
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations


Added on  2023-06-13

21 Pages6654 Words239 Views
Executive Leadership and
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations_1
Table of Contents
PART A...........................................................................................................................................3
Organizational culture and role of board.....................................................................................3
Corporate governance..................................................................................................................4
Regulatory landscape and management of risk...........................................................................5
Analysing risks faced by Disney..................................................................................................6
Recommendation, appropriate resources and role of board in managing the top 3 challenges
faced by organization...................................................................................................................7
PART B............................................................................................................................................8
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................8
Task 1 ..............................................................................................................................................8
Leadership and management styles of Disney.............................................................................8
Task 2.............................................................................................................................................11
Leadership for performance of the Disney................................................................................11
Leadership for performance.......................................................................................................13
Task 3.............................................................................................................................................14
Key sources of the information for the launch of new service..................................................14
Performance and factors that affects it.......................................................................................15
Task 4.............................................................................................................................................16
Decision-making and recommendations to improve it..............................................................16
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations_2
Organizational culture and role of board.
There are several forms of leadership styles exist in the world of business and utilized by
the leaders, entrepreneurs, etc. while playing their important roles in an organization. In case of
Walt Disney, leader may prefer to utilize authoritarian leadership style that is characterized by
the control of individual over all judgements and fewer input from team members (Autocratic
Leadership, 2022). It may enable leaders to become an autocratic person who may make choices
based on their decisions and creative ideas as well as rarely accept strategic direction from
employees. It can be said that autocratic or authoritarian leadership style may make employees
more effective in form of obtaining excellent suggestions from leaders who may utilize this term
(Liu, Liang and Chen, 2021). It makes a leader capable to provide useful and strategic directions
as well as suggestions to each employee that may use to achieve specific goal, whether it is short,
long or medium term. Utilization of current leadership form may put positive impact on Disney
in term of retaining skilled people within organization.
Organizational culture-
The workplace environment and overall business culture of Walt Disney is full of stories
that management may share with each employee, that help to boost their morale and confidence
level. They may provide candidates freedom to communicate and collaborate with each other,
which is quite essential for their venture growth and expected success as each stakeholder may
expect that company may grow competitively and productively (Al-Swidi, Gelaidan and Saleh,
2021). In the organization, organizational culture may assure that workers reflect ideals that may
appropriately align with target market preferences as well as employees expectations. It may
follow advocacy organizational culture format that help to retain people and enhance customer
Main duties of board-
The biggest role or duty of board is to create options policies that may allow Disney to
sustain and run its venture in effective and productive manner. They responsible for varied things
in the company such as to develop and approve business plan, which in return provide a lot of
benefits to them. Board members are also responsible to set key aims and objectives that
employees may achieve in appropriate manner, by conducting effective practices.
Annual report-
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations_3
In this form of report, the key information about success and decline of Walt Disney may
include that provide appropriate understanding to its stakeholders about the current position and
status of organizational success in the market (Walt Disney Co, 2022).
Corporate governance.
Corporate governance is defined as effective system by which an organization may direct
and control their key functions and other operational activities in appropriate manner. It can be
said that board of members and directions in the companies are accountable for governance or
management of their ventures, as they may hold power to take right and essential decision, which
in turn put impact of success factors, either in negative or positive manner.
Walt Disney may have 10 boards of members including Robert Lger, who is the chief
executive officer and chairman of company (The Walt Disney Company, 2022). He is
accountable to take all the decisions in the firm, that in turn provide unpredictable benefits to
everyone, even customers. He is the steward of one of the biggest media firms and some of the
most beloved as well as respected brands around the world of business. All the 10 board
members are accountable to run overall venture in effective manner as they are considered as
