
Leadership and Management Theories


Added on  2020-02-17

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Leadership and Management Theories_1

Table of ContentsCAN MANAGERS BE TRAINED LEADERS..............................................................................1INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3ASSESMENT ................................................................................................................................31. Differentiation between leadership and management concept ...............................................32. Comparison between two theories of leadership....................................................................53. Effectiveness of leadership selection and training programmes in the context of M&S........84. Coherent arguments ........................................................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12Books and journals....................................................................................................................12Online .......................................................................................................................................12
Leadership and Management Theories_2

INTRODUCTION Leaders are the main body of an organisation which helps in showing the right path tosubordinates and also helps in achieving the target and pass all the barriers which restricts anorganisation in its growth(Cooper, et. al., 2011). On the other hand managers helps in managingall the activities which are taking place in an organisation. Both of them are important at eachand every level of a firm. So, business productivity can be increased and their work can beimproved. It can not be wrong if we say that managers can be the good leaders. If it have someleadership qualities and use all the theories which can apply by the leader then it can be said thata manager is a good leader.Present report is based on this concern that can a manager be the good leader. If yes, so,what are the major things that a manager should have to do and what are the theories which itshould be apply to became a good leader. All such things are based on the Mark and spencerwhich is a largest retail trade company in UK.ASSESMENT 1. Differentiation between leadership and management concept A leader is a one who combines the whole group and promotes them to do the integratedwork with a purpose of achievement of goal and targets of an organisation. According to theconcept of leadership it is a person who leads or guides the whole team or organisation with thehelp of its skills and behaviour. It can be an innovative person with a creative mind who helps tothe whole firm in its success. This is not so much broad concept because a there is one leader inany group who leads the team and enforce them to work together and promotes the feeling oftogetherness(Allio, 2012). A manager is that person who helps in the organisation to manage all the functions andactivities in a firm. It helps to all the employees to work effectively and provide growth to themand also helps in analyse the whole functions of management to work properly andsystematically. On the other hand concept of management is vast and broad, it includes all the functionswhich are taking place in an organisation as well as leadership is also includes in this term. Thereare five basic functions of a management which are:1.Planning
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2.Organising3.Staffing4.Directing5.Controlling These all the functions which helps in an organisation to run smoothly without anybarrier and restriction. At planning stage, it helps in making the plans and goals of anorganisation on which the organisation can work(Dwyer, 2011). On organising level, they combine all the things from where they allocate resources andhow these resources can be work. At staffing, firm start assigning duties to each and every employee according to theircapability. Staffing includes the recruitment procedure, selection process and all such thingsfrom which human resource can be allocate and helps in achieving targets. Managers and leaders start providing direction to the subordinates so all task can be attainand result can became possible for each and every stage. This function is known as the directingbecause directions are providing to them(Hamel,2011). At controlling functions, whole control and monitoring process is taking place. Leadersand managers start monitoring out all the work which is doing by the subordinates. So, thateffective result can be taking out and productivity can be increased. All functions are helpful andalso the part of the management because with the help of them management process can becamesuccessful.Both of the terms have different nature and have some majors differences between themlike management includes leadership and also all the functions which are performed by theleaders are also includes in it. All the work which is done by the leader is a benefit for a firm. So,it can be said that it is a broad term where as leadership is a narrow and short term. The majordifferences of these two terms are as follow: S.no.Leadership conceptManagement concept1It is very difficult for a leaderto manage whole team astogether and providemotivation along with thatinspired them to do work in aManagement is set offunctions which arecontinuously taking place in anorganisation without even asingle break. Such functions
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