
Management and Operations Research Papers Analysis


Added on  2020-07-22

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Management and Operations Research Papers Analysis_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1P1 Different roles and characteristic of a leader and manager....................................................1M1 Role of a leader and function of a manager by applying theories and concepts..................2D1 Different theories and approaches to leadership in the given context...................................3TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................3P2 Role of a leader and function of a manager in different organisational context....................3P3 Different theories and approach models................................................................................4M2 Strength and weakness of different approach.......................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P4 Key approaches of operational management and role of leader and manager.......................6P5 Importance and value of operational management................................................................8M3 Role of leader and manager in improving efficiency of operational management...............8D2 Applications of operational management and factors that impact wider organisationalenvironment.................................................................................................................................9TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P6 Factors that impact upon operational management and decision making.............................9M4 Effect of these factors on business environment and wider community............................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Management and Operations Research Papers Analysis_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the era of competitive global business, management play a vital role in shaping thecompany's future. There are various kinds of operations that are taking place within anorganisation and all has be to managed in order to properly utilise its resources. Management andoperations can be considered as managing several activities like production, marketing, sales,delivery of product etc. Managing operations means making plans that can be used for operatingactivities that are efficient and effective (Ashby, Leat and Hudson-Smith, 2012). There areseveral operations that are going in the company like Mark and Spencer. This company wasestablished in the year 1884 by Michael and Thomas Spencer. It is major British multinationalthat deals with the selling of luxury food items, home products and clothings. It has approx 959stores with around 82,904 employee. This report focuses on roles of manager and characteristicof a leader in an organisation. It also highlights various factors that influences operationmanagement of any firm and the role they play in the decision making process.TASK 1 P1 Different roles and characteristic of a leader and manager.Mark and Spencer is one of the largest retailers of Luxury food items, clothings and homeproducts. Number of stores (approx 960) is managed by following flat organisational structurewhere there limited levels between the top management and front line workers. It is followed insuch a way that every worker have their view on decision making process.In management role of leader and manager is important. Leaders have differentcharacteristic upon which their leadership styles depends. Mangers at different levels havedifferent roles. Leader are those personalities who assigns roles, task within an organisation todifferent workers (Brandenburg and et.al., 2014). They set targets that are in order to achievesuccessful business operations. They are prime decision makers and motivates employees so asto achieve company's goals. On the other hand managers are those who works on achieving goalsgenerally short term according to the available resources.Comparison between roles and characteristics of leader and managerLeaders Managers1. Leaders motivates employees and subordinates which helps them to achieve task1. Managers are those who directs, managesand controls the team like a coordinator that1
Management and Operations Research Papers Analysis_3

efficiently. 2. Leaders have characteristics like Beingcharismatic, having mercurial personalities andusually are motivators.3. They make decisions according to theproblems. 4. Leaders focuses on making changes that ishealthier for an organisation's future.5. Leaders have to make policies that areaccording to different types types of stores thatare under Mark and Spencer.6. Leaders are generally facilitative i.e. they fillvarious requirements of workplace.7. Leaders role is to achieve long term goals oforganisation.helps them in making their work easier.2. They have a characteristic like being riskavoiders, control program handlers and arerational in nature.3. Managers make strategies that are used forachieving desired goals. 4. Mangers brings stability in the firm'sworking environment.5. Managers have role that helps in managingwith daily requirements of its various stores.6. Managers are analytic in nature, possesstrong will and are persistent in their assignedwork.7. Managers role is to achieve short term anddaily based goals.M1 Role of a leader and function of a manager by applying theories and concepts.Every leader and manager has to face various situations in the day to day working of anorganisation. They just do not have to face technical or intellectual competencies rather it isessential to organise themselves according to attitudes and behaviour according to the situations(Bryan and et. al., 2013).Various Concepts and theories are as follows:Trait theory: This theory explains that not every leader are are inborn some learn theseskills during the coarse their life time.Situational theory: Mark and Spencer faces many situations in its business activities,leaders and managers make decisions according to the situations they face.Transactional theory: This theory shows that there are certain exchanges that are takingplace between leaders, managers and workers (Bureau and Hua, 2010).Path goal theory: Many obstacle arises in day to day activities of a firm and these have tobe tackled in order to achieve organisational objectives.2
Management and Operations Research Papers Analysis_4

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