corporate governance system, who may take decision to obtain a lot of benefits by conducting
several activities. They all are highly committed to governance strategic practices and policies
that assure shareholders interest and impact may represent in an independent & thoughtful
manner. Along with conducting above activities, they may take more initiatives related to
business growth in term of monitoring key trends in governance practices that may assure that
venture success is continually meeting customers needs and also its commitment level that is
quite essential and beneficial for them to do that.
In order to gain competitive benefits and smoothly run venture in the market,
organization may prefer to utilize multi-divisional organizational structure as corporate
governance framework, in which all above 10 boards of members are included (Walt Disney
Company’s Organizational Structure for Synergistic Diversification, 2022). This model or legal
format may enable company to manage the growth of its subsidiaries in effective and productive
manner, which is important and beneficial for them to do that. It can be said that employees
while working within multi-divisional structure of company usually have excellent deal of
control over the essential tasks that they are accountable to complete on time, without making
any mistake. With this organizational structure firm may manage its success and growth factors
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations_4
in effective manner and also take pleasure of adopting key features of the same and that is
Regulatory landscape and management of risk.
Risk management is defined as one of those essential and beneficial procedures that
allow managers and leaders to determine, assess and control threats appropriately to a company's
earning and capital. This process may enable individual person in an organization to eliminate
the reason behind falling venture down and decreasing their profitability (Polinkevych and et.al.,
2021). In case of risk management, Walt Disney board's are responsible to develop the best plan
and utilize approaches that allow them to identify as well as assess, each type of risk that may
put negative impact on organizational growth. According to their responsibilities, they may play
vital role in form of setting risk appetite of the company, which enable them to assure a risk
management concept that help to determine and effectively manage multiple risks on an ongoing
basis. It is fact that each type of risk, whether it is operational, human resource or financial
related put negative impact on organizational progress and success (Dvorsky and et.al., 2021).
Board of members are relied on management in the context of managing and overseeing risk.
They may always engage in risk management process in form of creating a framework that
provide mechanisms for determining risks including any emerging one, and regularly review the
same to eliminate their occurrence.
In the recent time, due to uncertain factors emergence, such as pandemic, risk
management implication is important to consider, because it may enable management to deal
with the worst situations and develop plan to conduct the same practice in effective way. This
process may make everything quite easier for board as they may spot projects in trouble and then
take action to overcome the situation (Barta and Görcsi, 2021). By using the risk management
concept, organization may take pleasure of eliminating risks in form of monitoring the risk
culture of the company that consist with board's challenge appetite and priorities. It may aware
individual person about major challenges and risk that may put negative impact on their
organizational success (Al-Nimer and et.al., 2021). It may lead to decrease organizational
performance, but in short time period, until the board may do not use risk management concept
and process. It can be said that early awareness of major risk or potential issue may give
management power to take better cure of that, as they may manage everything according to risk
management plan, which is beneficial & essential for them to do that.
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations_5
Regulatory landscape-
Regulatory landscape refer to key decisions to governmental bodies that drive
their attention toward making possible modification within existing laws, regulations
and polices that put direct negative impact on ventures. In the context of chosen
company, this form of landscape is defined as legal challenges that firm may face after
possible modifications in regard to employment, and other laws, that is quite essential
for it to follow.
Regulations such as Equality act 2010, etc. may put negative impact on
organization as it may face specific legal issue such as discrimination to poverty level
wages that is the biggest allegation put on Walt Disney and that may bring
complications for venture. Regulatory terms may put positive impact on firm as well in
term of preventing its venture from other harmful factors that lead to decrease
organizational productivity and performance level.
Analysing risks faced by Disney.
Falling credit rating-
It is one of the biggest challenge that Walt Disney may face in the business world, as its
high debt level led to downgrading credit level (Major Financial Risks Walt Disney Took in His
Career, 2022). It may caution that organizational credit rating may further decrease, that lead to
minimize its profitability, which is not suitable for its rapid growth in the market and competitive
position as well.
Customers retention-
Due to pandemic, organization may face challenge or risk retaining potential customers
as they all are afraid to travel anywhere because of spreading infection that may put negative
impact on their health as well as other family members. It is one of the biggest success factor
when company may retain and acquire new people, which is possible when it may take action to
deal with current situation that has been affected because of pandemic.
Strategic issue-
It is fact that Walt Disney have experienced the major strategic challenges that put
adverse impact on its success in the corporate world. It may drive employees and management
attention toward conducting specific and essential practices that it important to prevent
organization from being fallen down.
Executive Leadership and Governance at Walt Disney: Challenges, Risks, and Mitigations_6

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