determine the objectives and budget for the firm. Distribution: Distribution is a technique through which goods are distributed to various users.So company has to choose adequate method to choose a particular channel of distribution. Thereare various methods including the direct and indirect channel of distribution. They choose aparticular method in which many goods are distributed. Direct involves less costs as compared to
Cadbury Marketing Essentials - PDF_4

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