
Globalisation for Marks and Spencer assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

15 Pages2959 Words36 Views
Calculus and Analysis
Globalisation for Marks and Spencer assignment_1

Globalisation for Marks and Spencer assignment_2

Research Proposal FormStudent Name: ______________________ StudentID:____________Centre Name: _____________________Tutor: ________________ Date:___________________Unit: ____________________Proposed Title: “To determine the benefits and drawbacks of global businessenvironment. A study on Marks and Spencer.”Section One: Title, objective, responsibilitiesTitle or working title of the research project (in the form of a question, objective orhypothesis) “To determine the benefits and drawbacks of global business environment. Astudy on Marks and Spencer.”Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? What do you want tolearn how to do? What do you want to find out?):To determine the concept of global business environment. To identify the benefits of globalization for Marks and Spencer in attaining growth atglobal market.To evaluate the challenges faced by Marks and Spencer while operating business atglobal level.Research questionsWhat is the concept of global business environment?What are the benefits of globalisation for Marks and Spencer in attaining growth atglobal market?What are the challenges faced by Marks and Spencer while operating business at globallevel?1
Globalisation for Marks and Spencer assignment_3

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research projectReasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personalinterest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):The primary rational motive behind chosen this study is to evaluate the benefits and drawbacksof global business environment on organisational activities of Marks and Spencer. It helpinvestigator in increasing their skills assist them in creating valuable judgement within theinvestigation. It support learner in improving their skills in this specified area through whichthey can easily undertake same research in future time of period. By this, researcher may easilyovercome from the issues associated with globalisation and its welfare for organization. Section Three: Literature sources searchedUse of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis: Concept of global business environmentAs per Grant, (2016),global business surroundings refers to the surroundings in certainsovereign countries along with exogenous to the home environment of business organisation.As it directly influence overall decision making activities and resources that use within thefirm for generating market share from its competitors. Primarily, it consider several factors likeeconomic, tax, cultural, legal, technological and political that affect performance of theorganization at global place. Therefore, it is crucial for company to analysis as well as measurethe global environment before expanding their operational activities that help them in attainingopportunities to attain larger success at international level. By this, organisation may capturecustomers attention by serving them better quality services. It may support them in attainingcompetitive edge from its competitors. Benefits of globalisation for Marks and Spencer in attaining growth at global marketAccording to Gutierrez, Boukrami and Lumsden, (2015), while company operate their2
Globalisation for Marks and Spencer assignment_4

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