
Organizational Behavior & Team Dynamics


Added on  2020-07-22

16 Pages4352 Words34 Views
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior & Team Dynamics_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3PART 1............................................................................................................................................3TASK 1........................................................................................................................................3Task 2...........................................................................................................................................5PART 2..........................................................................................................................................10Task 3.........................................................................................................................................10Task 4.........................................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behavior can be defined as activities of management where managers understand, predict and make effective control over behavior of individuals so that they be loyal towards the brand and sustain in the firm for longer duration. Present report is based on BBC new broadcasting house (Bolman and Deal, 2017). Company has created healthy workplace environment where people like to work. Current assignment will discuss organizational culture in BBC. Furthermore, it will explain impact of culture, power and politics on individual’s behavior. In addition, study will evaluate effectiveness of motivational techniques to improve team performance. Barriers to effective performance will be explained in this report. PART 1TASK 1P1 Earlier organizational culture of BBCOrganizational culture can be defined as set of assumptions, beliefs which influence the behaviorof employees in the workplace (Pinder, 2014). Every firm has its own culture and beliefs and accordingly entity guides and treats its workers. Handy has given model of organizational culture. According to this model firms can have four types of culture; power, role, task and person. Power culture: It is the type of culture in which power of decision making is in the hand of few higher authorities only. They are the person those who make decisions for the further operations of entity (March, 2013). They are essential part of business units and decision maker on an entity. They allocate responsibilities to all workers as per their capabilities and skills. In such type of culture employees have no power to say anything. They just have to follow instruction of their seniors. Power culture bound the employees to follow rules and regulations, these people can not share their views with management (Lammers and Hickson, 2013).Task culture: It is another type of culture in which task is the main consideration aspect for the higher authorities. In such type of culture two or four people work together as team in order to complete the task in effective manner within specified period of time.
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Higher authorities pay more attention on completion of task and innovative ideas rather than strict rules and regulations (Besharov and Smith, 2014).Person culture: It is the type of culture in which employees pay attention on their own rather than firm. Employees are not loyal towards the firm and they work in the organization just for the money. In such type of culture if competitor gives them more salaries then staff members can leave their jobs easily (Baicker, Cutler and Song, 2017).Role culture: It is another type of culture in which managers allocate work to the employees as per their capability, qualification and interest. In such type of culture people feel motivated and they accept challenges. This culture believes that power come with responsibility so everyone is required to fulfill their responsibility effectively (Schaufeli and Taris, 2014). Earlier BBC were having power culture where higher authorities were decision makers and employees were not having any rights to discuss any issue with management. All staff members had to complete their allotted work by following instruction of higher authorities. At that time if the person has any issue then they were not able to discuss their problems with management (Barlow and et.al, 2016). Smith observed that people are demotivated and not loyal towards the brand. As per the given case scenario it is analyzed the earlier culture of BBC was not good. Staff members were bulling and harass by others. In such condition people were becoming negative towards the brand and if they complain against the person who makes troublefor employees them their complain even not listen by the management. In such condition it becomes difficult for the employees to sustain in the market for longer duration. b) Influence of culture, power and politics on individual’s behaviorCulture, power and politics have high impact on business performance and behavior of employees. BBC has made changes in its working process which has supported in making peopleloyal and make them happy in the organization. In the past few years BBC was having power culture. Due to this culture employees were not happy in the workplace. They were thinking to leave their job soon (Morgenroth, Ryan and Peters, 2015). It was because management were not having any concern for their workers. Under the direction of direct -general since summer 2015 BBC has decided to change its culture. Such type culture was having positive impact as well because following rules and regulations helps in reducing conflict situation in the workplace. Butdue to power culture people were not satisfied with the brand and they think to leave their job
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