
Marketing Essentials Report : Your Destination


Added on  2020-07-23

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Marketing Essentials Report : Your Destination_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Important roles and responsibility of marketing officers and structure of marketingdepartment...................................................................................................................................1M1. Role of Marketing in context with external commercial environment................................2P2. Relations of marketing function with organisation operations in wider context.................3M2. Significance of relationship between marketing functions and other department of firm.4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3. Applying concept of 7P's of marketing mix in marketing plan of organisation..................4M3. Various tactics formulated by organisation to achieve its objectives.................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P4. Development marketing plan by organisation officers.........................................................9M 4. Evidence supported consistent marketing plan of business firm.....................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Marketing Essentials Report : Your Destination_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing can be defined as involving various exchange activities that includes sellingthe products and services to customers in market place in order to accomplish their various needsand wants. Marketing is having significant role in achieving the targets of firm to expand thebusiness and act profitably in commercial environment (Berthon and et. al., 2012). YourDetestation is newer company in the sector of transportation service industry engaged indelivering their services to the area of London and Essex. The firm is delivering services ofairport shuttle, limousine cars, etc.In this particular report, various roles and responsibilities of marketing manager isdiscussed along with defining the importance of integrating marketing roles with other functionsof department of firm.TASK 1P1. Important roles and responsibilities of marketing manager and structure of marketingdepartmentMEMOTo: Senior manager of Your DestinationFrom: Marketing ManagerDate: 7th October 2017Subject: Roles and responsibility of marketing officer and defining the structure of marketingdepartment of Your Destination organisation.Marketing department is having great significance in development of any organisation as thiscontributes in increasing the sales of product and services for the firm. The transportationcompanies are engaged in strengthening the structure of their marketing department in the firmto act in systematised manner towards the demands of customers.The marking officer is having various roles like he inspects the various options and alternativespresent in the marketplace to grow business. He introduces various strategies in order to reactresponsibility towards changing trends in the needs of services user of The Your Destinationtransportation company. Marketing officer implement and customer centric approach inorganisation to bring new changes in the function of firm to deliver efficient services to usersand accomplish firm gaols efficiently. The various roles and responsibilities delivered by an1
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MEMOmarketing officer of in the organisational culture of Your Destination firm are as follow:Analyses market conditions: The officers is having duty that he continuously review themarket conditions and access various opportunities available in marketplace to expandbusiness and contribute in higher profitability of Your Destination.Defines various strategy to segment and target market: He develops various strategiesrelated with defining 7p's of marketing mix, selecting appropriate approach topromotional technique in order to react efficiently in marketplace. These all strategiesdevelop after carrying out internal auditing of competencies an capability oforganisation and external auditing to analyse various growth opportunities.Marketing officer is responsible towards planning marketing mix for firm: Thisparticular action of marketing mix largely contributes in deliver of efficient services tothe customers. As the various element of marketing mix like price, place, product,promotion, people and process describes the competencies and effectiveness of firm indelivering the services as per requirements of users.Managing the strategic plans and efforts of marketing department in workingenvironment: This responsibility of a marketing manager to manage the actions andtask as defined in strategic plan of marketing efficiency in order to achieve its gaolseffectively in marketplace. This particular role of officer helps in revising theeffectiveness of marketing plan and complying with new changes if required in actions.The marketing officer should be responsible in accomplishing his duties in order toachieve the targets of form effectively. The manger can motivates the team to work asper the standards and work in integration with department to achieves targets of the firmwith higher efficiency.M1. Role of Marketing in context with external commercial environment.There are two types of business environment which may affect the internal functionalityof organisation one is internal environment and external environment. The effect internalsurrounding on the functions and operations of the firm can be analysed through carrying outSWOT analysis of Your Destination organisation (Armstrong and et. al., 2011). This particularstrategies defied about the strength and weaknesses of the firm which can be helpful in availing2
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