
Organization Behavior - A David and company Assignment


Added on  2020-12-30

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Leadership Management
Organization Behavior - A David and company Assignment_1

Organization Behavior - A David and company Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganization behavior is the study about the individual behavior, attitude and beliefs sothat work can be assign on that basis. It is a scientific approach which is used fro all types ofmanagement workers. As it is known that employee is the major part of the working so study isconducted to maximize their output level (Adeniji, 2011). This assignment informs the respectiveorganization concept of organization behavior in their working. A David and company is chosenin the report who deals in the food and beverage industry. This report inform about theculture ,politics and power impact on the individual performance and behavior in the premises. Italso present various types of motivation theories which organization can use in order to inducetheir employee to perform best of their ability. Moreover ,describe importance of team in theachievement of business objectives. Lastly, presentation of various concept and philosophies tounderstand the enterprise situation and scenario. TASK 1P1 Explain how culture ,politics and power influence the team behavior and the performance.Organizational culture, politics and power plays a crucial role in influencing individualand team behavior. These are described briefly below:Culture : Organization culture indicate about the values, assumptions, beliefs, policieswhich business follow in the internal environment. This experiences, philosophies and themethods of the business able to direct the behavior of employee at workplace (Bissell andDolan, 2012). Along-with this the culture of an organisation influence the behaviour andperformance of an individual and team such as if in a firm their is culture of discrimination onthe basis of income and gender then it will affect the behaviour of both an individual and teamwhich directly impact on their productivity.Handy's culture : There are four type of culture which A David and company can adopt inorder to enhance their employee performance and business productivity according to theirsuitability and the external environment.Power culture : In the organization it is rested in some people only and they have theright to take decision. It is beneficial that employees does not have to report more and moreauthorities for their working (Burrell and Morgan, 2017). These individual later on delegate thereresponsibility to some other person of the business. Due to this work get finished on time in
Organization Behavior - A David and company Assignment_3

appropriate way due to follow up of superior by their subordinate. Power culture also have thedemerit that employees have no authority to express their ideas and the views. For the business itcan also be negative as the position holder can do the partially with the subordinate and affecttheir working.Role culture : Role culture is a culture where the employees assign the work andresponsibilities on the basis of their education, interest and qualification. It is beneficial for theorganization as the person able to know the work for which they are accountable and responsiblefor achieving . Power comes in this with the responsibility so that work can be completed on thetime in the effective manner. Due to role culture every individual of A David and companyknow their duties and responsibilities so that confusion and dispute can't occur betweenemployees.Task culture : It is used in the organization where teams are formed in order to solve thespecific problems or to complete a project. In task culture, team is made up of 4to 5 memberswho work for the fulfillment of the goal. In this individual with common interest with differentskills and capabilities come together to perform the task. Due to task culture A David andcompany can able to perform their difficult task on the time with efficiency.Person culture : There are culture where the employees feel that they are more importantand above the organization. In such a case employee come office for earning money and neverget attached to the business due to which organization suffer huge loss. Organization should notgive their employees so that comfort that they think they are above the enterprise. They maketheir worker understand organization come first and everything later on. Due to this employeesof A David and company start working for only themselves not for benefit of the organization.They always prioritize their requirement above the business which harm the productivity andperformance.From the above discussion , it is known that every culture has there own merits anddemerits respective organization should adopt it on the basis of their internal environment.Politics : Politics is the activity which an individual perform in the premises to enhancetheir power in the organization. People use politics in their working so that they can get attentionand appreciation from their seniors (Del and Rodríguez, 2011). This kind of politics helpemployee to get future benefit in some way. Due to politics in the work place employees who areperforming their work with the full dedication and passion without involving in any wrongful
Organization Behavior - A David and company Assignment_4

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