
Organisational Change And Its Features - Report


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementClassroom DevelopmentPolitical Science
Understanding andLeading Change
Organisational Change And Its Features - Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Compare different organisational examples how changes impact on an organisation’sstrategy and operations................................................................................................................3M1 Drivers for change in each example and types of organisational change they affected.......6D1 Conclusions and recommendations with valid justifications for planning changeeffectively....................................................................................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P2. The internal and external drivers for change that affect leadership. Team and individualbehaviour within organisation.....................................................................................................7P3 Measures to minimize negative impact of change on organisational behaviour...................9M2 Appropriate theories and models to evaluate organisational response to change..............11TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11P4. Barriers to change and their influence on leadership decision making..............................11M3 Use force field analysis to analyse the driving and resisting forces and show how theyinfluence decision-making. .....................................................................................................13D2 Critically evaluate the use of force field analysis in meeting organisational objectives.....13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14P5. Apply different leadership approaches to deal with the changes in the range oforganisational context...............................................................................................................14D3 Evaluate effectiveness of leadership approaches and model of change management........15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17INTRODUCTIONChange management is the broad and constant procedure which manages change oforganisational objectives,vision and mission that has to be achieved within a period of time. The
Organisational Change And Its Features - Report_2

primary objective of applying change in the organisation is to formulate the strategies whichhelps in effective decision making process so that the management can control the change andadopt it in the most significant manner. To sustain the business in the competitive era and to holdlarge market share organisation must focus on exercising the change in the organisations. Thisreport is based on the chosen association Mark and Spenser which is the multinational brandswhich deals in the retail sectors and is known for selling high quality clothing brands. This reportdepends on effect or impact on change in technique and activities. In additionally incorporatesinner and outer drivers that influences initiative styles from group and individual conduct. Itadditionally incorporates significant estimates that aides in end of negative impacts withhindrances of progress with their effect on administration and basic leadership process. Finally itincorporates different leadership methodologies in different hierarchical setting.TASK 1P1 Compare different organisational examples how changes impact on an organisation’s strategyand operations.Organisational strategy can be understand by those activities which is implementing byan organisation in order to accomplish their long term business goals(Thomas, et. al., 2013).While developing the business strategies an organisation must evaluate its present strategies toits target strategies and then they adopt some required in the organisation. Implementing thechanges are necessary for Mark and Spencer as it helps them to attract more customers in theirproducts which results high profitability. New changes and new strategies will helps them toprovide a great customer base to them as they are producing their products according to the latesttrend. For better understanding the operations and strategies, some organisational examples arecompared with each other. The chosen organisations are M&S and their rival Burberry, theirorganisational operations and strategies are given below:M&S Burberry Politicalchange After Brexit, UK have to face variouschanges in political environment. Thevarious rules, regulations, and policiesare implemented on the variousindustries which affects themgreatly(van der Voet, Kuipers andAs Burberry is also leading in UK andits is also affected by Brexit in anegative manner which leads theorganisation in a less profitability andincome. For overcoming this situationthey need to changes their strategies
Organisational Change And Its Features - Report_3

Groeneveld, 2015). Also, these rulesand regulations have great affect onthe strategies and operations of theM&S so company have to adopt newchanges in their strategies andoperations which are described below:Strategies: Previously, M&S uses thehigh pricing strategies for attainingthe more profits but now companyhave to changes their pricingstrategies for attracting morecustomers towards their products.This strategy will surely helps them tocover huge customer base,sustainability in the market, andcompete their competitors.Operations: M&S is now moreconcern about their operationalactivities. For this, company hasincrease their social presence so morepeople able to know about theirproducts and offers. This will helpsthem to attract more customer in theirproducts. Moreover, they are trying toreduce the cost of their products sothey able to deliver the products atlesser price but they are also concernthat the quality of their products willbe sustain, that will be not decreasewith the decreasing of productspricing (Brown, 2012).and operations in order to maintaintheir profitability and sustainability.The changes in strategies andoperations of Burberry are as follow: Strategies: As Burberry is leading inthe luxury products due to which theirproducts pricing are very higher. AfterBrexit, economy of the UK constantlygoing in downfall position because ofthis people do not prefer to buy thehigher price products. In this case, forpreventing themselves from going in adownfall position they have to adoptskimming pricing strategy in whichpricing of the products are lesser thenthe previous pricing but the quality ofthe products remains same. This willhelp them to maintain their customersbase and profitability.Operation: For maintaining theirprofitability and customer base,Burberry have to changes theiroperational activities according topolitical changes. For attracting a largecustomers they are focussing on theimplementing new innovations andtechnologies in their productionactivities so that they can enhance theirproductivity and can less their cost.Also, they are adopting some effectiveways for saving their extra cost like
Organisational Change And Its Features - Report_4

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