E LEARNING1 Introduction: The use of computer in the education is meant such a great contribution for both the teachers and the students. E learning is a learning method where the electronic technologies can be utilized for accessing the educational related documents, data and information outside of the traditional classroom. There are so many terms for describing the learning process that can be delivered via internet or online, ranging from the computerized learning to distance education, internet learning, online education (Ellis & Goodyear, 2013). The incorporation of the adoption of the techniques and the methods allows the system of the adaptive e learning, where every students may receive guidance that are personalized during the process of learning. For providing the personalization, this is required to store the data and information that are about each of the students, which is called as the student model. The e learning is not a kind of course where it is delivered through CD or DVD-ROM, over television or video tape. This is an interactive process where the student and teacher can communicate through online platforms (Ortigosa, Martín & Carro, 2014). The courses of the e learning may exist in several formsby utilizing the range of technologies. The courses of the e learning can be published through online platform via a Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS allows the creators of the course to stream the content of the courses in to a location that is easilyaccessible. The LMS, which is Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM compliant), allows integration of the tools and contents that can be done easily as well as extends the courseware availability for including the courses that are authored by the 3rd parties.
2E LEARNING References: Ellis, R., & Goodyear, P. (2013).Students' experiences of e-learning in higher education: the ecology of sustainable innovation. Routledge. Ortigosa, A., Martín, J. M., & Carro, R. M. (2014). Sentiment analysis in Facebook and its application to e-learning.Computers in human behavior,31, 527-541.