
Research Methods and Business Studies


Added on  2020-10-04

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Research Methods and Business Studies_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2P1 Research proposal.............................................................................................................3P2 Examination of research method and conduct primary and secondary research..............6P3 Methods of conducting the research..................................................................................1P4 Analysis of research findings and data..............................................................................8P5 Research outcomes and Recommendation......................................................................23P6 Reflection........................................................................................................................24P7 Alternative research methodologies................................................................................25CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................26REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................27
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INTRODUCTIONMany of the organisation has already known about the importance of online networking.Online networking is very much effective and influential digital advancement which helps thefirm in meeting expectation of customer by delivering them appropriate services. Online serviceenables flexibility and effective services outcomes for better development as well. Onlinenetworking is the best tool to make customer satisfied and happy with the company services. Ithelps to manage the customer relation and sustaining the long-term content and best outcomeresults and Objectives. Present study will be cover importance of Online networking in order toprovide better-quality results and improvement in product or services. P1 Research proposalBackgroundSocial media has provided the wide range of opportunities to customers to engage oninternet interactions. In present scenario customer has been more attracts towards the onlineproducts (Social Media Marketing Made simple, 2018). Online networking is the trend in thecurrent market. Where company can easily sell their products and services to the client at acrossthe world. Present study will be going to explain the impact of online networking on customersatisfaction. In other words, how online marketing or digital technology impact on customersatisfaction (Agnihotri and et.al., 2016). However, the main purpose of the study is to analyse theimportance of digital technology. Aim: “To determine the impact of online networking on customer satisfaction” a case studybased on Marks & Spencer.Objectives To determine the importance of online networking on customer satisfaction. To identify the impact of online networking on customer satisfaction.To analyses the challenges faced by the M&S in 1 year after implementing the onlinestrategies and goals. Research questions Q. What are the importance of online networking on customer satisfaction?Q. What are the impacts of online networking on customer satisfaction?Q. What are the challenges faced by the M&S in 1 year after implementing the online strategies?
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Literature ReviewAccording to Kumar and et.al., (2016) Online networking make work easier for bothbuyers and sellers in different manner. There are different types of online or internet marketingtechniques that could company adopt in order to make process faster and more efficient. Withthe help of internet banking customer can easily transfer money to company. Besides, customercan purchase their product or services in some minutes. There are lots of facilities today's whichprovided by the company just because of their customer easiness. This is the reason that, onlinenetworking is essential for customer satisfaction. As per the Johnston, (2017) it also analysed thebetter advancement and developing result outcomes which helps to motivates the better servicinggrowth. It affects the customer needs and wants, in order to meet out the better outcomes andgrowth.As per the Ladhari and Michaud, (2015) another dissatisfaction faced by the consumersare unclear return and guarantee policies of the company. All these challenges and ineffectiveoutcomes affect the long-term goals and make low product effective for the customersatisfaction. It affects the market affect the low productive challenge and ineffective productoutcomes and low effects as well. Research MethodologiesResearch Approach: Research approach is the approach that determine the study intohypothetical manner. Present study will be based on Inductive approach style for conducting thestudy. Research Philosophy: Research philosophy presents the vast topic that helps to conductstudy into deeper manner. Present study will be using Interpretivism research philosophy for thepresent study. Research design: Research Design is the another most required term to analyse the studyinto more appropriate manner. Present study will be uses exploratory research design for thepresent study goals (Neelankavil, 2015). Data collection: Data Collection is the most essential research tool that can help toanalyse the long-term research outcomes. Present study will be collecting data through both thetool primary as well as secondary data collection tool.
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Data Analysis: Data analysis is the technique which analyse the data in order to collectthe research findings and goals. Present study will be taking qualitative data analysis tool toanalyse the further data goals. Sampling: Sampling can be explained as a specific principle used to select members ofpopulation included in the study. Sampling is the another most developing and specific tool thatselects data by selecting some specific population sampling respondents. Present study will beusing simple random sampling by taking 30 employees from the M&S company. Ethical Consideration: Ethical consideration is the most specific tool technique whileconducting a data and research (Trainor and et.al., 2014). Ethical consideration is the mostrequired specific tool that helps to full fill the legal and ethical terms for the research in order tomeet out the best possible action plan.Researcher needs to collect data into most ethical mannerin order to maintain confidentiality of the data. In present research, researcher will adhere toprivacy of data and will also debrief respondents about question in order to seek informedconsent of respondents. Research limitations: Research limitations has involved in every research which createsunwanted results and also affect the result outcomes. To get out from the risk, researcher needsto plan some new strategies to manage the outcomes into more appropriate manner. Limitation ofthe project are limited budget scope, tools and techniques.
