
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-01-22

25 Pages4685 Words33 Views
Leadership ManagementTheoretical Computer Science
Managing a Successful
Business Project
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF_1

PART 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Producing aim and objectives of the project for company................................................1
P2 Preparing project management plan by taking into consideration various elements.......1
P3 Preparing Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Chart for the project............................5
M1 Producing comprehensive project management plan and monitoring aims and objectives
of project.................................................................................................................................6
PART 2............................................................................................................................................6
P4 Conducting small-scale research by deploying qualitative and quantitative techniques. 6
M2 Evaluating the accuracy and reliability of research methods applied in the project........8
PART 3............................................................................................................................................9
P5 Analysis of research and data using appropriate tools and techniques............................9
P6 Communicating appropriate recommendations and conclusions....................................20
P7 Reflecting about own performance undertaken in completing research.........................21
M3 Evaluating selection of appropriate tools and techniques..............................................22
M4 Evaluating the value of the project management process..............................................22
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF_2

PROJECT TITLE: The impact of digital technology on business activities
P1 Producing aim and objectives of the project for company
Operations management is an integral part of the management which helps business to
achieve efficiency within stipulated time frame and also it is beneficial in resolving and carrying
our complex business problems (Worcman and Garde-Hansen, 2016). It is the responsibility of
operations department so as to enhance overall operational activities in that manner by which
maximum efficiency can be garnered by organisation. Digital technology is advancement in
today's scenario which has paved the way for better management operations and accomplishing
tasks quite effectually (Bollard. 2018). Combination of digitisation and operations management
have effectively boosted performance of company. Thomas Cook Group PLC which is engaged
Sin hospitality sector has efficient operations management actively engaged to simplify complex
issues by deploying digital technology. Machines are helping human to reduce their efforts and
complexity is resolved by developing mathematical algorithms. However, to handle the same,
human efforts are required so as to personalised with new features aided by digital technology.
Project Aim:
“To ascertain the influence of digital technology on operation management in hospitality
sector- A study on Thomas Cook Group PLC.”
Project Objectives:
To understand the concept of operations management in context of hospitality sector.
To identify relationship between digital technology and operations management.
To ascertain the influence of digital technologies on operation management in Thomas
Cook Group PLC.
To recommend strategies for improvement in application of digital technologies in
operations management at Thomas Cook Group PLC.
P2 Preparing project management plan by taking into consideration various elements
Project cost-
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF_3

The project should be within costs which are budgeted for it so that no over expenditures
can take place. Cost stipulated for this project is £15000 required for meeting project. In relation
to this, budgeted Cost sheet is being prepared-
Particulars Amount
Materials to be purchased 1800
Attaining software license 2400
Database licensing 700
Machinery expenses 2100
Cost of labour 900
Server expenditures 1100
Networking expenses 1800
Cost of stationary 1500
Travelling expenditures 2500
Cost for receiving secondary sources 1200
Total 15000
Project scope-
The project scope is being achieved by assessing digital technology on operations
management of Thomas Cook Group PLC. In addition to this, employees' of firm are included
and questionnaire will be deployed to 50 employees'.
Project time-
Time is the main element in each and every project of organisation. All the listed tasks
and activities are to be completed within time frame. Gantt chart and Work breakdown structure
both are produced showing that 51 days will be needed for project completion.
Project quality-
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF_4

Qualitative factor is required to be ascertained in a better way. For accomplishing this,
data and related statistics are needed by which research can be achieved or in simple words,
outcome can be attained. Moreover, primary and secondary data are taken for aiding research
Project risk-
Risks are part of project and operational tasks of organisation are highly affected by the
same. Moreover, risk evolves because of lack of time and resources. It might occur in business as
it is not certain regarding its happening or non-happening.
Project resources-
Resources are needed so as to achieve research aim and objectives in timely manner. For
this, scholar has taken human, financial and technical resources for effectively attaining
conclusion and all this would be possible because of digitised advancement.
Project communication plan-
Sr. No Communicatio
Format Duration Personnels Presentation
1 Status update
about ongoing
Email Weekly Members and
Progress regarding
research would be
2 Communicating
action plan and
Alternate days Entire team of
action plan
Steps for task
3 Research
Presentation Weekly Members and
Issues to be
4 Analysing use of
Once in a
Members and
Discussion on
expenses made
5 Analysing risk
and update of
Email and Weekly Project Manager Approval by
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF_5

the same meeting Project Manager
Project scope statement-
The scope statement is helpful in allocating duties to employees which would lead to
completion of project with ease. Below is listed project management plan highlighting activities
to be conducted for overall completion.
Project Management Plan
Task Name Duratio
Cost Risk
Research topic selection 2 days Moder
Initiating and
implementing problem
4 days 1 2 £10.0
0 low
Review of the literature 6 days 2 literature 3 £200.
00 high
Devising and attaining
deadlines and schedules 5 days 3 4 £100.
Selecting methods of
research 8 days 1,3
Books and
5 £0.00 Low
Analysing collected data 7 days 4 6 £300.
00 Low
Solved Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment PDF_6

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Managing the Successful Business Projects | Assignment