
(solved) Organisational Behaviour of 4com Plc


Added on  2020-10-05

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPsychology
(solved) Organisational Behaviour of 4com Plc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Power, culture and politics influence behaviour of team and individual...............................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2 Process and content theories of motivation enable achievement of organisational goals......3TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P3 Factors which makes a team effective as compare to ineffective teams................................5TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8P4 Philosophies and concepts of organisation behaviour............................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONConcept of organisation behaviour include study of human behaviour at workplace. Itconsists identification and examination of every element that have an impact on performance ofemployees at workplace (Al-Zu’bi, 2010). Feature of this study is that it helps managers informulating effective strategies which help in maximise the employee’s contribution and successand growth of company. To maximise employee’s performance there should be propercommunication at workplace as this bring cooperation and improve overall performance ofenterprise. 4com plc, a technology firm is taken in this report for study. Various elements such asculture, politics and power which have a great impact on performance and behaviour ofemployees working in an enterprise is given in this report. Various theories of motivation whichcan be use by company to improve the motivation level of workers and various type of teamsworking in enterprise is all given in this. In addition to this, various concepts and theories oforganisation behaviour is all mentioned in this report.TASK 1P1 Power, culture and politics influence behaviour of team and individualCulture: This aspect reflects the shared values and beliefs by all individuals working in acompany. It helps in determine how management of enterprise reflect to the external elements.Culture exist in an organisation largely affect the behaviour of teams and individuals ofenterprise as this make them aware about their roles and responsibilities and also guide themwhat need to be done in which manner (Ali, 2010). Various types of cultures exist at workplaceand its impact of employee’s performance can be understood by the Handy’s culture.Power culture: This is a type of culture in which power remain in hands of few people workingin enterprise. Only those individuals take decisions and decide what need to be done and otherpeople remain responsible to follow the same. Disadvantage of this type of culture is that underthis individual are only judged on what they achieve rather than how they perform in company(DeChurch and Mesmer-Magnus, 2010). It is very essential for managers of 4com plc to ensurethat power should be distributed among all individuals fairly as this improve performance ofindividuals and other teams. Opposite of this, unclear distribution of power demotivatesemployees and give rise to negative work environment. Task culture: This is another type of organisation culture in this teams are developed toperson specific functions at workplace or to find an effective solution of problems arising in1
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organisation. This culture mainly emphasis more on completion of tasks in appropriate mannerthat’s why teams are formed. This type of culture improves performance of employees as theyknown that they are together to complete a given task. Person culture: Under this culture, every individual see himself or herself as unique tothe company. Company is view as collection of different kind of workers who do efforts toachieve set goals. Role culture: This organisation culture is based on rules in this, every employee hasknowledge about their specific roles at workplace. Position of an individual in organisationdetermine his power (Haslam and et.al., 2014). Disadvantage of this organisation culture is thatit creates unnecessary delays and make the work more lengthy. All these are the main type of culture. From all of the above task culture is best for 4complc as with this company can perform all its specific tasks. Power: Person’s ability to influence the actions and decision of other individuals isknown as power (Paillé and Grima, 2011). Mainly this reflect an individual’s capacity to affectthe worker’s behaviour at workplace with help of various resources. Types of powerReward power: This power is the manager’s ability to control the rewards and offerincentives to employees in company. Mainly under this manager offer promotion, compensationand other benefits to employees on basis of their performance. This type of power affectperformance of workers in positive manner.Coercive power: This is another type of power and this is based on the ability of manager tocause an unpleasant experience to individuals who work in company. In company this can be athreat of demotion, fire, decrement in compensation of employees who perform different roles atworkplace. This power decrease employee’s morale and affect their performance in negativemanner so this kind of power should not be there at 4Com plc.Legitimate power: Individual’s position in organisation is the basis of this kind of power. Inthis one individual has a power to influence the behaviour of other individual. Both individualsagree that one has right to affect the behaviour of another. Power and authority is delegated todifferent member working company in different position.Politics: Another element that have a great impact on employee’s and team behaviour atworkplace is workplace politics. It reflects the procedure of human interactions and behaviour2
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