
Hospitality Industry Analysis and Opportunities


Added on  2020-10-22

11 Pages3400 Words311 Views
The contemporary HospitalityIndustry: 2
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 3.................................................................................................................................................1P6 Presenting the external analysis of the Marriott................................................................1P7 Swot analysis for a hospitality business and the review how this can inform the decisionmaking process-......................................................................................................................4P8 Current and future Trends in hospitality industry.............................................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONHospitality industry provide the services of accommodation to their customers. For thisreport the chosen organization is Marriott which is one of the top and leading hotels in UK. It is amultinational American Hotel that provides best services to their customers and it present itsstore in more than 6520 location and this shows that the company have good and effective brandimage in market. Further the report presents the external analysis of Marriott by using PESTLEanalysis and to determine the company's internal environment, report uses SWOT analysis.Further report also describes current and potential trends in the hospitality industry and someimplications that may affect company's overall structure. LO 3P6 Presenting the external analysis of the MarriottTo determine the external environment of the company, Marriott uses PESTLE analysisand it is mentioned below:Political Factor: The biggest factor that affect the company's internally as well asexternally i.e. danger of terrorism or international relation. As the hotel is also deals withdifferent countries and it operates in lodging in more than a dozen countries. Hence, expose itselfto many types of different political environment as well as risk. To cope up from this situation,Marriott has to diversify its strategic risk of political environment. Even if there is any politicalinstability in the country then it directly affects the company's overall performance in adverseway. As well as climate that affect the tourism. Beside this, there is another threat that may affectthe company's profitability such as terrorist attack or attack of military because this may disruptthe international air travel agency and even people are also frighten to go out from their country.In addition to this, Marriott also faces another threat from the terrorist such that there areincreases chances of terrorist attack that directly affect the entire tourist in adverse way (Al-Araidah and et.al., 2015). Beside this, the government suddenly raise the taxes and as a result itdirectly affects the company's overall working performance. For example, in June in UK, there isa terrorist attack and as a result, many people were killed and it directly affects the countrytourism industry. 1
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Economical factor: Slowing down the economic growth of the country directly affectthe company's overall performance and if the country's economic situation is not stable then italso lowers down the prices of those services or products which are provided by the company tothe customers. For example, the stock market is also collapsed in China and this creates issuesrelated to debt crisis and also affects the buying power of the company. Further, the U.S. Dollaralso creates another problem for Marriott and it also discourages many people to travel andhence the foreign tourist is also affected. If this economic instability is growing year by year thenit directly affects the company's sales such that people have to reduce the people's ability totravel and stay in the hotels. On the other side, if there is an increase rate of inflation then itaffects the company in adverse way such that it reduces the overall sales in hotel industry andcausing so many difficulties for their customers too. Because customer actually have fixedbudget which they have to spend on their holiday but on the other side, if the governmentsuddenly raise the tax rates and there is imbalance in economy then people will not spend moreto enjoy. That is why economic factor of external environment directly affect the company'soverall performance.2Illustration 1: PESTLE analysis(Source: PESTLE analysis, 2018)
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