
Managing people in organizations : Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

19 Pages4253 Words184 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and Culture
Managing people in organizations : Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK...............................................................................................................................................1Recent trend in people resourcing .........................................................................................1Challenges in people resourcing.............................................................................................2Importance of people resourcing............................................................................................2Recruitment and selection process ........................................................................................2Recruitment Strategy..............................................................................................................3Induction programme.............................................................................................................7Importance of induction training ...........................................................................................8Challenges of induction programme......................................................................................9Importance of Training programme ....................................................................................10Challenge of training program..............................................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................13
Managing people in organizations : Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONPeople are the most dynamic assets any organisation have. Managing people is not aneasy task, as people have different attitude, belief, background and preference, only empatheticHRM practices help to achieve this goal. This report give introduction about people resourcingactivities, their benefit and challenges. Study also cover brief description of Recruitment andselection followed by Mc Donald. Role of induction training and importance of other trainingsession also been given with challenges attached with them. McDonald is the most popular fastfood company. It has huge global image and expansion. It has Hamburgers, soft drinks, dessert,milkshake, salad, chicken and breakfast meal in its basket to offer to consumer. It was establishedin 1940 in San Bernardino (California). It has now more than 36000 food outlets across the globe,which serve 69 million people in one day only.TASKPeople resourcing It is a strategic human resource management technique. People resourcing focuses notonly to bring the best people in organisation but it also concerned with high performance,employee retention, effective utilisation of human capital. All the HR policies and procedures aremade to these objectives. It seems like people resourcing activities is all about recruitment andselection only, but in reality it contains various HR practices like, talent management, retentionplanning, Flexibility planning and absence management (Kirwan, 2016) Talent management means attract, recruit, retain and develop the talent of individual. McDonald tries to entice these people by offering best packages in industry. Flexibility planning isdone to make flexible firm. Like job sharing, flexible hours, teleworking and shift working.Absent management objective is to reduce absenteeism. Retention planning are the effort toconvince individual for not to leave Firm, other than very serious and genuine reason.Recent trend in people resourcing Traditionally recruitment and selection was used as weapon, from employer side. HRfocused only on their need objectives only, but now human resources activities aredesigned in such war that is more candidate friendly (Babu. and Reddy, 2018). Like nowcandidate's expectation and preference also been asked during interview.1
Managing people in organizations : Assignment_3

Use of technology is increases in managing employees with more accuracy andeffectiveness. Mc Donald uses HRIS, Hotline and Application Tracking System tomanage people.Training and development become more personalised than standard one. Organisation'snow sight its employee growth as its integral part and responsibility.Flexibility is in the core of very HR practice. Like Mc Donald render carrier opportunity tograduate by offering them part-time job.Challenges in people resourcingGlobalisation creates problem in compliance with law of different countries.Work life balance is not a luxury or privilege given by HR, it now becomes essentialfunction. HR has to make policies that take care of human right as well (Backlund, 2017)Organisation's can find difficulty in finding right people are right job. Importance of people resourcingPeople resourcing activity help in having best people in organisation, these people makecontribution in growth by giving innovative idea. Training enable personnel to lower the wastage,which help in cost of product. Now sourcing activities become proactive than reactive. Proactiveactions save time and money associates to correcting the wrong thing right.Recruitment and selection process Recruitment is an effort to generate pool of qualified job applicant for organisation. Thereis a thin line difference between Recruitment and selection (Dhar, 2015). Recruitment activitiesare designed to search and stimuli people to apply for job, where in selection process, anemployer examine skills, knowledge, behaviour and experience through series of steps. Contractis made between recruiter and applicant, only successfully completion of selection process. Mc2Illustration 1: Recruitment and selection processSources:(Recruitment and selection process,2015)
Managing people in organizations : Assignment_4

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