
Management Theories and Models of Leadership


Added on  2021-02-19

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Management And
Management Theories and Models of Leadership_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
PART 1............................................................................................................................................3
1.Definition of leader and manager.............................................................................................3
2. Similarities and differences between the characteristics of managers and modern leaders...4
3.Various roles of managers and leadership in application of different situations.....................4
4.The roles of leaders and managers in different situations with the help of concepts and
5.Theories of leadership..............................................................................................................6
6.Strengths and weakness of different leadership theories.........................................................6
PART 2............................................................................................................................................7
1.Introduction of Corus...............................................................................................................7
2.Key operational function and roles and responsibilities of mangers ......................................7
3.Importance of operation management for achieving goal........................................................8
4.Impact of external business environment factors affecting in decision making of leaders and
5.How operational efficiency improves with the help of managements and leadership
approaches. .................................................................................................................................9
Management Theories and Models of Leadership_2

Operation management is field of management which is concerned with controlling and
designing the process of production of goods and services (Balducci and et.al., 2019). In this
report, the case study is based on Corus which is part of Tata steel groups. Corus deals as steel
retail industry and its product are electrical steel, plates, narrow strips, semi finished steel, tube
products, wire rode and other rail products. In this report, the discussion will be based on roles
and functions of leaders and managers in the organisation. The study will analyse the roles of
manager and leaders in different situation. The study will discuss different management theories
and models of leadership. Further, the discussion will be based on key approaches to operation
management. Lastly, the study will discuss relationship between leaders and manager to
dynamic business environment.
1.Definition of leader and manager.
Leaders have the ability to evaluate the plan and forecast policies and long term goal of
the company by influencing its members to achieve it with determined strategies.
Leader is a person who is in charge of a group of members who influences and make
them to follow their commands. Like for example A great leader builds confidence in its team
members and make them enable to achieve the goals of the organisation.
Like for example a leader must be the person who supports people at organization. (Bender and
et. al., 2018).
Manager is defined as someone who has the responsibility for management of other
persons. Like for example Managers is responsible for planning, organising, directing, staffing
and controlling the organisational activities.
Like for example manager must be the person who manages all the work of their employees.
Manager is defined as individual who is responsible for managing the activity or task of
the company. As manager's main work is to exercises control over the managerial functions of
the company. Managers controls and examines the accomplishment of task that need to be done
on time with optimum utilisation of resources (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019).
Management Theories and Models of Leadership_3

2. Similarities and differences between the characteristics of managers and modern leaders
Mark Zuckerberg is an example of modern leaders who has different traits and
characteristic, different from managers in aspects of creativity and innovation which an manager
usually does not possess (Egger and Ebner, 2019).
Similarities Dis-similarities
The similarities in the characteristics of leaders
and manager is that they both supervise or
guide a group of people in the organisation. As
the they both rely on the effective
communication. Leaders and manager of Corus
have similarities in characteristic for measuring
the performance of the employee and overall
performance of organisation. The original
concern of leaders and managers of Corus is
that they allocate the resources in such a ways
that it can be utilised in best and efficient
manner (Hallinger, 2018). For example the
vision of leaders and managers are same.
The dissimilarities in characteristics of
managers and leaders are that managers sets the
process for achieving the goal of organisation
like manager plans, organise, coordinate,
forecast, train and monitor where as leaders
influences the members of organisation to work
efficiently and effectively for accomplishment
goal of the company. The leaders uses
proactive strategy where as managers uses
reactive strategies. Leaders of Corus focuses on
encouraging its members to bring change in
their working style where as managers focuses
on bringing stability in the working nature of
its members. The managers are dissimilar in
the characteristic to leaders as managers directs
to employees and leaders asks questions to its
members (McCaffery, 2018). Managers uses
authoritarian style and leaders have
motivational style for influencing its members.
Different roles of managers and leaders
are that managers takes decision where as
leaders facilitates that decision-making. A
leaders aligns influencers where as managers
organises employees.
Management Theories and Models of Leadership_4

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