
Niche Technology: Electronic Firm Overview, PESTLE and SWOT Analysis, Market Research, and Selling Methods


Added on  2023-06-10

12 Pages1353 Words483 Views
Niche Technology is an electronic firm which produces
and sells the electronic gadgets ranging from household
appliance to industrial equipment.
Some of key products which the company sells to
households include air conditioners, refrigerators,
microwaves, security lights and washing machines.
Commercial and industrial production of electronic
gadgets include malodor controls, sensors,
instrumentation gadgets, fragrance, Televisions, HDD
and DVs recorders as well as security cameras and
digital alarm signals.
Niche Technology: Electronic Firm Overview, PESTLE and SWOT Analysis, Market Research, and Selling Methods_1

BACKGROUND This company is intended to be set on 27th June,
2018 as a partnership business venture. This
company is intended to deal with the production of
electronic products such the home based appliances
and sell them either directly to customers or through
wholesalers and retailers.
The two main key partners in this business include
Johansson Muhammad and Clifford Lone. It will be
registered as the legal entity as per the stipulations
of the partnership regulations and act of Saudi
Arabia Country.
Johansson Muhammad and Clifford Lone are the
key stakeholders and owners of the company with
equal shares as per the business plan (Nielsen,
Chambers, & Farr, 2015).
Niche Technology: Electronic Firm Overview, PESTLE and SWOT Analysis, Market Research, and Selling Methods_2

ANALYISS Political-The country where Niche electronic company will be situated is stable, and this,
therefore, will create an enabling environment for business to thrive.
Economic- Recently there has been an economic recession in the country and this greatly
affected the level of manufacturing and sales of the company's products negatively.
Socio-Cultural-The company will aim to serve diverse customers all over the country.
However, this will be hindered by different values and beliefs of certain communities.
Technology plays a critical role in the engineering sector hence has to be checked more often.
It constantly changes, and Niche electronic company will be expected therefore to utilize the
modern technology during the manufacturing of their products (Borowski, 2011).
Legal: There are a variety of legal laws and regulations which guide the performance of the
company. For example, there are heavy penalties for imitation of another company's products,
and hence Niche electronic will produce its brand of electronics to win the public perception
and approval of its products (Hasan, 2013).
Environmental: The increased rate of ethical consumers in the world brands of items who
prefers to have his or her brands of electronic items to be manufactured in a more socially
responsible environment, Niche electronic company will thus manufacture products to meet
up with the standards of an ethical consumer.
Niche Technology: Electronic Firm Overview, PESTLE and SWOT Analysis, Market Research, and Selling Methods_3

Based on logistics, the following will be the company’s SWOT analysis;
Strengths: Niche electronic company will have the ability to sell most of its
products online, and this will enable the company to access a wider market
hence generating a massive amount of profits. Also, it will have a highly
visible website which will attract huge traffic of customers in the market.
Weaknesses: The one critical weaknesses of the company will have is
that there will be competition in the market which will be created by
many competitors already in the market providing similar electronic
products and hence will reduce the profits to be generated from sales of
the items.
Opportunities: There are a variety of opportunities which will be
created in the company. For instance, Niche Company will have the chance
to continue to expand its online sale, and this will be due to the huge
competition in the offline selling of electronic products.
Threats: There is a number of threats which Niche electronic company
will be exposed to. Such threats will include, changes in regards to laws
and regulations which will impact the company performance negatively.
Niche Technology: Electronic Firm Overview, PESTLE and SWOT Analysis, Market Research, and Selling Methods_4

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