
Evaluating the Efficiency of Memory Techniques: A Comparative Study


Added on  2019-09-16

11 Pages2724 Words645 Views
Loci technique enhancing the memory strategy for the long term
Evaluating the Efficiency of Memory Techniques: A Comparative Study_1

Abstract:The loci method is used to enhance the memory capacity as well as to retrieve those information which is being stored in the memory. It is also described as the memory journey or the mind palace technique. It is also noted that the when the memory it is important to review the structural mechanism. This process is succeeded in the serial recalling process which involves in memory. The levels of processing is the most integral part regarding the subject. The implicit memory and the levels of the processing is found only in the explicit memory tests. Memory could be either the short term or the long term based on the capacity. In this research paper the two end results are being compared such as before memorizing and the next step is the process involved in the recalling. When the experiment is being conductedthe memory method loci is said to be an effective one among all the strategies. The Craig andLockhart, 1972 also summaries the various approaches in to process the experiment which always requires the attention, rehearsal and the encoding and finally the retrieval representation of the system.IntroductionIt is stated that the survival processing is also an effective type of the processing which is related to the memory. Among various techniques which is being involved in loci, the oldest and the most famous technique is the mnemo-technique. From these methods it’s clear that the method of loci works well. The advantage of this method is most reflected only when the material or the text is being placed orally or in the written format.In this method it involves in the encoding hypothesis where it’s been connected to the real world objects. Within minutes the memory palace could be built by using this technique. The technique such as the technique which is used to hold the free speeches and its being connected by the key points. This type of the method of loci is always being associated with the memory championships. The mnemonics device is designed to be a trick to remember the things so easily. This technique is being invented by the Greek poet. Various personalities used this type of the technique for memorizing of the informationThe Literature review has been conducted on this topic such as Craik & Tulving has set in order to test the various levels of processing. By this processing it is possible to think about the person and various experiments were also conducted. Here the deeper levels of processing also results in better memories. This type of processing is much vague and this could not be observed. The author has explained how Craik and Lockhart also argued
Evaluating the Efficiency of Memory Techniques: A Comparative Study_2

regarding the deep processing which has deeper coding and the better retention since it’s more elaborate. The research has also indicated that this processing is more complex and it’s being varied than the other levels of the processing.The information processing theory uses the computer model which is used to describethe type of the human learning. Here in this theory the information is being collected, processed and then it’s being stored and finally retrieved. It is also based on the idea of how humans are processing the information they receive. The computer also process the information which also includes the internal states which even affects the processing. In the parallel distributed processing, the author has explained about the mind which also consists ofthe various units which is being connected by the neural network. The various mental processes consists of the interactions between these units and also helps in the parallel when compared to the sequential operation. This parallel distributed processing which is also known as PDP. This was also the artificial network where the parallel natures of the neural processing is being stressed.The theory of levels of processing model also called as the Craik and Lockhart, 1972 involves in the process which is being involved in the memory. In this technique, it is used to predict the information which is deeper and those information could even last forever and could even be traced. Craik has even defined the levels of processing such as its something meaningful which is being extracted from the stimulus depending upon the number of the analyses which is being performed on it. There is a basic idea which is behind this levels of processing. It is similar to the multi-store model also called as the non-structured approach. The idea behind this is that, the memory is result of processing the information. The information is being processed in three different ways such as the structural processing, phonemic processing and the semantic processing. The structural processing is used when the appearance of something is being encoded. The phonemic processing is that which are being encoded called as sound. It is also said to a type of the rehearsal which takes place in the multi-store model. The deep processing involves the semantic processing. This processing occurs when the encoding is related to the similar word. It is also said that the Eysenck has claimed regarding the levels of processing theory which also describes the Craikand Lockhart has also argued which is related to the deep processing which is leading to the long term memory. It has also failed to provide the deep processing which is being so effective. The studies has also link the meaning in the already existing network.
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There are different explanations when the memory of loci is being taken in to account. The data also supports the processing which is being done in the memory research technique. The technique is also said to be the oldest technique to process the memory technique deeply. In the memory of loci is used to encode the information. This technique is used in three phases such as the first phase is used to select the memories the series of the words and the various locations. In the second phase, the subjected is being created for each of the item and those are being remembered in the loci logic. And in the third phase the retrieval is done by using the loci pathway and those series of the words and the various locations are being remembered. There are lots of advantages which are being involved in the method of loci. The things which needs to be remembered needs to be shown in front either it needs to be in written format. This method however involves in the encoding options. It also reduces the retrieval competition. It is also necessary to encourage the participants in order to think in better way. In order to analyse the effects, the replication on the results is also done. This is also tried with the various material and the series of the words. The survival processing is also effective method is called as the memory of loci. This method also has the beneficiary onthe memory such that it involves in the survival processing method. It is also an advantage since it facilitates the concept and it’s even helpful in recalling. A second experiment is beingdone in order to influence the processing called as the survival processing. In the memory of loci the encoding richness helps in the hypothesis even to stimulate the thoughts and also its helps in the survival process. In the experimental condition, the imagery instructions. Here the participants are given the list of the words to memorise and they need to recall all those words. Certain discussions were done, based on the few experiments which also requires the encoding options. This method is also used to remember the list of items, speeches, names of the people etc. This technique works well the concept of memorizing is completely different. In few cases the locations are being organized in a hierarchical order that the memory concept works very easily.This method is also a different type of the banking method with the use of the twist. This method is being developed by the Simonides of Ceos. He was the one who recognized a death, where the guest was sitting and how the murdered has occurred. The memory tool was used by the Greek in order to give speeches without the use of the aids. The process involved in the linking of the loci methods which also helps in remembering the items which are on thelist. Here in this way the problem arises is that could be done by the help of the linking method. An experiment was conducted in order to show the brain activities of the memory.
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