
Marketing Essentials - McDonald's Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-01-03

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Marketing Essentials
Marketing Essentials -  McDonald's Assignment PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Roles and Responsibilities of marketing function.................................................................1P2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the organisational context.........................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P3 Comparison of ways in different organisation apply marketing mix for planning to achieveobjectives.....................................................................................................................................6TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10P4 Produce and evaluate a marketing plan for an organisation................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFRENCES.................................................................................................................................13
Marketing Essentials -  McDonald's Assignment PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing is very helpful component in the modern scenario as it support the firm inachieving targets in an effective manner. It concerned with market research for understanding theentire market including demand of customers, strong competitors, build effective relationsamong people, create good brand image in the marketplace, formulate strategies and produceappropriate goods or services (Baines and Page, 2013). In every firm, marketing department playseveral roles or responsibilities for developing an organisation and achieving competitiveadvantages in better ways. In this various activities are included such as advertising, promotionalactivity, sales and deliver better products or services to the potentials customers to satisfy theirneeds or wants. This report is based on McDonald's as it is an American fast food restaurant anddeals in varieties of food such as Hamburgers, Soft drinks, deserts, Chicken, French Fries,breakfasts etc. this report will explain roles or responsibilities of marketing functions and theirinterrelation with organisation. This will compare the marketing mix of different organisationand produce effective plan for achieving business objectives. TASK 1P1 Roles and Responsibilities of marketing functionMarketing is defined as the set of process in which includes several activities such asmanufacturing, purchasing, selling and delivering of particular goods or services to satisfycustomers needs or wants in more appropriate manner. Marketing is an effective tool which toorganisation in increase profitability and productivity as well as sales volume also because thesetools or techniques are considered for creating marketing awareness in an effective manner. Marketing plays important role in every type of organisation and along with this it hasseveral roles and responsibilities towards the company (Bowie and Paraskevas, 2014). InMcDonald's, there are various activities which done through marketing for making productsuccessful and famous. For this, entire marketing process there is requirement of proper team sofirm can gain competitive advantage over several other companies. There are severalresponsibilities and role of marketing some of them is given below:-Market research: This is the first and for-most step which enterprise have to do whenthey are bring their product in the market. Marketing research is conducted with themotive of identifying current market trend and need, wants of customers ,Because1
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satisfaction of customer is important for every kind of organisation. Hence, it help inidentifying current market requirement. But all these are possible when marketingresearch is conducted effectively. Promotion: This is primary and basic function of marketing to promote goods andservices in market. Promotion assist in increasing pre-sale of products. Same processthat included several tools and technique of promotion of goods in market for attractingcustomers and increasing sale. These are magazines, newspaper, television, events andmany more all these are traditional techniques of promoting product (Mariussen, 2014).Whereas, according to current scenario there are some modern techniques also such associal media, digital marketing etc. using this is no expensive and effective. Promotiontechniques gives direct impact on business by increasing sale, profit maximisation andconverting customers in loyal. Distribution: it is the process through which product will be delivered to the users. Thisis main responsibility of marketing department to deliver goods or services toconsumers. For this, there is requirement of effective distribution channel which isframed by marketing team of the company. But the channel they are using must beeffectual and help in distribution work. In some condition, there is requirement ofpartner also who help in the same procedure. Marketing Information Management: Organisation do several activities in marketingand in this informations are collected which must be managed properly by McDonald's.For this, McDonald's can use modern technique which is named as cloud computing. Itis responsibility of the marketing team to gain all the information from market and storeefficaciously so as to make judgement in a better manner (Brassington, 2013). Theinformation or data that is gathered after market research aid in making strategicdecisions.Product and service management: Marketing have to manage product and services inbetter way this is the major role of it. This is adding value to the goods and services forwhich customers are paying their hard earned money. Company require propermanagement of goods and services to the they gain competitive advantage, generaterevenue and gain competitive advantage. 2
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