
HRM Practices and Employment Legislation


Added on  2020-09-17

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HRM Practices and Employment Legislation_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1P1. Role of HR manager and purpose of workforce planning....................................................1P2. Strength and weaknesses of different recruitment and selection approaches.......................2M1 Explain how function of HRM fulfil business objective. ....................................................3M2 Determine the strength and weakness of different recruitment and selection approaches. .3D1 Critically evaluate advantages and disadvantages of recruitment and selection method. ....4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3 State the difference between training and development........................................................4b) Identify different training needs and method used by TESCO...............................................5c) State systematic approach to training and development ........................................................6P4 d) State the effectiveness of TESCO's training and development practices..........................6M3 Determine different training method used by TESCO.........................................................6D2 Critically evaluate TESCO's HRM practices .......................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P5 State the importance of maintaining good employee relation. .............................................7P6 State the key elements of different legislation of employment..............................................8M4 Evaluate the importance of employee relationship management.........................................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P7 Evaluating different HRM Practices......................................................................................9M5 Explain the impact of technology in selecting employee's.................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONIn today’s era, organisation considers human resources as the most valuable and importantasset who contribute effectively in driving success and growth of company. The HR departmentof every firm focuses on managing employees in a structured manner. Human ResourceManagement (HRM) deals in maximizing the productivity of personnel and the business fromissues related with employer and workforce (Anderson, 2013). It mainly includes worker’srecruitment, selection, training and development as well as benefits and compensation. HRM is aresource centred process which is primarily emphasized on constructing strong employmentrelations between managers and staff. This reports talks about three different companies namelyWoodhill College, TESCO and ITV. This report describes various functions of HRM,advantages and disadvantages of recruitment and selection process as well as importance ofemployee decision in all these respective firms. TASK 1 Case Study: Woodhill College Introduction: This case study covers the need of hiring new personnel in Woodhill College.Currently, there are several vacancies available in the college which are needed to be filled bythe talented and skilled workers. Also, it discusses about developing an effective strategy whichhelps in managing both future and existing needs in a systematic way. P1. Role of HR manager and purpose of workforce planningHuman Resource Management refers to the process of hiring competent andknowledgeable workers who can achieve overall organizational goals in an effectual way. Themain responsibility of HR manager is to provide adequate training and development to itspersonnel so as to increase their overall productivity (Aswathappa, 2013). HR manager alsofocuses on maintaining a strong relationship between employees and manager by performingdifferent roles which are described as below: Roles Roles & ResponsibilitiesAs a Business Partner Develops and maintains valuable relationship between alemployees, manager and customers Recruits skilled workers who can effectively attain business
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goals and objectives As a Change AgentIdentifies and bridges the gap between differentadministration practices.It also deals with accepting change and applying it in theorganization to gain better competitive advantage in themarket place (Batt and Colvin, 2011).As an EmployeeAdvocateReview the performance of employees by conducting 360degree feedback method Handles grievances and conflicts between staff and union ina systematic way Purpose of Workforce Planning: The main role of HR is to recruit skilled andcompetent personnel who achieves company's goals and targets within given time frame and in astructured manner. As the Woodhill College is developing rapidly, it creates a need for hiringnew workforce who can effectively attain their objectives. From the past few years, college relieson one single method of hiring and they do not have any clear strategy regarding managingexisting and future needs of workforce. Thus, college is required to choose employees fromdifferent sources of recruitment which give them benefit to select the best candidate from a poolof applicants (Coff and Kryscynski, 2011). Through different sources, college can assess numberof candidates and then select the most appropriate one among them. Also, the college is requiredto change its interview questions as they normally ask repetitive questions which may be leakedby the candidates. They need to rephrase it and add some extra questions which help inunderstanding and analysing the applicants in a better way. P2. Strength and weaknesses of different recruitment and selection approachesRecruitment deals with searching and stimulating employees to apply for the job inorganisation whereas selection deals with selecting the best candidates from a pool of applicantswho possess specialized skills and knowledge that help in achieving company's goal in a betterway. With the help of recruitment and selection, an entity can keep skill set of its workforceeffectively and efficiently. Earlier, Woodhill College is doing recruitment via one source butnow as the college is increasing rapidly, they are required to adopt other methods of recruitment
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