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Risk Assessment Techniques in the Workplace


Added on  2019/12/03

AI Summary
This technique involves dividing the process and operations of the firm into small processes, then conducting a detailed analysis to identify potential risks associated with each process. This approach helps identify major risks associated with operations, including hazards related to activities, risk of injury, and other factors that could impact worker safety. The identified risks can be mitigated by implementing control measures, such as training, personal protective equipment (PPE), and standard operating procedures (SOPs). The Juran trilogy, a framework for quality management, emphasizes the importance of planning, control, and improvement in managing risk.

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Introduction .....................................................................................................................................3
Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Major positions in the company and organizational chart ....................................................3
1.1 Explanation of different functions and their relationship......................................................4
1.2 Key aim and objectives along with process map of one function ........................................4
1.3 Elements required to build quality gateway .........................................................................5
2.1 Plan to promote goals and objectives for ABC Company.....................................................6
2.2 Recommendation using SMART objectives .........................................................................7
2.4 Appropriate system to achieve objectives ............................................................................7
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................8
3.1 System required to manage and maintain quality .................................................................8
3.2 Quality culture ......................................................................................................................9
3.3 Recommended improvements aligned with objectives .......................................................9
3.4 Implications of proposed change ........................................................................................10
4.1 Risk assessment...................................................................................................................10
4.2 Health and safety regulations and legislation applicable in the company ..........................11
4.3 Review of health and safety legislation ..............................................................................11
4.4 Practical applications of health and safety policy and procedures of ABC company .......11
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Illustration Index
Illustration 1: Organizational chart of ABC company.....................................................................4
Illustration 2: Process map of one function ...................................................................................7
Illustration 3: Juran triology...........................................................................................................11
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In modern era, managing business activities is an important and one of the most crucial
part which every manager needs to perform. There are various departments in an organization
such finance, human resources, operations, marketing and sales etc. which are required to be
managed and maintained in effective manner. The present report is based on ABC company
which is a recruitment firm. This report demonstrate the goals, objectives of the company and
different elements which are required to build a quality gateway. It also explains the system
required by the firm to manage and monitor quality systems.
1.1 Major positions in the company and organizational chart
ABC company is a recruitment firm and it consists of the three major departments which
are human resources, sales & marketing and Finance. The company is headed over by its
CEO(Chief executive officer) and each department has its own manager which works under the
CEO. The departments are mentioned below as:
Illustration 1: Organizational chart of ABC company

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Human resources- The human resources department often know as HR department takes
care of the recruitment and selection of employees within the organization (Keller,
Parameswaran and Jacob, 2011). It also perform the function of training of the workers.
Payrolls are also taken care by this department.
Sales and marketing- The job of sales department is to market the recruitment services
provided by ABC company. The sales managers assigns sales target to executives evry
month and these targets are required to be accomplished.
Finance- The Finance manager is the one which takes care of this department and his
main job is to develop the financial statements of the company. It also plays very
important role in taking care of the income, revenues and expenditure of the firm.
IT- The role of IT department is to deal with the problems and issues of clients over
internet. Further it also seeks for technological improvements.
Operations- This department takes care of the services provided to the clients. It deals
with the process of inviting applicants till the process of selection.
1.1 Explanation of different functions and their relationship
Every organization is required to have proper coordination among all its departments in
order to grow and achieve all its targets (Piercy and Evans, 2014). All the departments of ABC
company are interrelated with each other and effective coordination among them is must. For
instance the, functions of marketing department is to promote recruitment services of the
company and increase its sales and without the help of HR and financing these functions cannot
be accomplished. At the time of marketing, the executives will be requiring finances, which will
be provided by finance department (Gronroos, 2007). The sales target can be achieved only when
the HR manager hires effective and capable sales executives. Therefore, it can be stated that all
the departments are interrelated and interdependent with each other.
1.2 Key aim and objectives along with process map of one function
Organizations are required to developed their aims and objectives which acts as a
guidelines and demonstrate what the organizations wants to achieve ultimately (Robbins and et.
al., 2013). Aim and objective of ABC company are stated below as:
Aim-To become the leading and most trusted recruitment service provider in UK
Mission- To provide most effective and convenient services to clients
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Objectives- The company has three main objectives which are to increase its market
share up to 25% in within 6 months, to open five new stores in UK within 2 years of
time and to gain high degree of customer satisfaction by meeting their needs.
1.3 Elements required to build quality gateway
In modern era, in order to survive in the stage of intense competition is is essential for
every business to focus on their quality (Jones, 2010). ABC is a recruitment firm and it is
required to make sure that the best and quality services are provided to the customers. to build
Illustration 2: Process map of one
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quality gateways it is required by the firm to establish quality standard in all its operations
(Recruitment and selection hiring process, 2015). At the time of conducting interviews, it needs
to make sure that only deserving candidates becomes the part of interview process. In addition to
this, it is also important for the company to establish effective process of monitoring. This will
help in determining the loop holes in the entire recruitment system of the company. Another
essential element of quality gateways is feedbacks and reviews from the clients (Eliasson, 2014).
ABC company is required to implement an effective feedback system in which the reviews and
feedback will be taken from client after delivering services to them.
2.1 Plan to promote goals and objectives for ABC Company
The main objective of ABC company is to attain high degree of client satisfaction by
meting their needs. At the time of operating and developing plan to meet the goals, the company
is required to make sure that the legal, regulatory and ethical requirements are addressed in best
possible manner. Below mentioned is the plan to promote objectives and goals of the company:
Determination of goals and objectives
Development of strategy to meet those goals and objectives
Taking measures for quality check
implementation of strategy
Monitoring of the strategy
The company is also required to take care of the fact that while achieving its aim and
objectives, it needs to address all the legal, regulatory and ethical requirements. At the time of
recruitment, all the terms and conditions regrading employment should be disclosed.
Furthermore, the company should not promote any kind of biassness or bribery at the time of
recruitment. The candidate should be selected on the basis of his/her qualification, skill set and
experience (Hollensen, 2015). Other than this, ABC company is also required to give equal
opportunities to all the people and this can be done by posting ads regrading recruitment on
social media, news papers, magazines and other employment related journals.
2.2 Recommendation using SMART objectives
Businesses are required to developed SMART objectives in order to grow and achieve
their objectives in best possible manner (Sallinen, 2011). Setting such objectives will help ABC