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P2 Examination of research method and conduct primary and secondary research.Primary research: Primary data collection technique is more complex and tough for theresearcher to collect. Original tools collect data for conducting the research study into morespecific manner. Primary research method collects data from fresh source or findings. In whichdata collects from first-hand by the researcher for a specific research purpose or project. Primarymethod can be collected from different manner or sources. For example: Self administratedsurveys, interviews, field observation, experiments. Present study collects data throughquestionnaire survey where researcher collects data or information by 30 employees of the M&Sto collects data in order to identify the better task and make the better services and growth. Apartfrom that, primary data collection has also some new techniques such as Interview method,Delphi techniques, Projective techniques, focus group interviews, questionnaire method, etc. Secondary Research: It is another method of data collection technique throughresearcher can more effectively present the data outcomes and growth. Secondary data collectionis the form of collection which is based on already accumulated facts. . Secondary researchgenerally based on the technique in which researcher collects data from journal, internet, bookswhich has been already exist in the previous results (Kim, Lim and Brymer, 2015). Secondarydata are readily available from the other sources and as such there are no specific collectionmethods. Present secondary research has been taken from suitability of data, adequacy of data. Research Approach: Research approach is the final outcomes and long-term goals inorder to meet out the best productive outcomes. It makes the better development departments andeffective management task. The research of relevance and matter of developing goals. There aretwo types of research approach inductive and deductive research approach style. Inductiveapproach also known as inductive reasoning which starts from the observation process. On theother hand, deductive approach which is based on developing hypothesis on existing theory. Research philosophy: Research philosophy is the most essential and vital part ofresearch. Its divided into two parts Interpretivism and positivism where interpretivism is usedbecause it involves the interest of human being into the study. It also affects the long-termdeveloping target performance (Neelankavil, 2015).Data analysis: It is considered to be as an important part of research. Data analysis canbe referred to as a procedure of applying strategical technique in systematic manner. It involvesrefining of information in order to eliminate unwanted data. Data analysis helps scholar in
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making the report presentable as well as useful and understandable to user. It assists researcherin reaching to conclusion. There are basically two methods which can be utilised by researcherfor analysing the data these are quantitative and other is qualitative. As in the present studyprimary information related to the topic has been gathered utilising interview and questionnaireData analysis will include identification of common patterns within responses. Data analysis.supports scholar in accomplishing desired objectives (Turner, Cardinal and Burton,2017). Inpresent research, thematic analysis will be used as a technique for analysing the facts as well asfigures. In addition to this, graphs, charts, tables will be utilised in order to present the findings.Sampling:It is the procedure in which the scholar selects few participants from largepopulation. Sampling activity is executed considering the limitation of time and resources. Thereare mainly two types of sampling techniques these are probability and non-probability sampling.In present study, researcher has utilised probability sampling. In addition to this, randomsampling techniques has been used by researcher. The reason for selecting specific samplingtechnique is that each and every participant has equal chance to participate in investigationprocess. In addition to this, it helps in elimination of biases (Quinlan, Babin, Carr and Griffin,2019.). Thirty participants that is employees of Marks and Spencer has been selected usingrandom sampling technique. It is very much crucial for scholar to ensure that participants thosewho have been selected represents the whole population, wrong sampling scan have negativeeffect on research outcome.Ethical considerations: It is very much important to consider ethical issues when makingplan for conducting research. As ethical issues can have negative effect on the image orreputation of researcher. Due to some ethical issues' scholar might have to face legal obligations.In present research, Scholar some precautionary methods for eliminating ethical issues these areresearcher has clear communicated the objective of investigations to participants. In addition tothis. Scholar has utilised the special computer software such as Information management systemfor storing of data (Pandey, Pandey and Van Ryzin, 2017). Computer based software has beenutilised in order to maintain security as well as confidentiality of information. In addition to this,no participant was forced to share the information. Limitations:There are two limitation related to the research study these are time andresources due to which researcher has failed to conduct in depth investigation. Researcher inorder to overcome time limitation has formulated time management strategy. Continuous
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monitoring of activities has been done as well as plan are made for ensuring effective andefficient utilisation of resources. Due to lack of time, secondary sources were used in order togathered the detailed information about the topic.Project Management PlanProject management plan can be defined as a formal as well as systematic plan whichincludes the detail about the way different activities during the investigation procedure will beexecuted. This plan assist researcher in identifying the risk associated with conducting research.It also supports scholar in addressing the barriers which might occur in conducting investigationprocedure.Cost:There are mainly two types of costs are associated with execution of investigationthese are fixed or variable. Major cost or expenses incurred in making arrangements forconducting interview as well as questionnaire for gathering information. For instance, salary ofemployees, stationery, Printing of questionnaire forms, communication cost etc. Budgeting is thetechnique which is utilised for controlling the cost (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). CostsAmount Program coordinator 30000 pound Research grants 40000 poundsProject outreach10000 PoundTotal project costs 80000 PoundQuality: It is very important for scholar to maintain quality standards as this factor havesignificant effect on satisfaction level of academic setting. Quality is required to be maintainedwhile gathering information during the research. This factor has direct as well as significanteffect on the results. Continues auditing as well as monitoring of research activities are done byresearcher in order to ensure that all the task is executed according to the prescribed standards.Quality assurance activities monitor and verify that the processes used to manage and create thedeliverables are followed and are effective. Resources: Lot of resources are required for conducting the investigation these arehuman, finance, stationery, communication devices etc. Lack of resources can create big barriersin research. As resources are limited it is very much important for scholar to ensure an effectiveas well as efficient utilisation of resources.
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