
Human Resource Management Practices


Added on  2020-07-23

13 Pages4298 Words49 Views
Human Resource Management Practices_1

Table of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Knowledge and skills required by HR professionals (P1).........................................................3Personal skills Audit and Professional Development Plan (P2)................................................4Differences between individual and organisational learning (P3).............................................5Need for continuous learning (P4).............................................................................................7Contribution of HPW in organizational development (P5)........................................................8Different approaches to performance management with examples (P6)...................................9Conclusion................................................................................................................................11Reference List:.........................................................................................................................122
Human Resource Management Practices_2

IntroductionThe management of individuals and teams in an organisation can cause both positive andnegative impacts on its working. An organisation is a social establishment comprising of bothindividuals and teams. Performance of individuals and teams in an organisation areinterrelated and determines its performance in a significant manner. Performancemanagement of both individuals and teams are essential for successful working of theorganisation. If an organisation can effectively manage performance it is a great achievementon its part. This will help in smooth functioning of the organisation so that it can achieve itsgoals quickly. Performance management these days forms a significant part of humanresource management due to its ability to achieve quick and successful results. It is used as amethod of linking individuals and teams in an organisation through a series of methods thatexplains the roles to be played by individuals and teams in order to fulfill the aims of theorganisation.Knowledge and skills required by HR professionals (P1)The HR team of an organisation is one of the most crucial parts that influence theorganisation’s working to a large extent. Therefore it is important that the people in this teamhave the appropriate skills and knowledge required: Good communication: The HR people should have good communication skills because theyneed to coordinate with almost all departments in an organisation. They need to explain theirpoint to employees, managers and various other people and should be able to communicateacross all departments in a particular organisation.Proper judgmental abilities: It is very important for HR people to have the right judgementin order to select suitable people for suitable positions in an organisation. This is alsoimportant for tackling disputes and problem situations. There might be several complexitiesamong employees working in a concern. Right judgement abilities would mean taking theproper action in respect of a particular situation.Proper Ethics: HR managers should have proper ethics in order to take wise and fairdecisions. This implies that a HR manager should have the proper ethics so that they take afair decision both in case of employees as well as the management.3
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Negotiation skills: Negotiation abilities are important for HR managers as they form a linkbetween the management and the employees. Thus they would be able to take decisions sothat both parties are satisfied as much as possible.Multitasking abilities: HR people deal with varied issues on a daily basis. So it is importantfor them to be able to multitask. They mostly deal with issues which are different from eachother and so they require many skillsets. Thus multitasking abilities are essential for them.Organized: According to Noe et al. (2014, p.189), HR people should be organized andsorted persons. They deal with varied issues and problems daily. They need to communicatewith various departments and manage their activities with time hence they need to have moreorganised approach.Dual focus: HR department is the link between management and employees in anorganisation. Hence they should be able to balance effectively between the two and shouldtake decisions which would not harm the interest of both.Problem solving: HR managers deal with a large number of problems and disputes withinthe organisation on a daily basis. Resolving disputes form a part of their job hence theyshould have ability to solve problems and disputes easily (Sanghi, 2016, p.42).Performance evaluation: Performance evaluation is one of the major roles of the HRdepartment. The HR managers need to be good at evaluating, assessing and comparingperformance so that they can evaluate performance of employees and teams which in turnwill help in successful functioning of the company. The HR managers should have these qualities which will help in smooth functioning of anorganisation.Personal skills Audit and Professional Development Plan (P2)The candidate is not able to use database and HR software but is well versed with Microsoftword and power point. Also internet and mailing skills are good. The candidate is unable todraft employment contracts and in conducting training sessions. However she is good atwriting reports and preparing materials for presentation. The problem solving abilities of thecandidate is quite impressive. Since the candidate has good internet and mailing skills she candeal with clients sometimes, coordinate between departments as well as reply to queries andfeedback over mail. Thus often she can help in maintaining internal and externalrequirements of the company by replying to important mails such as queries and feedback.Also she can send necessary mails to clients and answer pending mails from customers.4
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