
Understanding Quality Management Practices


Added on  2020-03-15

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LATINO ENGINEERING COMPANY 1Case Study Continuous Improvement PlanAuthor’s NameInstitutional AffiliationTutorCourseCity and State
Understanding Quality Management Practices_1

LATINO ENGINEERING COMPANY 2This essay is about Latino Engineering Company which has been having some complications that have arisen as a result of change of ownership. This change of management has resulted in the alterations in the way the company conducts its activities. The most obvious change from theprevious regime is that, previously, the owner of the company was usually the decision maker which made it simpler for the company to carry out its tasks. It is clear that the previous owner, Dominic Latino, had a good relationship with his employees which ensured that all the departments conducted their tasks effectively. This relationship stemmed from the fact that the owner was passionate and committed to ensuring the company produces the best in the market. Moreover, he participated in the designing and developing of the products. The commitment that the owner showed served as his motivation and he ensured that all his employees gave their best in the production service. It is thus significant for them to develop strong management teams which will ensure that the recommendations enacted herein are implemented to the letter over time. Since the management changed hands, clients have constantly complained of malfunctioning equipment and the poor customer service in place. This only goes to show the level that the human resource department in the company has dropped to. This challenge requires to be solvedin the fastest, time possible for the firm to avert from losing its market attraction and clients(Patel, 2017). The essay will seek to establish the beginning of the situation and the cause using the tools most applicable and thereafter suggest ways to improve the situation, operations and theoverall performance.We assessed the different approaches that could be used to seek the cause of the problems. After assessing them, quality management plan seems the most convenient one as it addresses the issues facing this particular company. This approach focuses on issues such as workers
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LATINO ENGINEERING COMPANY 3involvement, client fulfillment the processes and the effectiveness of the company. To top it all, this model is structured to make sure that all the practice undertaken by the organization are projectedat the gratification of the customer or the client (Pritchard, 2015)In any process, there have to be techniques and methods that are used to earmark obstacles and formulate solutions. Identifying and utilizing the appropriate tool is important because it makes itsimpler to identify the root of a problem and also allows one to identify the way forward in difficult situations. For our case, the 7QC tool is the one we will use. 7QC involves employing the utilization a histogram, cause and effect, the Scanner plot, the Pareto diagram, a control chart,as well as a check sheet. Using the Pareto diagram requires the arranging of the elements and factors in a vertical order in the way each factor leads to the problem being solved. After this is done, it becomes easier to identify the biggest/main culprit in the situation and establishing possible solutions. In the situation of Latino Engineering Company, we will try to figure out the causes of a change of attitude and morale in the employees. Listed below are possible causes;Considering that problems set in once the company had a change of management, it is worth looking at the effect this had on the employees. Before Latino sold the company, it was on an upward trajectory where it acquired new clients on a day to day basis with a solid client base. Once sold, the problems set in with no solution in sight. Therefore, it is important to critique the cause of this.Having received complaints from clients about the customer relations apart from those on products, this is worth looking at. Dissimilar to the past, the organization is currently having difficulties in handling the personnel. Complaints can only mean that relations are no longer what they used to be at the company. The human resource department has morphed into a sluggish and ineffective one whereby clients have to wait for extended periods to receive
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LATINO ENGINEERING COMPANY 4responses to their inquiries. More concerning though is that there have emerged cases of wrong packaging. The only explanation for this could be low or no morale in the employees. After the management was changed, there have cases of malfunctioning products and others that are faulty. The explanation for this might stem from either the initial designing or/and productionstages having complications. When clients start complaints about products or services, it means that their expectations were much higher or the services offered are lower than what they were experiencing before.It is a common practice for companies to fall under new management through takeovers. Mostly,in such a case, the new owners tend to prefer to maintain the existing employees to ensure the competitive edge of the company isn’t affected. It is not always smooth but more often than not, things work out well in the end. This is not what happened in the case of Latino Engineering Company once it was sold. The organization has been going through more turbulent times than previously expected. The quality of products produced by the company and the services that were offered by the company when Latino was in charge seem to have deteriorated. This has led to a decrease in the client base which has seen a shift even in the most loyal clients. This can only be explained by critiquing how the new management has been handling its’ employees. This is not a good sign for the business and the management has to ensure everything goes back to how it was as soon as possible (Tannock, Krasachol and Ruangpermpool, 2012, P. 385).The decrease in quality of products might be explained by a few moves that the company took. Having taken over the company, they let the senior engineers leave and kept their juniors. Naturally, with the brains of the company gone, quality of products was compromised. Thereafter, the replacements brought in seem not to have been up to standard. Moreover, even if
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