
Transformational Leadership and Performance


Added on  2020-11-23

37 Pages11685 Words232 Views
Effects of Leadership style onemployee motivation
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Table of ContentsA. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1B) Theoretical background and research focus................................................................................1Review of key publication and themes...................................................................................1Research hypothesis- ...........................................................................................................10Aims and objectives.............................................................................................................10D).Methodologies.................................................................................................................11E). Bibliography...................................................................................................................15CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................28REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................30
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A. INTRODUCTION Leadership style aids to provide direction, implement plans and motivates employees.Therefore, leadership style known as behavioural patterns that leader adopts to influencebehaviour of followers. Leader and manager works as to create atmosphere and culture ofenthusiasm and productivity (Arif and Akram, 2018.). Attracting and retaining employees is oneof crucial component that has become increasingly challenging. Hence, entities needs toundertake the initiatives, flexibility and creative problem solving. Thus, main role is toinfluences his subordinates towards achievement of one specific goal. Manager to the firm is responsible for undertaking planning, direction, coordination andcontrol. Thus, it can be said that leader and manager perform their work towards their vision forsuccess. In addition to it, leaders creates a vision and managers creates the goals. Herein, leaderis person who influences group of people so that particular goals can be achieved. Furthermore, it has been stated that motivating the employee within enterprise have beenfound to be the catalyst for employees performance and also contributes success to theenterprise. Leadership is dynamic process that helps to influence others individuals to contributevoluntary to the realization and attainment of goals objectives (Griffith and et.al., 2018).Leadership is term that aids to attain sustainable development and growth. Within the enterprise,there are various style of leadership as transformational, transactional and laissez faire. The present report is based on business activities Aaron enterprise, It is an entity thatdeals in trench-less utility installation, repair and replacement of underground infrastructure.This is industry that engaged in following sectors as sewer, water, oil & gas, electrical,communication and transportation. Therefore, report will cover the following topics astheoretical background of research and justification and contextualization of the methodologies.Lastly, the SPSS will be conducted with the help of gathering reliable information based on theresearch questionnaire. B) Theoretical background and research focusReview of key publication and themesLiterature review- It is the chapter that reviews the relevant literature written by authors ober leadershipstyle within enterprise. It is made up of conceptual framework, theoretical and empirical1
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literature. This is method that aids to gather the depth information about the impact of leadershipon employee motivation. Thus, leadership style aids to influence the productivity as it highlyimpact the morale of employees. Theme 1: Determination on leadership style used in enterprise. Leadership defined as process that works towards organisational goal with confidence.According to the view of Mwai, Namada and Katuse, (2018) stated that participative leadershiprefers to the style that leads to encourage their subordinates to take part in certain amount ofresponsibility in workplace. With the help of provision of encouragement, support and toinfluence participative leaders works as to facilitate subordinates involvement in the process ofdecision making. Therefore, Giddens, (2018) Alkassabi and et.al., (2018) stated that leadership isprocess that is derived as team of roles and responsibilities that aids to organisation and peopleworking in it by serving the enterprise to grow business activities effectively and efficiently.According to the view of Han and et.al., (2018) stated that effective leadership is the term thathas ability to create and sustaining organisation and its employees in order to promote betterworking environment. As per the view of Hussain, and et.al., (2018) stated that great leaders canable to perform their work with practical application of skills and to develop better networking interms to both internally and externally. Leaders must have proper skills as knowledge, ability,willingness and commitment towards the organisation. Therefore, encourage and motivation areboth crucial factors that leads to conduct each work in better and effective manner. As per theview of Masa’deh and et.al., (2018) it can be stated that effective leadership must recognize theefforts of staff and team member and contribute towards making better activities. According to the view of Gadirajurrett and et.al., (2018) it can be said thattransformational leaders are also can be seen as valuable assets to the enterprise. They performtheir works as to serve as a role model and it also aids to inspire subordinates and also challengethem to take greater ownership of work. It is one of the leadership approach that aids to achievegreater employee engagement in the workplace. Hence, Sethibe, (2018) stated that role model isalso key motivator that influences people in order to reach their goals. Therefore, leader to theenterprise must perform their role as to specific, measurable attainable, realistic and timeconstrained. According to the view of Garcia-Solarte, Garcia-Perez de Lema and Madrid-Guijarro, (2018) stated that leaders must works as to determine values, culture, change toleranceand employee motivation. Hence, Jia, Chen Mei and Wu, (2018) stated leadership is the process2
