
Culture, Power and Politics Affects Organizational Behaviour : Assignment


Added on  2020-07-23

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisational Behaviour
Culture, Power and Politics Affects Organizational Behaviour : Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1a). Use of Handy's cultural typology...........................................................................................1b). Culture, power and politics affects behaviour within BBC...................................................2M1 How culture, power and politics affects organizational behaviour......................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3a). Content and procedure theories of motivation.......................................................................3b). Motivational techniques improves effectiveness of teams of BBC.......................................6c). Improved levels of motivations within British Broadcasting Corporation............................6M2 Evaluate behaviour of others by applying different motivational theories..........................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7a) Explain different type of teams in context of BBC.................................................................7b) Tuckman model for team development..................................................................................8M3 Analyse team and group development theories....................................................................9TASK4...........................................................................................................................................10a) & b) Organisation theory and concept and barriers which affect performance of BBC.......10M4 Evaluate concept and theories of organisational behaviour...............................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Culture, Power and Politics Affects Organizational Behaviour : Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour plays most important role in all kind of business enterprises.With the help of this concept, company can easily determine behaviour of its employees as wellas managers (Alfes and et. al., 2013). Also, it assists in organization in identifying working stylesand current performance of its workers so that it can provide them appropriate training programto them so that they can improve their performance. It is highly important for all companies tomanage their business environment otherwise they can not accomplish their desired goals andobjectives. In order to manage their working environment they can take hep of various tools adtechniques. with the help of organisational behaviour concept company can easily determinebehaviour, nature, working style and performance of an individual (Bird, Saalfeld and Wüst,2010). This project report is based on, British Broadcasting Corporation which is known as mostsuccessful broadcasting company of United Kingdom. In this report, it has been evaluated thathow culture, politics and power influence impact on individual's behaviour within work place.Ways of motivating people and teams has been determined so that they can accomplish desiredresults of this company. At last, different concepts and philosophies of OB has beendemonstrated. TASK 1a). Use of Handy's cultural typologyBusiness enterprise is that place where many individual come and work together forachieving some common goals which are know as organizational obstructives. Each and everyemployee of company have their own working style and culture. So, it is highly important for allbusiness enterprises to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of its all employees so that itcan identity their actual skills as well as working abilities. Apart from this, company should alsotake help of various tools and techniques through which it can easily improve the current skillsand abilities, also can motivate them to contribute more on organizational growth anddevelopment (Farndale, Hope-Hailey and Kelliher, 2011). In present scenario, marketcompetition is increasing day by day so, it has become major task of all companies to conductthose training programs to improve the efficiency as well as effectiveness of employees so thatthey can operate business activities in most effective manner which will helps company inachieving its desired results as well as competitive advantage. There are various organisational1
Culture, Power and Politics Affects Organizational Behaviour : Assignment_3

culture which are carried out by British Broadcasting Corporation. According to Handy's culturaltypology working performance and organisational culture of organisation interlinks with eachother. As per this concept, there are four major organisational culture which are follows as under:Power culture: According to this concept, organisation should allocates all the power, duties andresponsibilities as per the individual's capabilities and skills. By following this culture, companycan operates its different business activities and practices in most effective and systematicmanner. Also, it assist in developing good working environment within work place whichencourage staff members to perform their roles and responsibilities in proper manner. Task culture: It is that organisational culture, in which superiors make effective teams of thosepeople who have high skills and abilities, then allocates them tasks as per their capabilities. Byfollowing this kind of organizational culture organization can encourage its employees toimprove their working style and performance. With the help of this culture, BBC can easilyachieve its desired goals and objectives in appropriate manner (Pentecost and Andrews, 2010). Person culture: It is that kind of business culture, in which employees of company getscompared by their colleagues. This is the best method through which organization can force itswork force to enhance their current skills and abilities. So, it is most effective culture which canbe adopted by company to improve efficiency and effectiveness of its workplace. Role culture: In this type of organisational culture, business enterprise allocates roles andresponsibilities to its workers as per their position. So, that they can operate them in appropriatemanner. Hence, these are the main organisational cultures which helps company in improving itscurrent market position and achieving its desired results. Currently, British BroadcastingCorporation is following task as well as role culture. According to the Smith Report, BBC culture directly impacts on its employees due to thisthey cannot able to perform their operations in a effective manner. Within the organisation hasdone several negative things with staff members such as sex crime, illegal activities,discrimination and so more. Thus, employers of the BBC company seeks to be develop goal andtasks oriented working environment so that every staff members will significantly perform theiroperations with better quality. 2
Culture, Power and Politics Affects Organizational Behaviour : Assignment_4

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