
Personal and Professional Development- PDF


Added on  2020-10-04

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Professional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityTeacher DevelopmentPhilosophy
Personal and Professional Development- PDF_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Approaches of self-managed learning..............................................................................11.2 Ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional context can be encouraged atTravelodge Hotel....................................................................................................................21.3 Benefits of Self-managed learning...................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Evaluating current skills and competencies against profession standards andorganizational objectives........................................................................................................52.2 Development need and activities required to meet above professional standards andorganizational objectives........................................................................................................72.3 Development opportunities to meet current and future needs; Opportunities availableinside and outside the hotel to improve skill development needs..........................................82.4 Personal and professional plan based on the identified needs by focusing on skills needed,how to develop them and when to develop those skills.........................................................9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................113.1 processes and activities required to implement develop development plan...................113.2 Document development activities as planned................................................................123.3 Critically reflect learning against original aim and objectives set in development plan133.4 Update development plan prepared before based on evaluation and feedbacks............13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................154.2 Communication in variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels..............164.1 Solution to work based problems...................................................................................164.3 Use of effective time management strategies.................................................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19Appendix-1....................................................................................................................................21Traffic light skill audit..........................................................................................................21
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Personal and Professional Development- PDF_3

INTRODUCTIONPersonal and professional development helps us to manage our own growth and learning throughout our lives and career. It isvery much important to develop, boost, improve and learn new things, knowledge and skills to ensure that our work is done in aneffective, efficient, safe and legal manner. It is important to keep our knowledge up to date accordingly so that we do not fall behindboth personally and professionally (Cunningham, 2017). This assignment will lay emphasis on Travelodge Hotel case study withvarious tasks such as different self-managed learning and which is suitable for the hotels staff, purpose of lifelong learning, benefits ofself-managed learning, evaluating our own current skills and competencies and development needs and activities to meet the requiredskills, development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs, personal and professional development plan, processes andactivities to implement the development plan, solution to all employee turnover rate, communicating changes to various levels oforganization, using effective time management techniques. All the above points have been discussed in details in this assignment. TASK 11.1 Approaches of self-managed learningSelf-managed learning can be defined as different ways an individual can use to acquire knowledge from their surrounding orfrom their work place (Bennett, 2017). It is important for an individual to enhance their knowledge that can be used to achieve goalsof an organization. There are different approaches to self-managed learning that can be used for employees in various ways such as:Coaching: Managers can attending coaching which will help them to improve their current skills, learn and develop new skills(Cowan and Peacock, 2017). This approach has its own advantages as well as some disadvantages:Advantages: We can identify all the flaws and mistakes we commit normally by attending coaching centres. This will help us to boostand improve our skills as well as develop new skillsDisadvantages: Main disadvantage of coaching is that we need to give proper and fixed time in order to attend coaching classes and iffor any reason we miss our classes then it will be a disadvantage.1
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Observation: One of the basic self-learning approach is observation. We can learn new things, improve our skills by observingothers. This will also help us to understand all the areas that will help us to understand all the flaws in ourselves.Pros and Cons: One of the biggest disadvantage of observation approach is that there is no way to know whether the things we willlearn are correct or not.Research: Research is also an effective self-learning approach that can be used for learning and improving our basic skills andlearning new things.Internet or Online: Internet is one of the most important approach that can be used by individual for self-managed learning. Itprovides different articles, books etc. which can be provided by individuals to boost their knowledge. It provides various informationthat are useful for a person personal and professional development. Even internet learning has its advantages and disadvantages suchas:It is helpful for staff members as well as me to gain vast variety of knowledge and experience from the websites or articles or booksavailable on internet. Different productive information is available on internet which can be gained by people which they can transferand implement in the workplace.Pros and Cons: There is no self-discipline in internet learning as people might from their work and engage in other sort of things.Social networking: It is mostly used by many individuals nowadays as it is a platform where people can easily express theirviews freely with others. Many people from different background express their experiences for others to learn from it (Smilde,Advantages: We can adopt positive attitude from people and learn many things which they can adopt at their work place.Disadvantages: It also has a disadvantage that there is no guarantee that the experiences shared by others are correct or not or whetherthey are applicable in real life or not.Here I will use Research, Observation, online learning approaches for myself and coaching for my staff.2
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1.2 Ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional context can be encouraged at Travelodge HotelLifelong learning is also a self-motivated learning for both personal and professional reasons. It helps in enhancement of self-sustainability, personal development, competitiveness, active citizenship and employability (Lifelong learning, 2019). It can enhanceour understanding of the world around us as well as provides us with more and better opportunities in order to improve our quality oflife .There are many ways lifelong learning can be encouraged at Travelodge Hotel like:By allowing employees to self-direct their learning: Instead of directing employees of what they should learn they should be askedthat what they actually want to learn. This way managers will be able to take advantage of their employee’s personal interest byencouraging then to self-direct their learning (Jõgi, Karu and Krabi, 2015).Learning goals should be made equivalent important as performance goals: As it is already known that employees have limitedtime to learn anything so it is quite natural that learning will come under work goals shadow. In fact learning should be a permanentpart of performance goals (Jõgi, Karu and Krabi, 2015).Using casual learning check-ins: one of the most simple and cost-efficient way of encouraging lifelong learning in a hotel employeeis to take interest. People should be given an opportunity to share their observation and learning with others from the activity theyhave attended (Jõgi, Karu and Krabi, 2015). These check-ins help us to understand how an employee has been growing andunderstanding through their work and training. Weekly department meeting can be conducted organization wide where employees willbe asked about their learning and understanding.Employees should be connected with inspirational mentors: Mentorship programmes should be used to encourage employees to belifelong learners. This program involves involving more experienced employee to interact with other employees so that they candiscuss their views, challenges, ambition etc. for the growth of their carrier. It has some advantages such as it helps employees tobecome comfortable with their seniors or industry experts which eventually help them to boost their knowledge. But it also has some3
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