2E-BUSINESS SYSTEMS Week 4: E-commerce Security and the Payment System E-commerce trend is becoming popular every day. The online ecommerce website is available all day and night 24x7. The customers get the opportunity to purchase products online at any time according to their convenience. Furthermore, the customers can be able to pay for the products online using bank cards with ease. There is reduction on overhead costs. Website launch requires initial investments and the retailers will not have to pay for the rent, staffs and the utilities. The customers will not have to face any hurdles while shopping. Generally the customers face the transportation issues, finding the store locations properly are some issues which must be looked upon. The customers without facing all these barriers can carry out online shopping with ease. The retailers in this way can reach to millions of customers nationally and internationally. The online shopping consists of several disadvantages. The small enterprises in particular have faced some issues. The most challenging aspect of ecommerce is the payment through ecommerce website. The e-commerce payment is associated with security risks and frauds. Charge backs, credit card frauds are some of the most common security flaws of ecommerce payment that must be looked upon carefully. The customers prefer to shop from their laptops and smartphones anytime anywhere. They also expect to make the payments securely and safely at the time of checkouts. The ecommerce payment and the security system must work flawlessly and that will give the customers a soothing experience.
3E-BUSINESS SYSTEMS References Evans, M. (2017). From Section 8 to Living Great: Time is a Terrible Thing to Waste Join the ECommerce Marketplace Today [A Step-by-Step Report]. Flanagin, A. J., Metzger, M. J., Pure, R., Markov, A., & Hartsell, E. (2014). Mitigating risk in ecommerce transactions: perceptions of information credibility and the role of user- generatedratingsinproductqualityandpurchaseintention.ElectronicCommerce Research,14(1), 1-23. Neacsu, T., Woods, L., & Sheldon, D. (2015). Ecommerce SEO: An advanced guide to on-page search engine optimization for ecommerce. Sisodia, S. (2016).Identification of growth driving factors for ecommerce 2.0 at Tata unistore ltd. NIFT.