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company to making the alignment of people in effective and efficient manner. The SMART
objectives are below mentioned as:
Increasing sales of services by 20% in the next one year and this can be achieved with the
help of marketing and advertisement.
Reducing the rate of employee turnover by 50% in next 6 months. The company can
achieve this objective by motivating them through rewards and incentives.
To strengthen, ABC company's top level management by hiring 2 new people in next
one year.
It is recommended that the CEO of company is required to arrange meeting with all the
managers of various departments at regular intervals. All these goals are required to be
communicated to these managers which can further communicate to executives. Further it is also
recommended that suggestions can be taken from employees regrading how people and resources
can be arranged to meet the above stated objectives.
2.4 Appropriate system to achieve objectives
In order to increase the sales of recruitment services ABC company is required to adopt
effective marketing and advertisement of the recruitment services. This will help in creating high
level of awareness regarding the services which has been offered by the firm. Techniques such as
social media marketing and email marketing can be used by the firm (Bell and Omachonu,
2011). Further these techniques are cost effective and will also help the firm to increase its
customer base (Activities in marketing management, 2015). On the other hand, the company also
wants to lower down the rate of employee turnover. One of the best way to reduce the rate of
employee turnover is by making them part of decision making process. At the time of decision
making their ideas and suggestions can be encouraged which will also help in making employees
The top level management of ABC company can be strengthen with the help of
techniques such as head hunting. In this process, the company can hire the persons working at
top level management of other successful recruitment firm by paying them more. Along with
this, the company is also required to focus on quality of its services so that high degree of
customer satisfaction can be created in the minds of clients. This can be done with the help of
taking feedbacks and getting in regular touch with the clients. Further quality parameters should
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be established in entire process of recruitment so that the best services can be delivered to the
clients (Nahrgang Morgeson and Hofmann, 2011).
3.1 System required to manage and maintain quality
ABC company is also required to develop appropriate system to manage and maintain the
quality of its services. The system will also help the company to overcome the issues and
problem which has been faced by the company at present. ABC company can adopt the concept
of Juran triology, in which three main process will be developed by the firm. The process are
quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. The process is mentioned below as:
Quality planning- In this stage, the company will be required to identify all its
customers and their needs and demands (Abdullah, Uli and Tari, 2012). Further it will
be also required to develop such kind of services which can meet the demand of
customers. ABC needs to make sure that some quality objectives are developed and a
plan for achieving those objectives has been established.
ustration 3: Juran triology
(Source: Baird, Jia Hu and Reeve, 2011)
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Quality control- In this stage, the company will be required to develop methods which
can be used to maintain quality in operations. In this process, ABC company needs to
have knowledge regarding its expected performance and also needs to evaluate its
actual performance. Further a comparison will be made regarding the recruitment
services which were expected to be provided and the actual services which has been
provided. After this corrective steps needs to be taken to overcome the gap between
actual and expected services.
Quality improvements- In this stage, ABC company needs to improve its process and
quality of operations. This can be don with the help of innovations and new ideas.
3.2 Quality culture
Quality has become one of the most essential thing which helps a business to grown and
survive in the stage of such an intense competition. In simpler terms, quality is defined as the
degree to which a particular product or service meet the need and expectation of the customers.
Quality circles includes some values and principles which helps firm to improve the products and
services quality on continues basis. ABC company can adopt the concept of quality circles as it
will help the firm to increase the quality of its recruitment services provided and gain high
degree of customer satisfaction. It is not easy for the company to adopt the circles and there are
few things which needs to be taken care of. First of all the company will be required to put more
focus on clients loyalty along with satisfaction and secondly it will need to make corrective steps
to make sure that all the loop holes and obstacles are removed.
3.3 Recommended improvements aligned with objectives
It has been found that the company is required to make some improvements aligned with
objectives in order to become successful and achieve higher sales. ABC company at present
focuses on advertisement techniques such as publishing ads on newspapers. It can adopt modern
marketing tools such as social media marketing and email marketing. The growing use of
internet among people has provided many companies with a very potential online platform for
sales and marketing of product and services. The same can be adopted by the ABC company
where it can promote its recruitment services on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
On the other side recruitment regarding messages can be also provided to customers on their
emails id. This will help in attracting more customers in a very cost effective manner. In order to

