
Human Resource Management - UK


Added on  2021-02-19

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Human Resource Management - UK_1

SECTION – 1 (CHOCOLATE PRESENCE)........................................................................................1
TASK – 1..............................................................................................................................................1
The main purpose of the HR function along with its importance to the firm.....................................1
Selection methods – strengths and weaknesses..................................................................................3
Some potential improvements for enhancing the selection process...................................................4
TASK – 2..............................................................................................................................................4
Person specification for receptionist..................................................................................................4
Job advertisement – Advantages and disadvantages..........................................................................5
Recommendation for the job advertisement for the receptionist’s vacancy.......................................7
SECTION – 2 (MICROSOFT)..............................................................................................................8
TASK – 3..............................................................................................................................................8
Benefit of graduate training schemes and apprenticeship to the employees and employer................8
Determining some of the flexible working options & its significance to employees and employer...9
Evaluating the way Microsoft motivates its worker through designing the job role........................10
TASK – 4............................................................................................................................................11
Employee engagement and its significance in effective employee relation.....................................11
Employee engagement approaches and its effectiveness in improving communication..................12
Components of UK employment legislation & their impact on HR decision making......................12
Human Resource Management - UK_2

Discussing in regards with the human resource management, it is one of the key and
strategic approach towards the administration of the most esteemed resource of the firm that
is its people or employees. They all are contributing towards the achievement of a definitive
objectives of the business. Assortments of exercises are being incorporated into the HRM
work among which the most significant is deciding the necessities of staffing and procuring
representatives to fill these requirements (Tyson, 2014). Consequently, the principle point of
the HRM is to help the firm in reaching out its objective by pulling in, keeping up and
dealing with the employees successfully. The present investigation also deals with
understanding the significant standards of HRM by thinking about the instance of Chocolate
Presence and Microsoft. The report will be separated into two area wherein the firm part will
deal with the situation of the previous organization which is engaged into the business of
customized made chocolate the whole way across UK. As a human asset supervisor of the
organization, diverse staffing and selection approaches and the fundamental purpose of HR
function will be analysed successfully. The second segment of the report will concentrate on
Microsoft and its HRM practice. Significance of worker relation and employee legislation
will likewise be assessed in the current report.
TASK – 1
The main purpose of the HR function along with its importance to the firm
HRM in Chocolate Presence has several purposes. Among them the most
indispensable is connected with the advancement and management of the important resource
of the organization i.e. its employees. Human resource function within the firm tries
endeavours to comprehend the need, wants as well as desires of its workforce and makes
them contended so that they can work adequately (Armstrong, 2011). Further, the HRM
function likewise plans to prepare and build up its workers and supports in using the
accessible assets inside the firm ideally. Their fundamental point is to make improvement in
the current expertise level and capacities of the representatives by keeping up powerful
connection between all. They make plans, methodologies and procedures for procuring,
selecting, overseeing and keeping up the employees inside the company.
Besides, the HR function also assumes the job of a spine for the organization. For any
sort of a business, to accomplish targets and objectives they have to design their resources
effectively and the distinct advantage for them is their people. The most significant function
Human Resource Management - UK_3

of Human Resource Management and its significance to Chocolate Presence are being
characterized underneath:
Recruitment and selection – This is being viewed as fundamental function of the firm
as it supports the chocolate presence to have successful individuals (Schuler, Jackson
and Storey, 2011). Different methodologies are being utilized by the firm for
enrolling, procuring and choosing the suitable applicant for the empty job position
such as interviews and evaluation tests.
Human resource planning – This function underpins in assessing the demand and
supply of human asset inside the organization in future occasions. With HR planning,
plan for the applicants required are being made ahead of time so activities and other
assignments of the company are not affected harshly and association get ideal
employees at the correct time and place.
Compensation and other advantages – Compensation as well as other advantages are
being offered to the general employees inside the chocolate presence for rousing them
to buckle down (Tsui, Delery and Ahmednar, 2017). The administrator inside the firm
ensures that every single individual is given a few or different benefits so that they
can work with their greatest potential.
Training and improvement – This function additionally assumes an essential role in
the firm as through training and development function the existing abilities level,
aptitudes and skills of the workforce are expanded. The areas that need to be upgraded
are recognized by this function of HRM and preparations for the events are arranged
in like manner to address out those issues.
Performance management Managing the performance of the employees is
significant function as it helps in estimating the degree of performance of the staff
members and offers rewards dependent on the assessment. Workers with larger
amount of work are recognized by the team of HR and are being offered rewards that
spurs them to accomplish higher benchmark. This function likewise supports the
chocolate presence to identify the deviation in the performance and encourages the
manager to take remedial actions at right time (Meyer, 2010).
Current problems within the firm
Presently, chocolate presence is confronting few issues in its human resource
management. This function of the firm isn't proficient enough to oversee higher state of
worker turnover inside the firm. Further, the staffing techniques for the organization are not
Human Resource Management - UK_4

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