
Employability Skills for Graduates


Added on  2020-02-17

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Employability & professionaldevelopment1
Employability Skills for Graduates_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1.1 Reflect own current skills and competencies against professional standards andorganisational objectives..............................................................................................................3P1.2 Evaluate own development needs for the selected job role................................................4P1.3 Devise a personal and professional development plan........................................................5P1.4 Reflect own development against original aims and objectives set in personal andprofessional development plan....................................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................62.1 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels.....................62.2 Effective time management strategies..................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................83.1 Analyse team dynamics discussing the roles people play within a team..............................83.2 Alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals during the developmentprocess of the software project....................................................................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................104.1 Review tools and methods for developing solutions to specific problem that may occur inthe software project....................................................................................................................104.2 Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem..................................114.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy......................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................132
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INTRODUCTION In order to render effective services within the present environment employees arerequired to have employability skills as well as professional skills. Therefore professionals andexpertise working in the IT sector would require having adequate set of skills that support themin contributing to attain the effective objectives (Blades, Fauth and Gibb, 2012). These are alsotermed as the required set of skills that are beyond the qualification and experience of theindividual that support in accomplishing the goals of objectives. For the present report thechosen organisation is Accenture plc one of the global organisation that deliver range oftechnological, digital as well as consulting services to their numerous of customers and clients. The report would also focuses on reflecting the individual own current competencies andskills against the professional standard against the selected job role. Along with this, it wouldalso measures development of individual needs and requirement so that they may workeffectively to meet their objectives and aims. Moreover, it would also focus on demonstrating theeffective and adequate time management skills so that member of software project team caneasily prioritize the workloads. Along with this, it would also results in assessing thatcommunication techniques and time management strategies are important when delegating inprofessional environments like the one in Accenture. The latter part of this report is aninformative assessment that gives an idea about team dynamics in different settings within thecompany.TASK 1P1.1 Reflect own current skills and competencies against professional standards andorganisational objectivesApplication programmer within the Accenture plc requires effective skills andcompetencies that support the individual in performing their activities and actions in effectiveand proper manner (Overtoom, 2000). Currently working as Application programmer withinAccenture plc I have reflect that I possess certain skills and competencies that support me inperforming my activities related with developing the program and software system. The benefitof these abilities have helped me in building a positive image in the organisation. To sustaincompetition, it is essential that skills and qualities should be diverse and efficient. 3
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With my fluency in communication, I have been able to manage my corporate relationsand delegation attitudes. Application manager has to keep on communicating with project teamof Accenture because these are the people who have exact idea about the expectations andrequirements of clients (Lowden and et.al., 2011). Website applications cannot be designedwithout these guidelines. My professional skills and personal traits have helped incommunicating with projects team effectively. It is my duty to make efforts in such a way thatcompany objectives are accomplished easily. P1.2 Evaluate own development needs for the selected job roleEvery individual aspires to develop and become successful in their respective streams.Henceforth, it becomes essential for the person to recognise their needs of development. I havetaken the support of SWOT analysis in understanding my needs as an Application programmer.StrengthsConfidence and bold personality.Effective communication skills.Quick learning abilities and keenobservation skills.I also have an optimistic approachtowards problems which helps me infinding alternatives easily (Zinser,2003). My professional skills include:competent technical knowledge andexperience of different softwaredevelopment trainings.I also have efficient decision makingcapabilities which saves a lot of time.WeaknessesI get sudden anxiety if my work is notmanaged or organised.Lack of knowledge in online marketing.Short tempered nature. OpportunitiesCompany's developmental plans shallhelp me in grabbing better position.Indulgence in training and learningThreatsIncreasing competition and learningsources has caused individuals tobecome more competent.4
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