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lower down the rate of employee turnover, ABC company is also required to redesign its
structure regarding pay and incentives. Participate style of leadership can be adopted by the firm
which also leads to employee satisfaction. Along with this, the company is required to make
some changes in its top level management and hire some new people which can provide
innovative and creative ideas.
3.4 Implications of proposed change
The company can adopt quality system in order to make sure that the best and quality
services are provided to all the clients. In order to make continuous improvement, monitoring of
the process is must. It will help the company to identify the obstacles in achieving high service
quality. After identification of obstacles, ABC is required to take corrective steps to ensure that
best recruitment services are being provided. The results of a good and effective quality
management system is that the company will be able to meet the need and demand of customers
in more satisfactory manner. It will also assist in lowering down the cost incurred in managing
and maintaining quality of services.
4.1 Risk assessment
One of the best and most useful technique of risk assessment which can be used by ABC
company is workplace risk assessment. As per this technique, all the process and operations of
the firm will be divided into small process. Further analysis of each and every small process will
be done to find out the risk associated with them. One of the main reason why this technique is
considered as more effective is that it helps in identification of all the major risk which has been
associated with the operations. The identified factors could be hazards related with activities, risk
of injury and other things associated with the hazards, the person which are at risk, what are the
measures which can be taken to overcome risk and actions which can be taken at the time of
emergency. This technique is as per the requirement of legislation, regulation and organizational
requirement as it will ensure the safety of workers.
4.2 Health and safety regulations and legislation applicable in the company
Some of the health and safety regulations and legislation which are applicable in ABC
company are mentioned below as:
According to the health and safety at work Act, 1974 it is thew prime duty of employer to
make sure that all the practices regarding protection of health and safety of workers are
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taken into consideration. This includes safe working environment and system should be
provided to all the employee of ABC. Adequate welfare provision should be organized
for the staff at work. The company is also required to provide training and development
to all the workers regarding their health and safety.
As per management of health and safety at work regulations 1999, ABC company is
required to make arrangements regarding the health and safety of workers.
4.3 Review of health and safety legislation
Thew policy which has been followed by ABC company is effective but up-to a certain
extent only. After carrying out the review of health and safety legislation it has been found that
the company has developed safe operations regarding working system and environment. In
addition to this, the welfare provision has been also developed in the company to protect the
health of employees. On the other side of this, there are some thing which are lacking such as
arrangements regarding emergency and health surveillance. Training and development sessions
are also not provided to the employee's. Some of the workers are also not clear with the health
and safety related rules and procedures.
4.4 Practical applications of health and safety policy and procedures of ABC company
In order to practically apply all those health and safety policy and procedures, the
company is required to go through all the policy and procedures which has been developed by
regulatory bodies and government. Further the company is also required to develop team of two
of three people which can monitor the procedures and ensure that all the heath and safety related
laws and regulations has been addressed by the company. Further the rules and regulation
regrading health and safety should be communicated to each and every employee. At last, the
company is also required to make sure that training and development sessions are conducted at
regular intervals. The benefit of such sessions will be that the workers of ABC will be trained
regrading the measure which can be taken at the time of any emergency happened at workplace.
The team will b also responsible for ensuring the fact that if any new change happens in health
and safety act then those changes are implemented in the company.
From the above report it can be concluded that managing business activities is very
essential for the success of businesses such as ABC. It can be concluded that there are some
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changes which are required at top management and other areas of the company. In addition to
this, it is also required to implement quality management system to provide better services.

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Books and journals
Abdullah, M. M. B., Uli, J. and Tari, J. J., 2012. The influence of soft factors on quality
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Baird, K., Jia Hu, K. and Reeve, R., 2011. The relationships between organizational culture,
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Gronroos, C., 2007. Service management and marketing: customer management in service
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Hollensen, S., 2015. Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education.
Jones, G. R., 2010. Organizational theory, design, and change. Pearson.
Keller, K. L., Parameswaran, M. G. and Jacob, I., 2011. Strategic brand management: Building,
measuring, and managing brand equity. Pearson Education India.
Nahrgang, J. D., Morgeson, F. P. and Hofmann, D. A., 2011. Safety at work: a meta-analytic
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safety outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology. 96(1).pp. 71.
Piercy, N. and Evans, M., 2014. Managing Marketing Information (RLE Marketing). Routledge.
Robbins, S. and et. al., 2013. Organisational behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU.
Sallinen, R., 2011. The Development of a Quality Handbook as a Tool for a Quality
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