
Management and Leadership Style - Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

21 Pages6864 Words136 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityNutrition and Wellness
The Developing Manager
Management and Leadership Style - Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1) Management Style-.........................................................................................................11.2) Leadership Style-............................................................................................................21.3) Communication processes - ...........................................................................................31.4) Analyses organization culture-........................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1) Management skills performance....................................................................................52.2) Personal SWOT...............................................................................................................62.2 Personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats...............................................82.3. Objectives and targets to develop potential of Manager.................................................9TASK3...........................................................................................................................................103.1.Leading and motivating teams to achieve goals and objectives.....................................103.2. Managerial decisions to support recommendation for improvements and achieving agreedgoal and objectives...............................................................................................................12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................134.1. Managerial and personal skills supporting career development....................................134.2. Career, personal development, current performance and future needs to producedevelopment plan..................................................................................................................15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17
Management and Leadership Style - Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONThe developing manager in an organization is pulled by different directions ofmanagement, customers, sales etc. They engages in a process for improvement with own skills tomanage operations and functions of company for achieving professional or personal goals. Itinvolves leadership, management styles, training or development of employees, cultural andsocial development which have significant impact on behavioural and environmental skills.Development of employees or management is important due to rise in competition which israpidly increasing in the hospitality industry (Austin, 2013). This report will discuss variousmodels to keep employees motivated. It also examines the communication process inside theorganization and discusses plan for career development and future agendas. The assignment alsocompares different management and leadership styles which is used by the organization tomaintain standard in flow of services for attaining customer and employee satisfaction.Leadership features with communicating process for analysing operational effectiveness is alsostudied.TASK 11.1) Management Style-Management style is the style used by managers while working in the organisation. There arenumerous types of management style which are followed by the managers in Britannia Hotelwhich helps in managing the work in the organisation (Rideout and Windle, 2017). In thiscontext, the different management style of the organisation are described below:Democratic Management Style: Democratic management style has been used bymanagers at the organisation where managers involves employee's in decision makingprocess. Persuasive Management style: Under persuasive management style the managermaintains final decision making process. Managers takes advices from the employees butthe final decision has been taken by themselves only. Consultative Management style: This is considered as the autocratic management stylewhich has been followed the managers at the organisation. As the name suggests, a leader1
Management and Leadership Style - Assignment_3

in this form consults his or her employees, but ultimately the leader makes the finaldecision.1.2) Leadership Style-Leadership-Action of leading group of people or an enterprise called leadership. Leader helpsother to do the thing in right way. Leadership is a draw line to what to do to achieve companygoals and they should be innovative (Nguyen and et.al., 2017). Innovation means always lookingways to improve the enterprises. An innovative leader works for quality as well as quantity.Leader always motivate the followers for the innovative ideas. Innovative leadership requires theflexibility. Leader adopts a specific leadership style. Leadership has many styles-Autocratic LeadershipDemocratic LeadershipTransformation LeadershipTransactional LeadershipEvery and each leadership has its own characteristics. Every organization choose their leadershipaccording to requirements. Here we discuss different leadership style in two different companiesBritannia Hotel and Comport Inn.Autocratic Leadership- Autocratic Leadership is a process of leadership where oneperson has the power of making all strategic decisions for followers. Autocraticleadership style was popular among the military and political leaders (Prasetyo andAmboningtyas, 2018). Autocratic leadership is the most popular leadership stylecompared to other leadership style. Few people are not feel comfortable working underautocratic leadership. Britannia Hotel follow autocratic leadership style. Leader is thedecision maker in this leadership. He draws strategy and instruct the followers that theyshould have to follow him. This leadership style seem like monopoly. Leaders make allstrategy and decisions and no require any input from the followers. Employee's ofBritannia has to follow leader's instructions and have to do their work according theinstructions. Democratic Leadership-This leadership style is different from the autocraticleadership. The democratic leadership style is a two way communication leadershipstyle. In this style every one can give their suggestions, ideas to make strategies. In2
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changing environment this leadership style works. The democratic leadership stylemeans flexible conversation, motivating people to share their opinion and contributionto frame policies and decisions. If few decisions are critical, it is compulsory to haveadvice from different areas' expertise (Alimuddin and Sukoco, 2017). Democraticleadership has some benefits likeIdeas from different groups make the working environment more comfortable.Unique and different ideas give the permission for more flexibility to customers taste.Comport Inn. Follow the democratic leadership style. Employees of this organizationare free to give their opinion and ideas. In this organization doors are open for everyone. Leader needs the suggestions of his followers to encourage them to do their workwith more efficiently. Characteristics of leader-Motivation- Leader should be a self-motivated person. They always keep motivated their employees to do work effectively. Britannia Hotel's leader encourage worker when they feel disappointed.Good time keeping- Britannia Hotel leader is good in time management. They manage their work schedule according to limited hours to accomplish it within the set time.Decision maker- A good leader has great decision making skills. Britannia Hotel's leadermake such kind of decisions which are profitable for employees.Intelligent- They know how to complete work with the help of workers. Britannia Hotel leader distribute responsibilities according to employees ability.Supportive- Britannia Hotel's leader always ready to provide their support to employees whenever they need.1.3) Communication processes - Communication means deliver words between two or more than two people to convey themessages. Communication is a two way communication process between two persons. In simplewords communication is sending and receiving messages and information between two or morethan persons. Communication may be oral, non-verbal, written etc. Through the communicationperson can send their ideas, feelings, thoughts to the other person. Oral communication meancommunication by words. Non-verbal communication mean communication by body language.3
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Message by e-mail called written communication. Communication process has seven majorelements. Every element necessary to make a clear informative messageSender-Sender is that person who convey the message with the clear intention ofdelivering the information to the others (.Rideout and Windle, 2017). Sender is alsoknown as a communicator. Sender is first step of any communication. Without a sendercommunication can not be start. Ideas- Idea is the subject of communication. It may be opinion, feelings, suggestions.Idea make clearly and meaningful the communication of communicator. Encoding- Subject of communication is tangible or intangible and theoretical, its requiresuse of words, actions and visual pictures. Communication through these symbols is thepart of encoding.Communication Media- Interested person in communicating has to select the mediumfor sending the information, feelings or action. This symbol is transmitted to theinformation receiver through specific medium which may be formal or informal.Receiver-Receiver is that person who receives the information or message. Receivertries to understand the message or information in the right way. Decoding- Receiver try to understand the correct message meaning of communicator. Heextracts the meaning of information, ideas or feeling to understanding in possible manner.Feedback- Feedback is the last element of communication process (Hiltz, Johnson andTuroff, 2016). This show that receiver has received the information and understood thesender mean.Every organization choose their different communication process. Some choose two waycommunication and some choose one way communication. Britannia Hotel follow one waycommunication. That's mean only sender send his message to the receiver but receiver cannotreply. Same thing happen in Britannia that leader convey his message or information to thefollowers but followers do not rights to send their feedback. Comport Inn. Follow the two waycommunication. That's mean leader send his message to followers and followers after decodingreply on leader's message. Comport Inn. Employees are free to convey their messages to theleader. This type of communication useful in democratic leadership style, where leader wants theemployees suggestions to improve the organization. Open communication is compulsory fororganization's growth. Two way communication is the role player in Comport inn growth.4
Management and Leadership Style - Assignment_6

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