
European Labor Relations during Economic Downturn


Added on  2020-07-22

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European Labor Relations during Economic Downturn_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3Task 1...............................................................................................................................................31.1 Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference.........................................................31.2 How changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations.......................................41.3 Explain the role of the main players in employee relations...................................................5Task 2...............................................................................................................................................62.1 Explain the procedures that must be followed by the organization during different conflictsituation........................................................................................................................................62.2 Explain the key features of employee relations in a selected conflict situation....................72.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a selected conflict situation......................7Task 3...............................................................................................................................................83.1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective Bargaining.......................................................83.2 Assess the impact of negotiation strategy for a given situation.............................................94.1 Assess the influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK....................................104.2 discuss methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decisionmaking process in organizations................................................................................................114.3 Assess the impact of human resource management on employee relations........................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13Books and journals.....................................................................................................................13
European Labor Relations during Economic Downturn_2

INTRODUCTIONThe relationship between the employee and employer is the crucial point in thefunctioning of the company (Gupta, 2012). The employee relations are cautioning in thecompany. This report is the comparison and evaluation of the existence and importance ofemployee relations in an organization. The report will cover the impact of various factors onrelationship between the management and staff of an enterprise and the role of trade unions inthe functioning of the company. The imapact of European Union on all the industries in UK .The report also includes the impact of conflict situations and participation of employee relationin the situations occurring. Task 11.1 Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of referenceThe employee relation features are linked and can be sensed within two ways, Unitaryand pluralistic frame of reference. The two frames have different beliefs and perception towardsthe approach to manage the employee relation in an organization. The unitary frame follows theconcept that the ability to take important decision in an organization dwell within a single body,who can be called the management of the company. That is, the power of decision making is inthe hands of the top level individuals (Syed, 2010). This kind of perception also supports the ideathat it is the responsibility of the top management to motivate and promote loyalty among thestaff of the enterprise. This frame is of the perception that the conflicts among the staff andmanagement does not rise due to varied interests, as they work together to achieve a commonobjective. There is no role of trade unions as the unions does not play off any help during aconflict situation among the employees and manager. Any conflict in the enterprise depletes theoverall productive capacity of the company and as the managers work efficiency decreases.These conflicts also lead to customer dissatisfaction.The pluralistic approach is of the view that in organization two kinds of groups exist.These groups share different views, values, belief, conduct and objectives. The two groups, ofpluralist frame are management and unions. This perception conveys that the management andunions carry different roles and responsibilities. The approach also is of the idea that the unionsare of a significant importance in the company as the decision-making power dwells in the handsof the employees of the enterprise. The unions work in the favor of the staff members and the3 | P a g e
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approach may hinder the vision of the organization in some cases. The management and unioncarry different views on certain issues which may give rise to potential conflicts within theorganization. The pluralistic frame is of the opinion that a good employee-employer relationamong the management and staff can be achieved with negotiations and meetings among themand with the concept of bargaining process (Al-Waqfi, 2010). These two approaches help theorganization to develop effective employee relations between the management and staffmembers. 1.2 How changes in trade unionism have affected employee relationsTrade unions are considered to be a group of workers who come together to form a unionunder the banner of a trade union, choosing a leader to safe guard the common interests andrights of the employees. The unions are also medium of employee relations between themanagement and the staff members of the enterprise. The trade unions suggest the changes in thepay scale and other benefits of the workers of the organization. (Bach, 2011). Any alterations inthe trade unionism affects the working of the unions and their relations with the company. Political and legal: Any alterations in the government policies or laws of the countryregarding the employee rights, unions working affect the functions of the group.Implementation of any new law or policy directly affect the employee relations within theorganization. The introduction of new policy of by the UK government to offer sameopportunities to all the staff members or employees working in the enterprise affected theworking of many organizations in the region. This can raise conflict among theemployees and the management regarding the implementation and compliance with thenew practices to be conducted according to the policy of the government of the country.In addition to the adverse effect on the employee relation of managers and staff members,the conflicts also give rise to decrease in profitability and customer satisfaction due tolack of management in the enterprise (Ramsbotham, 2011.). Technological: The management of the company makes advancement in the currenttechnology of the organization when it is needed by the company. This approach of upgradation in the technology also has an adverse effect in the requirement of the humanresource in the firm. The company then has to go through to a retrenchment process toget rid of the excess staff to lower its labor costs. This process leads to conflict among the4 | P a g e
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