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that is inclusive of things as encouraging innovation, team work, creativity and this all leads toincreased performance of employees. Hence, leadership is the one of the crucial area ofmanagement that support to perform each activities in cordial and efficient mode. According tothe view of Pradhan, Jena and Bhattacharyya, (2018) stated that leadership is the ability of firmmanagement that set and achieve challenging goals and inspire other to take better and effectivedecision. As per the view of Ul-Hameed and et.al., 2019 it can be stated that leadership strategydefined as map that align investment in process of leadership development with the help ofstrategy, goals and aspiration of the business. Hence, Barling, Akers and Beiko, (2018) statedthat leadership is the process that aids to attract the individual outside the enterprise so that allthings can be conducted in better and efficient mode. However, Ul-Hameed and et.al., 2019stated that greater leader must have the responsibility to maintain a balance between short termperformance and it works as to build better future. It is very effective term that aids to developthe integrity among the organisation and it is effective term that aids to enhance competition oforganisation. Thus, strategic investments and long term challenges ensures success so that betterleader can conduct the working enterprise effectively and efficiently. Therefore, leaders mustworks as to encourage team work and by undertaking win relationship can be build. According tothe view of Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez and Martínez-Lorente, (2018) stated that effectiveleaders within the enterprise mainly uses the three style by focussing over the particular style sothat all business activities can be done in better and efficient mode. However, stated that leadersuses the democratic leadership approach and it mainly focuses on the leaders team and alsocharacterised with help of decision making across the team. Hence, leadership is the process inwhich ideas can be shared among the individual in freely and open manner. Therefore, betterleadership approach aids to have enhancement in the productivity of the enterprise. Thus, betterleadership is one of the effective term as it helps to have improvement in morale and makeworkers more committed towards the enterprise. According to the view of Mwai, Namada andKatuse, (2018) stated that loyal employees within enterprise brings long term prosperity withinthe enterprise. According to the view of Xie and et.al., (2018) stated that leaders to the enterprisemust have the interpersonal behaviour and it strongly affects that how individual within theenterprise perform their functions within the enterprise. In contrary to Giddens, (2018) stated thatleader of the enterprise drive their business activities towards getting long term success withinenterprise. Therefore, entities must conduct the various leadership development programme and3
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it supports to conduct the business activities in order to derive optimal productivity for theworkplace. In contrary to stated that continual improvement strategies is very effective term thathelps to enhance growth and prosperity within the working enterprise. As per the view ofAlkassabi and et.al., (2018) stated that leadership is one of the crucial component that is aids tomaximise the efficiency and also supports to achieve long term enterprise goals. With help ofhaving core skills of leaders they can able to play their role in the significant and effective mode.Hence, it can be stated leadership is term that expected to perform creative functional role toenhancing the profitability of the enterprise. As per the view of Shalley and Lemoine, (2018) it can be said that leaders aimed atimproving their responsibilities in managing subordinates, job and leadership developmentcapabilities as per the needs and development capabilities in accordance to need and goals of theenterprise. According to the view of Caniëls, Semeijn and Renders, (2018) it can be stated thateffective leadership defined as process that works as to generates enhanced motivation efforts,greater motivation and this kind of factor lead to have high organisational performance. According to the view of Russell and et.al., (2018) it can be said that effective leaderaffects employee job satisfaction, productivity and commitment. Therefore, this is a process thatis based on following things as work quality, work quantity, timeliness, work independence andindividual relationship. In contrary to Byun and et.al., (2018) stated that the degree ofeffectiveness among the leaders must be measured by the effect of leaders on the behaviour ofemployees. As per the view of Buil, Martínez and Matute, (2019) it can be stated that effectiveleader is the one who has the skills and ability to influence working of individuals and it can bepossible to main employee trust, retention and productivity. In contrary to Günzel-Jensen and et.al., (2018) stated that the enterprise will selecttransactional leadership that aids to effect performance of employees. In order to be effective, itis critical for managers to influence their subordinates, peers in manner to assist and supportplans to carry out the decision effectively. Hence, Tummers and et.al., (2018) stated thatenterprise needs to take initiatives that can enhance organisational commitment. Therefore, Aminand et.al., (2018) leadership style is term that aids to encourage employee commitment towardsthe success of enterprise and that can also works as to satisfy employee desires for empowermentand demand for commitment to organisational goals.4
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Hence, it can be stated that team leaders plays crucial role in order to execute the visionand to keep team moral remains high so that whole enterprise can perform their businessactivities in motivated manner. As per the view of Han and et.al., (2018) it can be stated thateffective employee communication plays greater role and it has positive impact with pride andthis can affects the firm's productivity at high level. Leadership affects the working of theenterprise at the high level and poor leader may bring ineffective growth and poor results. Thus,it can be stated that leadership is one of the crucial area in process of management that work asto lead and deal people effectively. According to the view of Hussain, and et.al., (2018) statedthat leaders to the enterprise perform their work as to motivates and trains the leaders and alsoprovide direction to execute their task. Therefore, the success to the enterprise overall dependsover the working of the leaders and subordinates. In contrary to Masa’deh and et.al., (2018)stated that impact of leadership style can be seen over the process of employee commitmentwithin the enterprise. Theme 2: Impact of leadership over firm's ability to retain employees.Leadership style leads to enhance productivity and employees morale. It is term that hasdirect cause and effect relationship upon the success of the enterprise. Hence, leaders determinesthe values, culture, change tolerance and employee motivation. According to the view of halleyand Lemoine, (2018) it can be stated that effective leadership aids to influence the organisationvalues such as honesty, respect, ethics and tolerance etc. In addition to it, Caniëls, Semeijn andRenders, (2018) stated that employee morale can adversely affect to attract and retain the bestemployees and this term has detrimental effect on productivity of the enterprise. According tothe view of Lemoine, (2018) stated that great leaders have great intuition about people and thisalso aids in selecting power and responsibility within the enterprise. As per the view of Tummers and et.al., (2018) it can be stated that focus on supervision,organisation and group performance. This is theory that often uses in business enterprise and itaids to conduct the working of the enterprise in effective and efficient mode. Hence, leadership isterm that emphasize on telling and controlling activities within the enterprise. According to the view of Amin and et.al., (2018) stated that transactional leadership is apart or style of leadership that put major focuses on supervision, organisation and performance.They are the leaders that works as to keeps followers motivated for the short period. Hence, it isstyle of leadership in which leader promote compliance by followers with help of both rewards5
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