
Human Resource Management and Tourism


Added on  2020-02-05

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Human ResourceManagement
Human Resource Management and Tourism_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Comparing with different different learning style............................................................31.2 Role of learning curve and importance of transferring learning to the workplace...........41.3 Contribution of learning style and theories while designing the learning event..............54.1 Role of government in training and development and lifelong learning..........................64.2 How the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public andprivate sector..........................................................................................................................74.3 How contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute HRDfor an organisation..................................................................................................................8TASK 2............................................................................................................................................92.1 Comparing training needs for staff at different level in an organisation..........................92.2 Advantages and disadvantages of training method used by Sun Court Residential Ltd.102.3 Using a systematic approach to plan training and development for a training event.....113.1 An evaluation of training programme............................................................................123.2 Carry out an evaluation of a training event .................................................................133.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used .....................................................14CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is the process of recruiting ,selecting ,motivating ,trainingand development ,performance appraisal and compensation etc. and also includes jobanalysis ,identifying personnel needs etc (Wright and McMahan, 2011). It is a modern approachthat helps in coordinating and matching the individual needs with organisation needs . It directsand guides the employees for doing work efficiently and effectively that will help in achievingthe organisation goal. It is carried out for increasing the performance of employees in anorganisation and manage the employees in structured and thorough manner. It maintains therelationship between employees and employers. It is very important for an organisation becauseit is helpful in achieving the organisation goals. This study is based on Sun court Residentialhome Ltd. that provides up- market care home with beautiful garden accommodation to old age.The below report is based on different different learning style , role of learning curve,importance of transferring learning to the workplace , contribution of learning style in anorganisation for achieving the organisation goals ,needs of training at different level in anorganisation and plan for providing the training to the staff and analyse the role of government inproviding the training to the staff etc.TASK 11.1 Comparing with different different learning styleEvery person have different different learning style for learning the things. Learning stylemeans, in what way a person are learning the things. For maximizing one's own personallearning ,a person should do following things- Firstly he should understand his learning style means in what way he wants to learn thethings.After identifying the style and by using it ,should seek out the opportunities that areavailable (CHUANG and Liao, 2010). Basically learning style is an approach that allow the person to gain more skills andknowledge in his own learning style. Once if a person has identified his learning style then he
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can easily find out the ways for adopting the knowledge and skills in easily manner(Sparrow,Brewster and Chung,2016). By identifying the leaning style,person will get following benefits-He will become smart and intelligent after getting the learning style and its opportunities.It will increase the bandwidth of experiences from which he can get benefits.It will improve the learning skills and knowledge.There are many types of learning style some of them are follows-Visual learners- These learners are those person who learn only that things that arevisible to them. They prefer to use the images, video ,graphics ,map etc. for getting thenew information (Armstrong, 2011). These learner are good in writing and show theirtalent in written assignments.Auditory learner- These types of learners are good listener. They collect the informationand learns with the help of sound ,music ,discussions ,teaching ,speaking etc. Theselearner stores the information in their mobile phones or other media that is helpful afterthe class for revising that content that they learn in the class room (Purce,2014)Kinesthetic learner- This type of learner learns the things by doing ,acting, moving thebody ,sense of smell ,touch etc. They likes experiments,exploring the task etc. They aredependent on others .they want to learn by themselves by exploring the field.Read and write- These learners learn the things by reading and writing that content thatthey want.1.2 Role of learning curve and importance of transferring learning to the workplaceLearning curve is a graphical representation of relationship between cost and output overa certain period of time that shows the repetitive task of employees or workers graphically. ifemployees are performing repetitive task then he will take less time and will perform efficientlyand effectively. It is used to measure the efficiency of workers or forecast the cost for producingthe products (Ployhart and Moliterno, 2011). It is also known as efficiency curve ,costcurve ,product curve etc. It gives a some idea about the cost. In order to get the maximum benefitfrom the employees it is important that employees will be motivated and encouraged by theemployer for performing better and generate interest of workers in the activity otherwise therewill be imbalance between learning process and employees performance.Learning curve is used by Sun Court Residential Ltd. in the following tasks-
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