
Community Engagement Assignment - Doc


Added on  2020-10-05

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Community Engagement
Community Engagement Assignment - Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31) The sector in which it operates, the size, structure and explain its goals, mission and values .....................................................................................................................................................32) Include a SWOT or PESTLE analysis to support your explanation.......................................43) Customers and what they expect from the organisation in terms of goods and/ or services..64) Role of the employees within the organisation and how they support the organisationachieve its goals..........................................................................................................................75) Explain about training and development and why this is important to organisations............76) Select a role from your chosen organisation and explain the importance of this role to theorganisation ................................................................................................................................87) Explain the skills and knowledge needed to carry out the role..............................................88) Explain what training and development requirements need to be considered........................89) Include a conclusion about what you have found out about the organisation........................9TASK 2............................................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
Community Engagement Assignment - Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONCommunity engagement is a dynamic rational procedure which provide facilities andservices communication, interactions, exchange and involvement between an organisation and acommunity for wide range of social and organisational results. The community engagement isthe community which is community centred orientation that are based on dialogue. It enablemore contextualisation understanding and evaluating the community members point of view ofthe topics and facilitate strong relationship between community people as well as organisation.While community organising and managing involves the procedure of developing a grass-rootsmovement which includes communities (Baldus, Voorhees and Calantone, 2015). Communityengagement is a strategic procedure with particular purpose and motive of working along withidentifying large number of people, whether they are connected with geographical location, theirdifferent interest, or affiliation to recognise and address various issues that directly affect on theirwell being. The report is based on Trouble to magic which is painting and decorating companyand it is situated in United Kingdom. Along with this, the main purpose of this report is tounderstand and evaluate the concept of transferable skills and describe organisational analysis ofthe company. TASK 11) The sector in which it operates, the size, structure and explain its goals, mission and values Trouble to magic is home decorator organisation which is providing their services to thepopulation of United Kingdom (Sallnow and Paul,2015). It is an small size company in whichapprox. 150 employees are working and its overall operation is related to the interior ordecoration of home. Organisation structure – The same company is following Hierarchy organisationalstructure in which roles and responsibility is given by owner or manager of the trouble tomagic that is followed by each and every employ. Mission - To design, manufacture and distribute a variety of affordable as well as trendyready-to-assemble furniture for every home.Vision - To develop the standards in home living and lifestyle.To be a pace setter in the design of trendy, basic furniture.Goals – To achieve customer satisfaction and better place in the market area. 3
Community Engagement Assignment - Doc_3

2) Include a SWOT or PESTLE analysis to support your explanationSwot of trouble to magic:Swot analysis is a chain of activities that help to evaluate in the internal analysis oforganisation. In internal analysis it identified its strength, weaknesses Threats and opportunitiesthat are both beneficial and hazardous for organisation. Swot basically the analytical frameworkthat determines that a business what can achieve and what can it not achieve. Swot is Four areasmaking up quadrant that provides an overview of company's profile. During the swot analysis anorganisation have to be realistic about their objectives and missions. In swot majorly informationis subjective. It provides short and easy data and information and avoids complexities.In strength, the key areas in which organisation excels and differentiate itself fromcompetitor. Key strength areas include the brand value, large satisfied consumer, advancedtechnology etc. are key areas in which company strengths (Dubowitz and et. al., 2015). Troubleto magic is small painting and decorating company which has flourishing and getting growth inthe large market place. The owner is also aware about taste and preferences to some of theperspectives customers and thus it can provide best quality based services or facilities in bettermanner. They are using best skilled and experience workers who perform their job in goodmanner so they can easily get success and growth. Also they are perform target based job whereall employees are getting wages on the basis of per hour. Before decorating and painting thebuilding and house, Trouble to magic require to using content page for presentation in front ofclient for analysing their view and reviews. The lack of major in house product which developthe business flexible to render the needs and requirements (Hespanhol and et. al., 2015). Thecompany executing their designing ideas and thoughts for attracting more clients in bettermanner. For maintaining community engagement, it is required to company is to analysing theirstrength through which they are taking good position in the large market place. In weakness, the presence of established names and persons within Trouble to magic inthe area who are already have loyal clients who makes it hindrance for new entrant to getestablished in the new market area. Along with this, sometime company does not satisfy allclients' needs and requirements in better way. Sometime the absence of any past businessexperience of the owner and lack of specialised goods and services. If firm does not provideservices and facilities to their customers so they cannot easily maintain relationship with clientsas well as other organisation in term of community engagement. 4
Community Engagement Assignment - Doc_4

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